Londoner wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:35 am
Londoner wrote: ↑January 10th, 2018, 7:23 am
It doesn't follow they all agree its meaning or application.
To save Spectrum's, and everyone else's, time, I should say that the next step is that Spectrum will insist he know's God's will as expressed in the Koran better than any Muslim, so that Muslims who do not conform to his stereotype are not true Muslims.
I'll repeat the following;
The Quran stipulated very specifically God's words cannot be changed.
Muslims claim the current Quran as it is was handed down from God to Muhammad via angel Gabriel and the Arabic words has not been changed since to the the present. [this is debatable].
In this case no Muslims can change and revise the Arabic words in the Quran.
Note these two are separate matters;
- 1. God commanded his words in the Quran are immutable.
2. There are many interpretations [sects and schools] of the Quran.
There are many sects and schools. Muslims claim the current Quran as it is was handed down from God to Muhammad via angel Gabriel and the Arabic words has not been changed since to the the present. [this is debatable].
In this case no Muslims can change and revise the Arabic words in the Quran. Whatever the accepted interpretations of the Quran by each sect or school, in according to their rules, they cannot be changed nor revised.
To save Spectrum's, and everyone else's, time, I should say that the next step is that Spectrum will insist he know's God's will as expressed in the Koran better than any Muslim, so that Muslims who do not conform to his stereotype are not true Muslims.
I have spent a long time researching the Quran and coupled with my philosophical background I dare to claim I understand God's intention in the Quran better than 95% of the 1.5 billion Muslims [most are sheep-liked and do not think for themselves] around the world.
The Quran as a book of statements expressed a certain theme of intentions and there is only one true intention of the author[s]. Those Muslims who do not align with the main theme and intentions of the Quran are not true Muslims.
As mentioned above the Quran [the present one is exactly the original] is supposed to be immutable. But there are many interpretations and applications. Each sect, school or individual will believe their is the true interpretation.
But what is critical is no one has the authority other than Allah to decide whose interpretation is the true one.
But God is illusory and an impossibility and there is no way a God will appear to decide the truth on Earth.
So each sect, school or individual will continue to believe their interpretation is 100% true and act upon it.
Now, since there is no central authority and God will NEVER appear to decide, which human on Earth can insist those Muslims who accept the evil laden elements as true are FALSE MUSLIMs.
Based on my research, I noted and agree [verified] the Quran contains loads of evil laden elements and many [if 20% that is 300 million!!!
] Muslims accept these evil laden elements as words of God and they literally act upon it as a divine duty to please God.
Those evil prone Muslims who acted upon the words of God as a divine duty to commit terrible evil acts are truer [in greater degrees] Muslims because they comply with the words of God literally as commanded. Who on Earth can decide otherwise? Because such is believed to be a divine duty to gain assurance of an eternal life and avoid going to Hell, such evil beliefs will continue eternally.
This is one serious and critical malignant cons [negative and evil] arising out of theism where no one can act on behalf of God to decide who is right or wrong. There is no way to remove this dilemma except to replace theism with foolproof alternatives to deal with the same inherent unvoidable existential crisis.