SteveKlinko wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 7:18 amIf the Universe was Static, it means there must be a counter acting force to keep the Universe from collapsing in on itself. Or maybe there would have to be just enough Expansion to counteract the motion that the force of Gravity imparts to the Matter. This seems unlikely...
Likely in my opinion, is that the qualitative properties that are visible in life are applicable in the Universe.
The most complex thing in the universe
Biocosmology: the birth of a new science? We went from the commonly-held perspective that the cosmos has the biggest contribution to entropy and diversity, with our planet contributing effectively nothing, to instead seeing the entropy and diversity embedded in life on earth as dwarfing the contribution from cosmological entities. ... -auid-2110
On what basis would you consider a force such as Gravity to stand on its own (i.e. purely physical) and thus a factor by which 'all' (the Universe as a finite totality) expands or collapses?
You specifically mention that you do not subscribe to a physicalist (materialism) perspective, however, you did write the following as ground for an explanation of sensory conscious experience:
SteveKlinko wrote: ↑April 18th, 2022, 8:25 am"Today it is clear that there is a causality trajectory from the Physical World to the Conscious World and not the other way around."
The reality of the situation is that the Neural Activity in the Brain causes or produces in some way the Redness Experience.
The Big Bang theory (originally named
Cosmic Egg theory) implies that the finite Universe has a start in time as if it came from a cosmic egg, corresponding with a moment of creation.
Albert Einstein mentioned the following about it:
"This is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation to which I have ever listened," he said, and called his own theory the biggest blunder of his career.
Albert Einstein's theory provided a basis for an
infinite Universe.
Albert Einstein Debunked the Big Bang Theory
A document that was recently recovered in Jerusalem shows that Albert Einstein debunked the idea of Big Bang theory and initially believed that, in an expanding universe, the density of the matter must be constant, resulting in an actual infinite Universe without a begin. ... ng-theory/
The official story (in magazines) is that Albert Einstein was not a fan of his theory and was forced to admit that he made a mistake due to observations made by Edwin Hubble in 1929. The existence of an alternative theory for explaining
redshift combined with the recently recovered papers that show that he actively tried to restore his theory for an infinite Universe (and in which he habitually misspelled the name of Edwin Hubble as Hubbel in 1931,
two years later) could refute that.
The official story does not seem to be correct.
If Albert Einstein was not forced by Hubble's discoveries to give up his theory for an infinite Universe, then why?
What might have been Albert Einstein's motive for doing the following:
- come up with a theory for an infinite Universe that has now been shown to be correct
- call that theory his "biggest blunder" and help
promote the theory of a Catholic priest friend who states that the Universe began in a "Cosmic Egg".
Einstein's 'Biggest Blunder' Turns Out to Be Right ... turns.html