The shortest distance between two points in a 4-dimensional space-time continuum is a geodesic, not a straight line. This arises from the idea of curved space caused by matter. The path taken through curved space is straight to the traveller, but curved to other observers. In perceptual space, we are rarely dealing with distances where curvature is noticeable, but it is still there. As pointed out above, though, the local spacial environment is quite flat and Euclidean, as you say.I think you are still misunderstanding my point, which is that we cannot perceive the curvature of space, although we may conceptually understand it to be actual, based on our scientific theories or mathematical models. I am also saying that we cannot visualise curvature of three-dimensional space,as we can without difficulty in the case of a two dimensional plane.
It is important, in all these arguments, to remember that these differing views are all just models. For some ideas, some ways of thinking work better than others. In the end, they are all just tools for understanding. The Real may turn out to be something different from any of them. I think it is important to try to avoid being seduced by any particular view because it is currently more successful, but I also think you have to stay with the most successful until you have greater knowledge. A working platform, even if defective, is better than no platform at all.
So it's not a case of being 'seduced by any particular view', it is simply the case that the 'Euclidean' view is the 'native' one for us.And it is not 'defective', unless you are concerned about it not conforming with some notion of 'how things really are'. This latter criterion may be important in the rarefied realm of advanced physics or the 'extreme gadget' realm of ultra-technology such as GPS, but these are hardly essential for the happy functioning of everyday life per se, although we have admittedly become somewhat reliant on such things.It is also far from uncontroversial as to whether this reliance is a 'good thing'.
Even if we grant that the development of such scientific theories and technology is essential to human well-being,there would still be no reason why humans should need to bring their understanding of perceptual space into line with such theoretical understandings, even if that were possible to do.