Greta wrote; # 312
I have a problem with the "singularity" model, in that it makes no sense; an infinitely dense zone of zero volume with zero entropy and total stability as it sits in a void explodes. Not really much better than "God dunnit". The singularity would not, and could not, have been a stable condition but is clearly a transitional state between other states (in m-theory, the singularity would be the first point of contact between colliding branes).
Wayne wrote;
Greta, the use your technical terms render my Singularity models senseless, meaning that my thoughts on Singularity, in your mind could only have come from my Intuition, Lucid, conscious, day dreaming, or my Imagination, from out of nowhere, the clear blue sky, from somewhere far-out in left Field; my singularity model not really much better than God, dammit.
That is the point; most singularity models describe Singularity as being God, the Big Bang, an expanding universe, which are not really any better than saying that God Created the Universe, God being a Singularity alone in the Emptiness, before he created the Universe, to include, Time, Space and Motion, Space-Time; the only other choice being that "The Universe” is Eternal, Everlasting, had no beginning.
Vijaydevani wrote:
I think the term, universe is misleading here. This form of existence which we call the universe has existed for 13.7 billion years or so and that seems to be more or less established. What I think that means is that, existence changed its state 13.7 billion years ago. As far as we are concerned, there is no "before" because time did not exist. Whatever existed, existed in a state which we would not have the ability to intuit, and that state would probably have no consequential bearing on this state of existence.
Wayne wrote;
I interpret your, "this state of existence" to be the Universe as we know it to be.
Good point, except for the non-existence of Time.
Time has dual Quality; 1st, Time as the whole of a single Reality; the unconditional State of the Existence, Time Eternal, existing as an undifferentiated Singularity, being Existence Itself, the unconditional " state of existence" that existed before the conditional state of existence, the existence of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything;
2nd Time, the conditional state of existence of Time, the differentiated Existence of Time relative to the state and condition, of Space-Time, the Relativity of Time Space and Motion.
Vijaydevani, your understanding of my Singularity, a substance having no mass, as not existing as a material substance, as existing as a unconditional State of Existence, is correct, we would not have the ability to intuit as being an unconditional State of Existence, would probably have no consequential bearing on state of existence is correct.
Wayne wrote; My point is that man has a sense of something, which could be said to be born of Intuition (Lucid, conscious, day dreaming, the Imagination, having appeared right out of the clear blue sky, from nowhere, from some where far-out in left Field); this substance having no mass, not existing as a materiality, not being born of ordinary natural means, cause and effect, is Uncaused, Eternal, Everlasting, omnipresent, omnipotent; there only being two explanations of what it is, it being either intuitive understanding of God or Magic.
My Model of Singularity is not God, Magic, a Big Bang, or the Theory of an Expanding Universe.
Greta, My Singularity neither expands nor does it shrink; My Singularity is both a Microcosm and a Macrocosm, is both Omnipresent and Omnipotent.
Greta by using your own technical terms, and metaphors in attempting to understand the model of my singularity, you have not allowed yourself to understand what my model of Singularity.
I have never presented and exact model of my Singularity, that could be understood, which is my fault.
In the last of #316, I said that I know what I am looking for before I find it, just not in detail.
"What I am looking for" is The Beginning; the before and an after the beginning of the Existence of the Heavens and the Earth, the Universe, the Reality of Everything, which some have intuited to be God or a Big Bang, or the existence of an Eternal Universe, Nothingness.
I find that Existence prior to the existence of the Universe to be an unconditional state of existence, While after the Beginning Existence became conditional.
The unconditional state of existence not to be confused with the Conditional State of existence which is born of the unconditional Universe, being born of a substance having no mass, born of omnipresent Substance, an unspoken of Quantity of Individualities, of Infinitely Finite Indivisible Singularities; the whole, all, of which acting as the whole of a Single Reality is reprehensive of a Singularity that exists as both Microcosm and a Macrocosm, as an individuality, an Infinitely Finite Indivisible, Singularity; Singularity as the Whole of a Single Reality being spoken of as being all powerful, the Whole of a single Reality, as being Omniscient, the totality of the Energy that exists as the Transcendental (Metaphysical) fully random, quantum state of Singularity.
God not being included in my Model of Singularity; however my model of Singularity is interpreted, by some, as being an intuitive understanding of God.
Sorry Greta but you are way of base, have totally missed the Mark, the point of, my Model of Singularity.
I do not intend to, nor can you align my Singularity with accepted models; there are no current scientific models that are reliable.
I am not an untrained visionary, my Singularity is not an imagined narrative; my Singularity has a known equivalence in Reality.
Anyone putting my model of Singularity as being born of Intuition, to include myself is incorrect.