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Catalina Isabel,
Thank you for your follow-up questions!
Catalina Isabel wrote: ↑June 20th, 2023, 5:41 am
So, to do this I understand I need to really want to, and also make the time.
I think, summed up with that sentence, you have correctly and wisely answered your own original question, which is perfect.
You can do it, you know how, and so it's just a matter of (1) whether you want to do it, and, if you do want to do it, (2) choosing to do it.
Catalina Isabel wrote: ↑June 20th, 2023, 5:41 am
As a follow up question; Do you have any tips for finding which of your ideas for books were the ideas you would actually focus on and pursue to writing a book about?
With most of my books, those ideas just happened to be the ones that captured my attention. I didn't usually set out to write a book, but instead was working on an idea or writing something and got caught up in it and kept going. I think that can be a decent vetting system, since if the idea or plot or topics capture the writer's attention, it will also be more likely to capture the reader's attention similarly.
In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, I actually created a Kickstarter first. Over a thousand people bought that book before I had even written it, and I likely wouldn't have written it otherwise. In other words, I used Kickstarter to determine if there was enough interest in it to warrant investing my time in creating that book.
I don't think that would work as well for an author to judge between different ideas, since you could really only do one at a time, so you wouldn't be able to A/B test your ideas. However, maybe we can come up with a system at OnlineBookClub in which authors or prospective authors could share their book ideas for potential readers to vote on and/or support financially, similar to Kickstarter.
Overall, however, I think my recommendation would mostly be to write what you want to write the most, meaning whichever one you will enjoy writing the most or would be most tempted to write. That is especially true if you are struggling to invest the time into one idea to write a whole book despite having many ideas; then it would be that much more helpful for you to take the path of least resistance and write the one that will interest you most while writing, such that you are more prone to sticking with it until the book is done.
Catalina Isabel wrote: ↑June 20th, 2023, 5:41 am
In terms of eating an apple, or taking kids to bowling - I would say there is no "wrong time"
I tend to agree, but for the same reasons, I would tend to argue that, likewise, there is no 'wrong time' to write a book (or not write one).
As I say in the book, whatever you choose to do becomes right—
meaning it becomes true and becomes revealed as an inexorable part of timeless reality—because you choose to do it.
For those who might struggle with
practicing radical empowering acceptance (i.e. fully and unconditionally accepting what you cannot control) and thereby achieving consistent invincible inner peace, I would suggest avoiding the concept of things happening—at least in the sense of unchosen things—and instead replacing the idea of something
happening with the idea of something
becoming revealed. There is only (1) what you choose to make happen and (2) what is revealed as fated and pre-existing all along. The former reflects what you control (if anything), and the latter reflects what you don't.
The deeper and more complex philosophical basis for that is the unreality of time and, thus, the timelessness of true fundamental reality. However, in short, it simply means that often the wiser, more accurate, and more spiritually peaceful path is the one in which you treat uncontrollable aspects of 'the future' as being as already existing and unchangeable as 'the past'. In other words, many aspects of the future are as unchangeable and uncontrollable by you (in your current present) as the past is. And, thus, they are to be unconditionally accepted as that which you do not control and cannot change. What you do control is to be fully accepted for being exactly the way you are choosing for it to be, and everything else is to be fully and unconditionally accepted as that which you do not control.
Insofar as there is any meaning in saying an event is right or wrong (which strictly speaking there generally isn't, since events aren't logic-based verbal propositions), then I feel it is clearly necessarily true that everything that happens is right, and everything always happens at exactly the right time. Nothing wrong happens, and nothing ever happens at the wrong time.
For more on my firm belief that
'nothing wrong happens', you can also check out this other topic of mine:
What the word "evil" means to me, and why I believe evil (as I use the term) does not exist.
Catalina Isabel wrote: ↑June 20th, 2023, 5:41 am
3. Regarding the "right time" meant more in general, e.g.: for me the right time may be when I have "more time" or take a holiday for 2 weeks just to write (that would be a dream!). In terms of the "wrong time" I think writing my own story of my life when I was 23 was the right time for me (for myself to read it) but it was the wrong time to try and publish anything. What made it the wrong time back then was 1) things in the book I had not shared with those who may read 2) my inexperience being 23 and vulnerable to scams to get "published" - yes I did lose some money for a deposit that I never got back.
Of course, I learnt from this and will research a lot more when I do choose to release a book in the future.
If you do write and successfully publish a book in the near future, it's likely that you wouldn't have been able to do so if you hadn't had those learning experiences. So you can be very grateful that the 23-year-old went through that so that you can have the knowledge and capacity that you have now. In that way, it did happen at the right time, and, even more so, it's good that it happened. Those learning experiences happened at the right time: back when you were 23, not tomorrow. Now you don't need to learn those lessons and can move on to the next step.
While having a 2-week holiday alone just to write could be helpful or nice, it's likely it could turn out to be the opposite. Your family and friends could bend over backwards to help make it happen for you, possibly straining your relationships in various ways, for you to go on a vacation that would likely cost a decent amount of money, both in direct price and lost wages. Then you could have writer's block for 2 weeks while sitting alone feeling sad and guilty on vacation. I'm not saying that would happen, but incidentally, that is what tends to cause things like writer's block (or the inability to sleep at night, as an analogous example). If you lay down in bed at night and try really really hard to exert your concentration on falling asleep, it almost certainly won't happen. Often, the same thing goes for creative work like writing. Putting that much pressure or expectation on yourself to write for 2-weeks straight would be the kind of thing that would cause a 2-week bout of writer's block. I'm not saying that would happen, and I'm not saying don't do it. Instead, I'm giving that particular hypothetical as an example to help break any false idolization of an impossible or far-away imagined future.
Often, the idolization of some future state as being the right time to do something is a way to excuse ourselves from not doing that thing in the present. And it creates an often unstated but nonetheless misleading and false dichotomy that one's own mind can use to deceive oneself: The mind can falsely and deceivingly make it out as if you must choose between doing the thing (e.g. writing a book) at an allegedly ideal future spot (e.g. a 2-week vacation) versus doing it now. But you don't have to choose. If one day you also get to go on a writing-dedicated 2-week vacation, great, but you don't need to think much about that now, and it doesn't need to have any effect on your choice to commit to writing your book now.
I'm reminded of
this tweet in which I wrote, in part,
"Whether it's money, business, physical fitness or whatever, I've met a lot of people who say they are 'going to start' tomorrow, but very few who actually started yesterday and are sticking to it today."
You've already said that you can write the book now if you want to and choose to. You said it yourself: if someone put a gun to your head and ordered you to do it, you could and would write a book now.
It's your choice, and neither choice is wrong.
Please don't take this post as me encouraging you to write a book at all, let alone start writing one today.
Instead, I am encouraging you to (1) fully acknowledge that it's your choice, (2) make that choice one way or another, and (3) be at accepting happy peace with that choice.
For you, it's writing a book or not. For another person, it might be whether to drink wine with friends regularly or quit alcohol entirely. For another person, it might be whether to go on an international tour with their up-and-coming band that just landed a big deal with a recording studio or quit the band and stay home with their family. There are literally billions of these kinds of choices going on right now, and what's best for one person is not best for another. When it comes to those kinds of choices, I don't make recommendations one way or the other.
What I would tend to recommend against is for someone to choose one thing while simultaneously making themselves miserable by, in some way, claiming to themselves or convincing themselves that they actually want the other thing and that they are spiritually trapped, spiritually imprisoned, or spiritually enslaved somehow.
It's simply a matter of what you choose, and, as my book,
In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All points out,
when it comes to your choices, you always get exactly what you want.
If it's an issue of alleged available time, then you can start small. You could simply dedicate 30 minutes per day to writing, which is only 3.5 hours per week (out of 168 hours in a week). Sometimes people fail to ever really start because they plan to start too big. For example, someone who has spent exactly 0 minutes exercising in the last year might suddenly decide they want to go to the gym for 2 hours every day. I'd bet on that person failing to stick with that extreme change.
It's easier to build a new habit if you start smaller. For example, if one struggles to build a habit of flossing their teeth every day, I'd suggest starting by flossing one tooth every day, which takes just a few seconds. It takes about three weeks to build a habit, and many times that first step, namely that first micro-habit, is actually the hardest. It will tend to be easier to go from flossing 1 tooth to flossing all of them than to go from flossing 0 to flossing just 1 tooth.
For someone who typically spends 0 minutes per day writing (or 0 minutes exercising or 0 minutes working on their business idea or 0 minutes working on whatever their unique goal is), it can be hardest to go from 0 minutes per day to just 5 minutes per day. But if the person can build that habit of doing it for just 5 minutes per day for three weeks, then it will often be easier to go from 5 minutes per day to 30 per day than it was to go from 0 to 5.
If 30 minutes per day is too much for you to start, then start at 15 minutes, or even less. Come up with a number for you that errs on the side of being slightly too easy, and then stick with it every day for three weeks. That's my suggestion.
Even if it's just a matter of building the habit of sitting down at your writing desk with a coffee and closing the door, turning on your computer, and then turning it right back off without writing a word, which all in all might take 5 minutes, there is a huge benefit in building the habit of doing that every day, preferably earlier in the day if possible. Even if you don't actually write a single word, there would be a huge benefit in building the habit of doing that every day: just taking the 5 minutes to prepare to write as if you were. You can literally call it your daily writing exercise.
After a few weeks, you will start to feel like it's an addiction of its own. You'll not only do it easily and mindlessly, but if something gets in the way, you'll freak out a bit inside.
For example, I workout in the gym every single day. And, if for some reason, I don't or can't, it really freaks me out inside. I feel like Sheldon from
The Big Bang Theory when someone sits in his spot because the habit I chose to build has become so ingrained.
It's so easy to grow the habit once you've built it—even just at a 5-minute-per-day level—that I recommend you literally watch out for it becoming an addiction. When I first built the habit of working out every day, it took a lot of willpower and motivation. Now, if willpower is needed, it's to stop myself from overdoing it. I literally set a timer when I workout in the gym to tell me when to stop (after 40 minutes); otherwise, I'd go too long and workout for well over an hour. The timer I set isn't so I can make sure to work out enough; it's so I won't work out too much. That's how strong and addictive the power of simple daily habits is.
I hope these tips and ideas have been helpful! Please do ask me any additional questions you have about this or anything at any time.
Thank you,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
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In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.