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Discuss any topics related to metaphysics (the philosophical study of the principles of reality) or epistemology (the philosophical study of knowledge) in this forum.
By Fan of Science
There are different geometries, and not all of them are likely to be an accurate reference to objective reality. Math is not empirical. Geometry is not logic, it is a branch of mathematics. Mathematical reasoning gave rise to logic, not the other way around.
By Paradigmer
Fan of Science wrote:There are different geometries, and not all of them are likely to be an accurate reference to objective reality. Math is not empirical. Geometry is not logic, it is a branch of mathematics. Mathematical reasoning gave rise to logic, not the other way around.

For example, the systems of epitrochoid cycle (geometry) used in geocentrism is not an accurate reference to objective reality at all, and in fact it suffers foundational crisis that resulted in all sort of physical paradoxes. Nonetheless, despite not really empirically at all, they are valid for their pragmatic theory of truth for predicting events very precisely, such as on apparent retrograde motion of planet, precession cycle, equinox, and solstice.
By Wayne92587
Fan of Science ; In math, we have knowledge of all sorts of things that have no empirical reference. Like the concept of infinity. That's knowledge, without any empirical basis. So, yes, knowledge can exist without any empirical basis for it.
Not all mathematics is part of the Math of the Universe, is not God’s Math.

God Math, the Mathematics involved in the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything that exists in the material, physical, empirical sense of the Word, is based upon a Singularity having a dual quality, 0/1 and a quantity there of, involves the addition, subtraction, the multiplication and division of a Singularity having a dual quality, 0/1.

There are no Imaginary numbers in God’s Math; the math of the Universe does however include fractals, Fractions, a Faction in which the numerator is less than or equal to the denominator is a real number, unless for whatever reason the numerator become greater than the denominator, in which case said Fractal, Fraction becomes Irrational, is no longer a real number.

If you would like I can give you a visual example of What an entity that is Infinity look like.

Take eight mirrors and form an octagon with the reflective side to the inside.

Place a dot on One of the mirrors; observe the dot from just the right angle and a series of dots will appear in the mirror, each dot becoming smaller and smaller to the point where the dot is not loner continuously visible, becomes Infinite.

The motion of a Singularity is meaningless, the existence or non-existence being Uncertain.

An Infinite entity not being readily apparent, not being measurable as to location and Momentum in Space-Time.

It was never my intent to become involved in Priori Knowledge.
I do not believe that anyone has provided the definition of Priori Knowledge, especially myself.
I have simply been stumbling around in the dark looking to attain an understanding of exactly what? Priori Knowledge is.

I would hazard a guess, that the knowledge of the Mathematics of the Universe, God Math, to be priori knowledge, of a Singularity having a dual quality. 0/1

-- Updated July 22nd, 2017, 10:15 am to add the following --

A change in my thoughts on Priori Knowledge.

The workings of the Mathematical Universe is digital;0/1.

Priori Knowledge, the Knowledge of a Reality that is not born of experience, exists a compendium of all human events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred, believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the etheric plane. There are anecdotal accounts but no scientific evidence for existence of the Akashic records. is the Sanskrit word for "aether" or "atmosphere". Also, in Hindi, Akash means "sky" or "heaven".

Prior knowledge is born of a Single Source, while Empirical Knowledge has many Sources, is born of somewhere far-out in left field.

The Single Source of Priori Knowledge is a omnipresent, is 'ancient.

Empirical Knowledge is born to satisfy the desires of the Flesh Body, while Priori Knowledge exists with the intent of Satisfy the Spirit, the Soul, is omnipresent and omniscient is part of the infinite Universe, the Reality of Everything that exists in the Material, Physical sense of the Word.

It could be said that Priori Knowledge is born of the mind of God, is Devine Knowledge.

IT must be understood that my thoughts on Priori Knowledge will change.

-- Updated July 28th, 2017, 12:39 pm to add the following --

Numbers simply represent a quantity of Singular objects, each having a dual quality of 0/1.

Mathematics exists as a system in which any number of objects is represented as a Number, quantity of objects.

The Universe is ruled by an orderly system of Chaos that has been brought to order by a specific system of mathematics, the Decimal System of Mathematics based upon an unspoken of quantity of a Singularities, each having a dual quality of 0/1.

Numbers as used in the Decimal system of Mathematics.

A Random Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value Zero-0, as an affect born of displacement, was spontaneously, converted into a Singularity having relative, a numerical value of One-1.

The Universe born of a system of Chaos, had its beginning as the result of the displacement of a Random Singularity of Zero-0 being Transfigured, converted, into the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical value of One-1, the Reality of First Cause.

As the result of having been of displaced a Singularity of Zero-0 attained angular momentum, velocity of speed and direction became Readily Apparent, became measurable as to Location and momentum in what was to become Space-Time.

The Universe born of a system of Chaos as it was slowly brought to order by way of the Decimal System,

No Chaos no order, order only existing amongst the Chaos, as the Universe is brought to order.

The order of the decimal system resulting in the collation of the Universe as a Whole.

The System of Chaos being born of the transfiguration of a Singularity of Zero-0, a Singularity of Zero-0 being reborn a Singularity of One-1, resulting in the birth of Decimal System of Mathematics, 0/1.

A Singularity of Zero-0 alone in the Emptiness of Infinite Time and Space being meaningless simply because a Singularity Zero-0 is motionless, exists without displacement, without angular momentum, without velocity of Speed and Direction, is dead in the water, is simply not readily apparent, is not measurable as to location and momentum within the Infinite Nature of either Time or Space each existing as a Singularity within the Nothingness that existed prior to the creation of the Reality of First Cause.

First Cause being the First Singularity of Zero-0 to attain a relative value, to be converted into a Singularity to have relative a Numerical value of One-1.

-- Updated July 28th, 2017, 12:44 pm to add the following --

Numbers simply represent a quantity of Singular objects, each having a dual quality of 0/1.

Mathematics exists as a system in which any number of objects is represented as a Number, quantity of objects.

The Universe is ruled by an orderly system of Chaos that has been brought to order by a specific system of mathematics, the Decimal System of Mathematics based upon an unspoken of quantity of a Singularities, each having a dual quality of 0/1.

Numbers as used in the Decimal system of Mathematics.

A Random Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value Zero-0, as an affect born of displacement, was spontaneously, converted into a Singularity having relative, a numerical value of One-1.

The Universe born of a system of Chaos, had its beginning as the result of the displacement of a Random Singularity of Zero-0 being Transfigured, converted, into the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical value of One-1, the Reality of First Cause.

As the result of having been of displaced a Singularity of Zero-0 attained angular momentum, velocity of speed and direction became Readily Apparent, became measurable as to Location and momentum in what was to become Space-Time.

The Universe born of a system of Chaos as it was slowly brought to order by way of the Decimal System,

No Chaos no order, order only existing amongst the Chaos, as the Universe is brought to order.

The order of the decimal system resulting in the collation of the Universe as a Whole.

The System of Chaos being born of the transfiguration of a Singularity of Zero-0, a Singularity of Zero-0 being reborn a Singularity of One-1, resulting in the birth of Decimal System of Mathematics, 0/1.

A Singularity of Zero-0 alone in the Emptiness of Infinite Time and Space being meaningless simply because a Singularity Zero-0 is motionless, exists without displacement, without angular momentum, without velocity of Speed and Direction, is dead in the water, is simply not readily apparent, is not measurable as to location and momentum within the Infinite Nature of either Time or Space as they each exist within the Emptiness, the Nothingness, a Great Void, that existed prior to the creation of the Reality of First Cause.

First Cause being the First Singularity of Zero-0 to attain a relative value, to be converted into a Singularity to have relative a Numerical value of One-1.

-- Updated July 28th, 2017, 2:56 pm to add the following --

Paradigmer I do not argue against the Reality of unisonal interactions.

The only point begin is that before the beginning moment of Creation, Singularity only had the potential of having a dual quality, having unisonal interaction.
A singularity alone in the Emptiness of the Great Void, the Nothingness, existed as a Singularity having no relative, numerical value,
having a numerical value of nada, zip, zilch, nothing, Zero-0.

-- Updated July 29th, 2017, 10:27 am to add the following --

The Unisonal evolution mechanism, "The System of Chaos", came into existence as the result of metamorphic change, the rebirth, the Transfiguration in the priori singularity of Nothingness, Zero-0.

The Priori Knowledge of an Infinite Singularity that had no relative, numerical value, that had a numerical value of "Zero-0", that had no mass, a Singularity of Zero-0 as the result of displacenent was transfigured, converted into a Singularity of One-1, as an affect, was converted into the Reality of First Cause.
Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
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By Troglodyte

1. A bachelor is a single person.
2. A single person is not married.
Therefore, a bachelor is not married.

I don't think anyone would particularly quarrel with the validity and soundness of this argument. The question is whether it constitutes true knowledge.

1. Dragons have fire in their belly.
2. Fire is hot.
Therefore, dragons have something hot in their belly.

This argument is logically so similar to the above bachelor argument that.....

1. I agree. The logic is impeccable.

2. The further argument that Premise 1 corresponds to reality from experience & Premise 2 to unreality from experience (or lack of encountering it) -- is also impeccable.

3. But here's the thing -- even in arriving at such conclusions, Woody is using some axiomatic concepts. Without arguing denominational meanings (bachelor can be called buffalo) -- we are already avoiding what in Logic is called the Law of Contradictions.

As HB Joseph puts it in the Introduction to Logic -- We cannot think contradictory propositions, because we see that a thing cannot have at once and not have the same character; and a necessity of thought is really the apprehension of a necessity in the being of things. . . . The Law of Contradiction then is metaphysical or ontological.

4. So while knowledge itself must be verified by experience and logic. The capacity for experience and logic is innate, not necessarily a priori.

Which explains the tree bending toward the sun.

Since life processes are a continuum -- and not a religious/mystical break from living to non living -- the capacity for innate experience is also a continuum.

"Knowledge" on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.

If attached to consciousness, as I think it must be, the greater the level of consciousness, the greater the ability to verify it with logic and a wider range of experiences. These experiences are now both merely felt from the environment and created.
By Wayne92587
Logic as a purveyor of the Truth is fallacious.

-- Updated August 1st, 2017, 6:23 am to add the following --

Logic in its attempt to bring order to the chaos of the Mind, as to the existence, the Reality of One's Priori Knowledge, is an attempt to glean Knowledge of Reality from right out of Thin Air, from somewhere
far-out in left field, a Rationalization, is to eat of the Tree of Knowledge having a dual quality, the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Absolutely Bad Knowledge easily mistaken to be Absolutely Good Knowledge, Knowledge of what is on the Mind of God.

-- Updated August 2nd, 2017, 11:03 am to add the following --

Some go to the extreme of declaring that Material, Physical, Reality exists only in the mind, that Reality does not exist until man has knowledge of said Reality; meaning Reality is not required to be experienced in order to exist, that Reality itself exists as Priori Knowledge.

Understanding the nature of Reality is compromised by the confusion as to the meaning of Knowledge itself.

Knowledge, to inter act with, to have intercourse with a specific Reality.
Man having knowledge of a Woman means that he and the Woman are having a sexual relationship, are having Intercourse; meaning that in having knowledge of a Specific Reality that said reality exits in your mind before said Reality can exist on the physical plane, must be readily apparent, have angular momentum, be measurable as to Momentum (Motion) and location within Space-Time; which requires that said Reality be displaced.

In nature, prey that is not readily apparent, is not measurable by the five senses, as to location and momentum in Space-Time will, not be preyed upon by a Predator.

Individuality, Singularity, is the seed of a all Living Things which is defined as being anything, the Reality of Everything, that exists in the material, physical sense of the Word, even a rock.

-- Updated August 10th, 2017, 8:20 pm to add the following --

Knowledge spoken of as being Sacred, secret, hidden knowledge, Myth, Astrology, Religion, Ancient Knowledge, is Priori Knowledge which can not be understood through experience.
Priori Knowledge can only be understood, experienced in the Mind. Sacred, the Priori Knowledge of Reality only being experienced in the Mind, simply because the Knowledge of said Reality is of Reality is of a Reality that does not exist in the Physical, Materials sense of the word, to exist, to Be.

Sacred Knowledge such a the Knowledge of God, as spoken of in Myth, results in said Knowledge of God's Reality being an abomination, Hog Wash, B.S.; being at best, only a half-Truth, a Lie, fallacious, duplicitous, Deceptive, the cause of a great deal of Unnecessary Suffering, Evil, if not properly Interpreted.

-- Updated August 12th, 2017, 10:45 am to add the following --

Priori Knowledge; The Sacred, Secret, Hidden, Ancient, Forbidden, Knowledge of the primordial substance and its transmutations which in esoteric circles it is said to explain the secrets of the creation of beings and the knowledge of the causes for all things.

The Sun and the Moon are the only important celestial bodies when it comes to the understanding of Priori Knowledge, the Creation of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of everything that exists in the Material sense of the word, to include even a rock.

An understanding of the relationship between the Sun and the Moon is needed in order to understand God's separation of the Light from the Darkness, the Day from the Night, the moment of Creation.

-- Updated August 12th, 2017, 11:02 am to add the following --

Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
By Andrew
In my view not only is a priori logic possible, it's necessarily the core of any solid paradigm. Though it's irrefutable however, not all of it is automatically believed, to the contrary much of it is fervently resisted, as emotion causes people to repress and deny many things in order to protect irrational blissful ignorance.

A priori logic can't directly say what reality is, it can only directly say what reality isn't, and thus indirectly says what reality is by establishing limits and narrowing the realm of the possible. For instance to say that nothing could be known for certain would itself be a certainty and thus be false, so by this a priori reasoning we can't lazily rest upon uncertainty but rather are ever thrust into exploring the unknown.

We can recognize a priori that something can't come from nothing, spurring us to consider what must have preceded the big bang.

Time can't always have existed since causality only flows in one direction, though many people just believe the words of religious doctrine stating reality has always existed.

This is an excellent example of why a priori knowledge isn't more popular: reality can't originally have arisen from nothing, nor can it always have existed. It can be tempting to accept one of the two aforementioned impossibilities simply to settle the matter in a somewhat tidy manner, but if we're to truly search the truth of it then we must hold tight to other a priori knowledge to guide us, such as...

We can recognize a priori that faith is inherently baseless: one for instance can't have faith in the notion that a married bachelor can't exist because faith necessarily requires uncertainty in order to leap over that uncertainty. Faith can only appeal to the emotion and can't be explained in any logically-coherent way because it's not logically coherent.

We can recognize a priori that infinity doesn't exist since by definition once it's defined or delineated in the slightest then it ceases to be infinity and when you transfer numbers into real terms then there's necessarily delineation as two plus two equals four but two apples plus two oranges doesn't equal four apples. So it's as silly to say that infinity exists as it is to claim the real-life existence of any normal number. This is useful to know as many people's complacency in blissful ignorance revolves partially around notions of infinite abundance that would reasonably follow from the notion of an infinite reality without limits. Recognition of universal scarcity is useful as it helps a person take more responsibility in the same way that too high of an economic universal basic income (or any UBI, depending on your view) would be counterproductive. Of course people defending the notion of infinity will invariably claim we can't presume to grasp or understand (or refute) infinity because the moment you define it then it ceases to be infinity, so again it comes down to faith.

The difficulty of understanding reality may seem paralyzing, but we can recognize a priori that paralysis isn't stasis, for instance not speaking or eating or breathing isn't the absence of action but to the contrary a most extreme action, so it's impossible to just give up and do nothing for a person can only do something.

We can recognize a priori that even if we're so mired in suffering as to feel like throwing our hands up in defeat and giving up on life, still we couldn't give up on the goal of freedom from suffering any more than we could bite our own teeth. We don't need some mirage of universal abundance and eternal heaven to spur us forward, it only distracts; suffering is quite sufficiently a spur in itself.

In this way a priori knowledge serves to deconstruct misunderstanding and thus by narrowing the realm of the possible points towards truth that we can establish deductively and as much as possible upon, perhaps entirely upon, the bedrock of a priori knowledge. In between wishfulness and resignation lies seriousness.
By Wayne92587
Nothingness is simply defined as being Priori Knowledge; the knowledge of a Reality which can not be experienced..

The Nothingness of Time Space and Motion is easily understood by the mind that is not biased.

Primordially speaking Time, Space, and Motion each existed as Singularity, as an Individuality; Time and Space not being Relative; neither Time, Space of Motion being differentiated, each being Whole Complete.

The motion in Time, in Space being meaningless, without displacement, without angular momentum, without velocity of Speed and direction.

The Reality of First Cause not being born of ordinary, natural, means, being without cause, not being born of a series of events such as cause and effect.

The Reality of First Cause being an Affect, being born or should I say reborn,
exists as the result of the conversion, the metamorphosis of a Singularity having
no relative, numerical, value, which could not, can not, with never be experienced
as a Whole Number.

Priori Knowledge; the Knowledge of Singularity, the Singularity of Time, Space
and Motion.
The Reality of First Cause being the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical
value of One-1, to have meaning.

Prior to the moment of Creation, motion was meaningless, existed without
displacement, without angular momentum, without velocity of speed and

Prior to the Creation of the Reality of First Cause;
The Creative Process began when the day was separated from the Night, the light from the Darkness; the Darkness representing the Nothingness, and the Light representing Something; Something being born of Nothingness. Something simply being nothing reborn as something, being; the creation of the Reality of First Cause, First cause being uncaused.

Cause and Effect exists as a Numbered series of events beginning with the Number One-1 or?

What is your priori knowledge as to the nature of the number that precedes the number One-1; the number that precedes the First in a Series, the number One-1, is not a whole number but it is a real number, is a Fractal, a Fraction, is a Singularity having a dual quality, 0/1, also known as the Particle Wave Duality, is unsteady, erratic in its motion.

The number that proceeds the First Singularity to have relative, a numerical number of One-1 can not be counted, experience as having relative, numerical value. can not be added, subtracted or multiplied.
Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
By Wayne92587
troglodyte posted;


1. A bachelor is a single person.
2. A single person is not married.
Therefore, a bachelor is not married.

I don't think anyone would particularly quarrel with the validity and soundness of this argument. The question is whether it constitutes true knowledge.

1. Dragons have fire in their belly.
2. Fire is hot.
Therefore, dragons have something hot in their belly.

This argument is logically so similar to the above bachelor argument that.....
You do not seem to understand Ancient Knowledge, myth, astrology, symbols, which is reminiscent of prori knowledge.

Fire in the belly is use in reference to the passion of the soul, the seed of all living thing, the Immortal, the animating
Spirit. the Breath of God of Life that was breathed into Man's nostrils' giving Mankind a Living Soul, the Passionate nature of a God.
Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
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By Victoribus_Spolia
Scott wrote:In this thread I want us to debate whether a priori knowledge is possible. Some philosophers argue that some knowledge is a priori (fully independent from experience). In contrast, radical empiricists argue that all knowledge is a posteriori (derived from experience). Immanuel Kant made the distinction between analytic a priori knowledge and synthetic a priori knowledge. (An analytic proposition is one whose predicate concept is contained in its subject concept, such as "All bachelors are unmarried." And a synthetic proposition is one whose predicate concept is NOT contained in its subject, such as "All bachelors are happy.")

What do you think? Do you think a priori knowledge is possible or not? Why?

I think the answer depends greatly on how we define knowledge and experience.

If knowledge refers to the act of knowing, which requires a conscious being to perform the act, then I believe all knowledge depends on experience in some ways simply because the conscious being itself cannot exist without experience-gained data. In regards to the claim that a conscious being cannot exist without experience-gained data, I believe a functioning conscious being, namely a human or similar animal, is created through experiences that hard-wire it with certain instincts, beliefs, etc. Even before birth, a human baby's brain is experiencing developments as a result of experiences that happened to its mother and evolutionarily-gained traits through experiences that happen to its ancestors over time. But of course all those statements rely on the definition of experience and what is and is not experience.

A Priori
knowledge does not exist, especially in the platonic sense, at best we could argue for certain preconditions of thought, but I would argue they too must be embedded in our sensations (and I have good reason to argue this).

Hume failed to refute Berkeley on some key explanations on the origination of perception and so if Berkeley had not been dismissed by Hume he would not have been dismissed by Kant. Kant utterly dismissed Berkeley as a mystic and so instead of a simple theory of immaterialist empiricism, we have the post-Kantian mess we are currently in. Simply stated, Kant's examples for analytic knowledge are almost all tautologies that are still dependent on experience for the referent definitions in either the subject or predicate to be intelligible at all (an empirical reduction), and if secondary consciousness reduces to primary consciousness, and primary consciousness is empirically irreducible, than the a priori falls apart.

I deny that that the brain has any causal relationship to consciousness whatsoever (FYI); however you are correct, that knowledge without experience is a contradiction in terms that cannot be demonstrated.
By Wayne92587
I am a Rational Empiricist.

Knowledge can not be attained through Reason alone, or can it not?

To have knowledge of, is to experience, to have intercourse, with the Subject.
For a Man to know, have knowledge a women is to have intercourse with.

In order to have Knowledge of, there must be an intimacy, an interaction, familiarity, between the subject and the object.

Most priori, sacred, secret, hidden, forbidden, knowledge as spoken of is bogus, an abomination.

Because we can not have knowledge of the sacred, secret, hidden, Nature of God, anyone that speaks of the Sacred Nature of God, or of any sacred (Secret) Entity, is a Blasphemer, that speaks of said entity in an impious, irreverent way, is a Liar, speaks with a forked tongue, is guileful, has been beguiled by the rational mind, is Irrational, crazy as Hell!

The Sacred knowledge of God or any other Secret Entity, is to be considered to be Priori Knowledge.

Priori Knowledge in most cases is pure unadulterated Blaspheme.

If you can not get past my use of the Term Blaspheme as being religious terminology then there is no way for you to understand what I said.

I believe that I have Priori knowledge of God's Math, Universal Mathematics, of 0/1, of the creation of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the reality of everything that exists in the Material sense of the word, of even a rock.

How is it possible to understand Numbers that do not exist, can not be experienced, from which the whole of the Universe has been made manifest, a Singularity having a dual quality 0/1.

-- Updated September 29th, 2017, 12:09 pm to add the following --
I deny that that the brain has any causal relationship to consciousness whatsoever (FYI);
Do you consider this to be priori knowledge, can you prove it?

-- Updated October 1st, 2017, 10:47 am to add the following --


I deny that that the brain has any causal relationship to consciousness whatsoever ( /quote]

It is obvious that any opinion you have in regards to Priori Knowledge is biased, in fact all of your opinions about anything and everything is biased.

You have your head in the wrong place to understand Priori Knowledge, in fact your opinion is Blasphemous, totally misses the mark.

-- Updated October 1st, 2017, 10:53 am to add the following --

Some pull his or here knowledge of the Empirical world of Reality out of a place where the Sun does not shine.

-- Updated October 1st, 2017, 10:59 am to add the following --

The source of priori knowledge is empirical in Nature however said priori knowledge itself is an Illusion of Reality. is born of Rationalization.

-- Updated October 2nd, 2017, 10:22 am to add the following --

What in the hell is immaterialist empiricism ?????

You may have knowledge of something that has no mass but you can
not experience something that has no Mass.

Any Knowledge of immaterialist empiricism is a Rationalization.

-- Updated October 5th, 2017, 10:37 am to add the following --

Creation is an original product of the Mind.

You people are funny; You claim to be empirical and yet your opinions are biased.

The mind Body Problem was Identified and a solution explained eons ago, yet you still do not understand the mind body problem. You know there is a problem but you do not seem to know what the problem is, nor do you have no solution .

The Mind Body Problem was introduced to Mankind both he and she by the mind itself, when Mankind, he and she became Wise!

The problem is the battle between Male and Female, the mind and body, the spirit and the flesh, the material World of Reality the , and the Immaterial, Spiritual, and the Astral World of Reality, ethereal, the Illusionary, Imaginary World of Reality, born the introduction of mankind to the World of Reality born of the introduction of Priori Knowledge Reason, Rationalization.

The Sun is worshiped only because the Sun is the Light unto the World of Reality, the World of Reality as seen, experienced, in the Light of Day.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus was born of Thoth, Thought.

As Above so Below, as Below so Above, is used in reference to Ethereal, the Spiritual, the Illusionary World of Reality born of the Air and the World of Reality born Materialism, the Empirical World of Reality.

In the Beginning, before the beginning moment of the Existence of the Creative process, everything existed in a State of Nothingness, as a Metaphysical (metaphorical) Fully Random Quantum State of Singularity filled with a unspoken of, a fully Random Quantity of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities having no relative, numerical value, each having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada, Zip, Nothing.

At the Zero-Hour Time Space and Motion were not Relative, each existing as Individual Singularities having a numerical value of Zero-0;
Undifferentiated, Infinite, Space, Undifferentiated Time, Infinite, Everlasting, Eternal Time, Undifferentiated Motion, Motion having no displacement, no angular momentum, no velocity of Speed and Direction.

Motion in Time and Space being meaningless, existing as the insignificant inner, innate, motion within the Reality of differentiated, Time, Space, and Motion, an inner, innate, Vibration, Oscillation.

Motion at the Zero-0 Hour, in Time and in Space each, existing as an undifferentiated Singularity having no Relative, Numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada, Zip, Nothing.

The Knowledge of Time, Space and Motion prior to the beginning moment of the Creation of Space-Time exists as as Priori Knowledge.

The Mind/Body problem has been solved numerous times through out the Known history of civilization.

The solution to the Mind Body problem is only spoken of by Mythology, metaphors, Greek Mythology, Religion and numbers, numerology.

There is a mathematical equation that speaks of how the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, how the Reality of Everything that exists in the Material sense of the word came into existence, even a rock.

Everything is born of a single, minute, Mass, substance that has no mass, Nothingness, which at one time was spoken of as being the Ether, as being ethereal.

This Substance, Singularity, having no mass in its most Minute form existed as a Singularity having no relative, numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0; the motion of a Singularity of Zero-0, being meaningless, having no angular momentum, no velocity of Speed and Direction.

Zero-0, the Place marker for a series that begins with a Singularity of One-1, is also the Place maker for the beginning of the Evolutionary a process that begins with a Singularity of One-1.

A place marker of Zero-0 proceeds a Singularity of One-1, the first in a series, the beginning of “whatever”.

Before the existence of a Singularity of One-1; at a Random moment, place in Time and Space (at the Zero-0 Hour) before Singularity became a Duality, before a Singularity of Zero-0 was reborn a Singularity of One-1, the Reality of Everything existed in a State of Nothingness.

The Reality of Everything existed as an Infinitely Finite State or Condition filled with an unknown quantity of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities of Zero-0, whose motion was meaningless, exist without displacement, angular momentum, without velocity of Speed and Direction.

The Place Marker for beginning moment of the creation of the
Creative Process, the beginning of the Evolutionary process, before the beginning of the Space-Time Continuum there was only the nothingness of the Zero-0 Hour.

Ye, Amen-Ra!
Hermes Trismegistus Lord of the Ring,
Keeper of the Holy Grail, >0.

-- Updated October 5th, 2017, 1:58 pm to add the following --

Did you know that Jesus, the so called Christ, Savior of Mankind, was to die in the flesh, rise up to the heavens in spirit, the spirit to then return to the body, so as the Savior of Mankind to then walk the Planet Earth having both a Spiritual Body and a Flesh Body in order to fulfill the Prophecy of coming Christ, Son of God, the Savior of Mankind.

The Two, the duality, of the Savior (the first of many).

Mankind as a whole, for the duality of Mankind, the Spirit and the Flesh, Mind and Body, for Man and Woman to become One, to walk upon the Planet Earth as the Whole of a Single Reality.
Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
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By SimpleGuy
Even if you don't believe it , it can be that a priori knowledge is even mathematically feasible , as long as you are in possession of a finer filtration than the stochastic process that you want to predict. Imagine somebody says that he throws a dice and gives you a number and calls it totally random, but what if these numbers are just fibonacci numbers. For somebody who doesn't know anything about fibonacci numbers these numbers seem totally random but the only thing random about them is that the moment when the dice is rolled is random , the number itself is not. For the not used spectator , this may seem amazing foresight that you can predict the totally random numbers . If you want to have it more random take the n-th fibonacci number of the previously rolled dice number and add to the n the number of the dice prefore the previous fib(dice(n)+dice(n-1)) , and tell it for the next roll n+1. For the uncertain person this is a priory knowledge from a different level of information. For in general the knowledge is a filtration adapted to a stochastic process. Even if you don't believe it , things like these with measurements from quantum mechanics or even in the neurons in your brain could play an equivalent effect , so possible but for most of the times a cheat but in physics feasible.

-- Updated October 16th, 2017, 1:29 pm to add the following --

In addition this plays a role for stopping times of stochastic processes. Even if one could measure by concentration your own brain signals like with bio-feedback the alpha waves and an equivalent algorithm dependent on these alpha waves would be given in previous this could be called foresight too.

-- Updated October 16th, 2017, 1:34 pm to add the following --

Even if some people would call this rathe a dumbag example if one generalizes it to stochastic filtrations, this could be the mathematical view of all a priory foresight problems imposed to the real world.

-- Updated October 16th, 2017, 2:05 pm to add the following --

So here the two last dice results are inserted into the fibonacci function fib(n)= fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) for n> 3 and fib(0)=0 and fib(1)=1. So it's totally random, the sum of the last two dices is adapted to the filtration of time= n and used(told) for the time=n+1 . For the unprepared guesser difficult to guess at first but with this knowlede easy to crack . If somebody want's it more complicated try it with fib(dice(time=n)+dice(time=n-1)+dice(time=n-2)) and it's getting complicated , if you smuggle in one of the watchers with this knowledge he's simply superior due to prior knowlege.

-- Updated October 16th, 2017, 2:09 pm to add the following --

And it's totally random even for the person who is asked which number will the game master give after his rolls. It can be just estimated after the last roll and cannot be foretold before doing the dicing.
By Wayne92587
The knowledge of the nature of a random number is priori knowledge, which the seeker of knowledge is forbidden to speak of, or in other words is forbidden knowledge, hidden, secret, sacred, Knowledge.

The reason it is forbidden to speak of Sacred Knowledge is because being priori, Sacred, knowledge it can not be experience. Meaning that when you attempted to speak of priori, the Sacred Knowledge of Zero, as being the nature of a random number results in an abomination, which of course is impious.

The Single Random number that a seeker of empirical knowledge is forbidden to speak of is Zero-0, Zero-0 being a sacred number based upon priori knowledge, which of course can not be experienced.

You can not add, subtract, divide or multiply. the Real Whole Number, Zero-0; a Singularity having no relative numerical value, having a numerical value of Zero-0, Nada, Zip, Zilch, Nothing.

The only source of Random Numbers, is a grouping of a Priori numbers, is a State of Singularity, which of course is a State of Nothingness.

A State of Nothingness exists as a Transcendental (Metaphysical) Fully Random State of Singularity.

A Random Singularity of Zero-0 existing as an Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularity, can not be experienced, can not be added, subtracted, divided nor multiplied.
Favorite Philosopher: Hermese Trismegistus
By Namelesss
Scott wrote:In this thread I want us to debate whether a priori knowledge is possible. Some philosophers argue that some knowledge is a priori (fully independent from experience).
Knowledge = experience! Here! Now!
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By Atreyu
Could we assume that a priori knowledge exists if we also assume that knowledge is material/substance?

I'm asking because I believe that knowledge, as well as many other metaphysical concepts, actually has a material (albeit an unknown one) existence.
Favorite Philosopher: P.D. Ouspensky Location: Orlando, FL
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