- May 14th, 2013, 9:45 pm
At the age of 1, I remember being in a photo room where my parents wanted to take formal pictures of my brother and me. I remember seeing a dark brownish-grey-purplish (colour) projection sheet on the wall in the centre of the room, which formed the background colour image of our photos, with the rest of the wall on both sides unmarked. It was a room which was very simple and unique. I recognized its shape: it was square. And I definitely took note of its colour. However I do not remember the actual photo being taken or entering or leaving the room. Perhaps there was too much going on.. too many shapes of by the complexity of the camera, and a lot of movement thereafter.
This to me, on inspection 21 years later, is how we form language:
When you see something enough times, you form a mental image of it in your head, make associations, and never forget it.
Imagine not knowing a single word. You were born and raised to fend for yourself in a forest. You recognize that a tree is different from everything around it: the grainy ground, the sky above, the passive motion around the sides of it, the colour and shape of the tree itself. Instead of gawping at every tree as though it was new and something to consider, you see every tree as the same when you walk by them. That is one problem out of the way. This makes life a little easier, doesn't it? This identity can be given any association: a colour, a shape, or in a way that your kin can mutually understand, a physical utterance. The mockery of a tree's sound blowing in the wind turned into a simple utterance sounds, in our language, like "pffffffffff", which can be altered and enunciated as "phuuu" or to shorten it further "phu". In your own developed language, this sound can be interpreted in your own devised language by the letters you invent which I will lend English's: "buolp".
You walk by several buolp (Our English: phu). Then you see a little woodpecker and notice its features. Its vast complexity is noted and this physical complexity can only be interpreted as a living thing like your own physical complexity. However it was different from the tiger that was chasing you last night because it is small, can fly and makes a weird sound on the buolp. It sounds in our language like, "Tk tk tk tk tk tk"; for you it sounds like "mo mo mo mo mo" and you call the bird "mo" (Our English: tik); and you combine this new identity of a woodpecker on a buolp: "muolp" (Our English: thu)--a hybrid of the sound of buolps and the sound of a mo. You share this utterance to your other little humanoids. In your mind, you look for the one brown liney thing with a little red on it that makes the sound "mo mo mo mo mo". Because the mo was valued as a good need-satisfier, you identify in the field of buolp the one muolp that you will climb and grab the mo to make you sated.
But you see other little birds on the buolp, not necessarily the mo. How confusing! The birds make a weird sound which sounds to us like "he", in your language "la". While the mo itself remains mo, the concept of tiny, flying complexities are called "moa" (Our English: tee); a hybrid of mo and la. And a buolp with any bird on it, including the mo, is called "molalp" (Our English: tee); a hybrid of la, mo, and buolp. In your own head, you project the image of a liney brown tall thing with a green top with not just a little red on it, but other colors and shapes and sizes too. Muolps will be hard to spot with all of these moa. In the field of buolps, you will look for the all of the molalps for a muolp to eat the mo.
The point I'm trying to make is, we take our senses and define any given object by our related sensory associations to it. A word or mental impression encompasses the identity or perfect example of it which you form and can readily identify upon first glance. Even though every tree is different, you have thought the epitome of one as one which defines the rest--or, "tree-ness".
In my case, I took the square of the sheet on the wall and associated that shape to other instances where I see the shape, but of different objects. These objects have their own purpose and common occurrence and thus have their own name, but the shape has its own purpose and common occurrence and thus has its own name--in other words, we give an identity, like a tree, or a tree with a woodpecker, or a tree with all birds, and isolate it, and describe it in a way that is all-encompassing to form one identity, or that picture you form in your head. You could also see one sentence as one giant identity; an identity which is very specific and thus requires a great deal of enunciation instead of "boo" or "gop" to express. It makes life so much easier.
Sorry for all of the editing. I'm trying to make the story of your mo shorter and a little easier to grasp.
Last edited by VYCanisMajoris on May 15th, 2013, 3:35 am, edited 4 times in total.