Re: Is a priori knowledge possible?
Posted: April 28th, 2014, 7:47 am
Fafner88 wrote:Here is my understanding:Belinda wrote:So is one example of a-priori knowledge the knowledge that within plane geometry a straight line is the shortest distance between two points? If this and this alone is the sort of thing, i.e. logic and maths, that is a-priori, then this is like the Platonists' claim that there be eternal forms, in my example the axioms of plane geometry would be eternal forms typical of the a-priori.Yes, mathematics and geometry are obvious candidates for being known a-priori, because it seems that observation isn't required for mathematical or geometrical proofs but only reason. It doesn't prove Platonism though.
You can argue that these (maths, geometry) are analytic/tautological; how do you know 'a straight line is the shortest distance between two points'? Because that is the definition of a straight line. It is true 'a priori' but it is 'analytic', not 'synthetic'. It only tells us the meaning of a word, it does not give us knowledge of any actual line that might exist outside our own heads - that must still be gained through experience. (A 'synthetic a priori' would be something that must be true, but is about the world, not just words.)
But Kant argues otherwise. He considered that maths provided us with 'synthetic a priori' truths in that they are true independent of experience.
But Kant is coming to it from the angle that the first idea of 'synthetic' is essentially metaphysical. It still references the notion that there is something beyond experience, such that any actual experiences we might have are a suspect copy of that reality. He thinks that philosophical efforts to find a 'synthetic a priori' in that sense are futile.
Instead, philosophy should be concerned with those intuitive concepts (like those of time, and space) that are necessary before we can have any comprehension at all of the world, that these are the true 'synthetic a priori'.
So Kant's 'synthetic a priori' is not the same as other people's. Confusingly, you get philosophers who agree with Kant but deny the possibility of 'synthetic a priori' - because they are referring to the non-Kant version of that phrase.