When did the universe begin?
At the Zero Hour, Time has no relative, numerical value; the Zero-0 Hour acting as a holding place, for the First Single Moment of Time to have a relative, a numerical value of One-1, a holding place for First Cause, the uncaused cause, that began the march of measurable Time.
Time at the Zero-0 Hour existing as an undifferentiated Singularity, having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada; Time being eternal, everlasting; the spatial-temporal framework, the relativity of Time and Space, Space-Time, not in existence.
-- Updated November 11th, 2015, 11:05 am to add the following --
The Reality of Everything born of Cause and Effect, the end result of an orderly process, is naturally necessary.
The existence of a Reality born of Illusion is unnecessary, unnatural, that does not exist as the end result of an orderly process; suffering born Illusion being unnecessarily Evil.
Existence, the Universe being naturally born of the orderly system of Chaos, Chaotic Determinism, being born of the Space-Time continuum, cause and effect, is naturally necessary.
Motion prior to the Zero-0 Hour, had no velocity of Speed and Direction.
Motion, existing only as the negligible inner innate motion; a Singularity of Zero-0, having no relative numerical value being the generator of Pure Unadulterated Heat Energy, the Passion, the negligible innate inner motion existing within each of the untold number, quantity, of Fully Random Singular Omnipresent Microcosms existing within the Omnipotent Singular Macrocosm of the Transcendental (Metaphysical) Fully Random State of Singularity.
Order, did not exist in the Beginning, at the Zero-0 Hour.
The Term Order is based upon Orderly Motion.
Without displacement, angular momentum, velocity of speed and direction, our understanding of motion does not exist.
-- Updated November 11th, 2015, 12:06 pm to add the following --
Platos stepchild wrote;
All the universal clock proves is there was a time-and-place, when-and-where information wasn't hidden inside a state-of-entropy.
Wayne wrote; True!
The Universe did not exist as a young Universe, at the Zero-0 Hour, there being not such thing as amorphous plasma until after the Zero-0 Hour, until Time had begun.
It is the state-of-entropy that is referred being the Order that existed at the Zero-0 Hour; Motion within the state-of-entropy having no velocity of speed and direction, no angular momentum, existing without displacement.
At the point, moment, that Time and Space became relative, the when and where information was no longer Sacred, Secret, Hidden, mute, was made manifest.