Mazer's post #27 scores another point
. This was fair and logical rebuttal to some of Spiral's propositions.
-- Updated April 13th, 2013, 4:00 pm to add the following --
Spectrum wrote:IMO, the confusions between parties are due to sophistry (deliberately or unconsciously) and fallacies.
I am sure many are familiar with Venn diagrams in critical thinking.
If we put 'Science' and 'Religion' in their respective sphere in terms of critical factors, there will be some overlap of their spheres.
However what is specifically critical to 'Science' and 'Religion' respectively are distinctly different within their sphere.
As I had written earlier, ... p;p=130762
The critical variables of religion(s) are that of 'revelations', certainties, and soteriological for theistic religions and generally all religions are involved in dealing with the anxieties of death.
Science DO NOT deal with these critical imperative variables of religion.
This critical variable carry a weightage or occupy 80% of the Religion's sphere.
As such, there is no way, Science can be a religion per-se.
Science on the other hand is;
Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.
This critical element would occupy 80% of the Science's sphere.
Theoretical Science would probably be rated at 2% of the sphere. Scientism is NOT Science per-se, to bring this concept into the argument is pure sophistry and immature thinking.
Based on critical and rational thinking using Venn diagrams and in the above context it is obvious, philosophically speaking, Science is NOT a Religion!
This may be one of the few times I agree with you. Or at least your explanation seems reasonable and persuasive to me, and it might bring some resolution to the sensible points posed by Logicus and Newme.
Or maybe there is a better explanation that will come as a rebuttal to your post and points.
-- Updated April 13th, 2013, 4:45 pm to add the following --
I'm reading from some in this thread what seems to be coded language for the term "religion" which
is supposed to carry a negative connotation by some of those debating whether or not science is a religion.
But if the term religion were stated in, as coded language, as a good or at minimum or neutral concept, then I propose to you that what difference does it make if science
is a religion?
Whether or not science is a religion the more important question to me is if it is a valid method of reasoning and investigating the natural, physical world? It seems to me--and obviously millions--that it is. And in part this is due to the principles of falsifiability that are suppose to be a requirement of all scientific hypotheses and theories, thus guarding science from establishing dogmas that can never be torn down. The closest thing religion has to this are doctrines. Though the terms doctrines and dogmas are often used interchangeably, it's my understand the two are more properly distinguishable from one another. Were dogmas can never be torn down (e.g., Christ as the 2nd person of the Trinity) doctrines themselves can be overturned or evolve with changes in knowledge, understanding, or to better address cultural transitions (e.g., girl acolytes; teachings against slavery).
Scientific theories seem most analogous to me as religious doctrines and not religious dogmas. What we often term as scientific laws, usually observable facts about how the physical world operates and expressing those facts in mathematical terms, and usually what physical phenomenon can be predicted, seems to me to approach religious dogma the closest. However, while it approaches dogma it never entirely arrives at dogma theoretically, mainly due to inductive reasoning which is rational means to reasoning that concludes not what will happen for certain but what is likely to happen. The fact that our scientific laws so accurately make predictions and the fact that day after day, time after time, experience does not show these laws to be untrue only increases our confidence in these laws being in fact true. We fly planes everyday I presume, and land rockets occasionally on the moon, using these laws of science.
I think I've said in the past in one of these threads on this discussion board, that the method of reasoning I think theological Catholicism has historically down very well in, is avoiding (not always but often) guilt by associated labeling.
By that I mean what is being done analogously with the term "religion" in this thread. Theological Catholicism has often reasoned by condemning doctrines (ergo, not Protestantism or Islam in and of itself as terms and in and of themselves as groups). This is illuminated in the writing of such anti-Protestant councils and The Council of Trent. The term "Protestant" is avoided (or absent from what I've read by Trent's proclamations I've read) and doctrines of Protestants viewed as theologically in correct are condemned. That's why the pro-scientist Pope and former friend of the very serious Catholic, Galileo (he was more Catholic than myself and 3rd Order Franciscan), condemned Galileo of teaching false doctrines about what is known or can be known as well, about the physical world and the motions of objects in the universe.
Without the weight of judicial force that can enact sentencing, some scientists or applied scientists in the form of medical doctors, have undergone de facto Inquisitions and have been professionally persecuted by other scientists (or doctors) and black listed. Only to decades later at the twilight of their lives, or after the expiration of their lives, have been proved correct in some "doctrine" of science they believed and promoted and then been made heroes.
Even in within science during the life time of Galileo his views were not the orthodox scientific views of the time and this was not simply due the Catholic Church. Some scientist simply held very different assumptions and reasoned out from those assumptions something very differently than Galileo. And if I'm correct I think even Galileo at the time believed in and promoted the scientific "doctrine" of the earth's sun being the center of the universe. I think today this doctrine is not subscribe to very much.