Philosophy Discussion Forums | A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

Philosophy Discussion Forums
A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

The Philosophy Forums at aim to be an oasis of intelligent in-depth civil debate and discussion. Topics discussed extend far beyond philosophy and philosophers. What makes us a philosophy forum is more about our approach to the discussions than what subject is being debated. Common topics include but are absolutely not limited to neuroscience, psychology, sociology, cosmology, religion, political theory, ethics, and so much more.

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Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
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By Niebieskieucho
Logic says that complex things are made of simpler forms. God, whoever he/she is, must obey the same evolutionary law. There can be no ready made, complicated creature that can do literally anything. Besides, the question of who created god is not welcome. :|
By godblog
In the beginning God- A singularity consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0). That singularity started vibrating 1001110
Surely you recognize the binary system with which we create and communicate everything. We see ANGSTROMS vibrating energy. We hear DECIBELS vibrating energy. We created thoughts vibrating energy “I think therefore I AM”
Tell them I AM has sent you.
Upon the realization of my existence there was a BIG BANG explosion of unanswerable questions. What am I?Where when how WHY do I know I AM?
Since those questions have no answers , WE CREATED THE GOD THAT CREATED US in order to explain our existence.
God the creator did it.
GE Morton wrote: December 16th, 2022, 9:21 pm
3017Metaphysician wrote: November 21st, 2022, 12:48 pm
According to science, deductive reasoning is the most secure form of reasoning, hence the comparison to a priori mathematics.
That comparison is specious. Mathematical reasoning can be a priori only because its conclusions depends solely on the definitions of its terms, not upon any external facts. Some logical propositions can also verified a priori, for the same reason, e.g., "All bachelors are unmarried."

Scientific propositions and deductions, however, depend upon premises whose truth can only be determined empirically. Logic can inform you that if there are 2 trees with 100 apples on each, you can conclude a priori that you have a total of 200 apples. But no amount of logic will tell you how many apples are on either tree. Only observation will tell you that. That holds for anything external to your own mind you wish to claim exists.
Surely, you're not suggesting empirical observation are fundamental? Why would our neurons cause us to make empirical observations!?

Speaking of which, my neurons spoke with Gammy's neurons, and they said you were still in time-out.

Keep trying GE!

By godblog
You still do not realize that the UNI-verse is a “singularity” consciousness (I think therefore “I AM”… everything else like you and my Christmas tree a the CN Tower, are a product of my consciousness.,angstroms decibels thoughts, are all just vibrating energy we use to create and communicate our consciousness.
I see / I hear / I think/ everything is just vibrating energy we are using to make our existence a more enjoyable experience/ than being a BORED LONELY consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0) vibrating 1001110 and creating in that consciousness everything that you can imagine. Literally.
QUESTION: are we creating an enjoyable existence?
- all the above can be eliminated by that simple GOLDEN RULE
- treat others as you want to be treated
- this is the PURPOSE OF LIFE-
Learning to make our existence a more enjoyable experience
By GE Morton
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 9:09 am
Surely, you're not suggesting empirical observation are fundamental?
Yes indeed. Those percepts are the a priori foundation upon which all postulated externalities --- postulated in order to supply a cause for those percepts --- rests and from which all useful ontological theories proceed. You have, and can have, no information concerning any externalities other than that you can validate via those percepts.
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By 3017Metaphysician
GE Morton wrote: December 19th, 2022, 12:18 pm
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 9:09 am
Surely, you're not suggesting empirical observation are fundamental?
Yes indeed. Those percepts are the a priori foundation upon which all postulated externalities --- postulated in order to supply a cause for those percepts --- rests and from which all useful ontological theories proceed. You have, and can have, no information concerning any externalities other than that you can validate via those percepts.
It's a miracle!! How could Gammy's neurons cause her to posit those theories?

By GE Morton
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 12:33 pm
It's a miracle!! How could Gammy's neurons cause her to posit those theories?
No miracle. Just a consistent, replicable, predictable phenomenon generated by certain neural networks. Disable the network and . . . poof! . . . no more theories.
GE Morton wrote: December 19th, 2022, 12:50 pm
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 12:33 pm
It's a miracle!! How could Gammy's neurons cause her to posit those theories?
No miracle. Just a consistent, replicable, predictable phenomenon generated by certain neural networks. Disable the network and . . . poof! . . . no more theories.
But Gammy said it was a miracle that her neurons caused her to postulate your theory? Where's the "proof" in that?

By GE Morton
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 1:04 pm
But Gammy said it was a miracle that her neurons caused her to postulate your theory? Where's the "proof" in that?
I just gave it. But you don't recognize it because you don't understand what (scientific) proof is, what constitutes it.
GE Morton wrote: December 19th, 2022, 1:21 pm
3017Metaphysician wrote: December 19th, 2022, 1:04 pm
But Gammy said it was a miracle that her neurons caused her to postulate your theory? Where's the "proof" in that?
I just gave it. But you don't recognize it because you don't understand what (scientific) proof is, what constitutes it.
But wait a minute GE! You haven't even explained what, when, who, why or how Gammy's neurons caused her to posit your theory to begin with? You know, those same neurons that caused her to put you in time-out (because your neurons were misbehaving)!!??

Keep trying GE!

With the correct perspective, logic can explain the hierarchy of universal development.

1. Origins-all things come from spaceless, timeless condition. This is equilibrium, the source of everything and how everything functions. Static equilibrium is a never changing nothing but dead end. But Dynamic Equilibrium is different. It contains a potential to fail. If equilibrium fails, then a contrast is created over a relative SPACE for a duration of TIME. How does equilibrium fail? By substitution of an expanded symmetry and since equilibrium always requires balance, expansion begets contraction. A history of the creation and annihilation of a contrast is a spacetimeline. Our mature universe is a collection of these spacetimeline into a continuous cycle. Contracting chains form the ground wire system for the expanding plasma cosmos. They form the skeleton on which the expanding plasma organizes into galaxies and cosmic web. Expansion is radial from the end of the contracting chains. Divergent radial expansion explains apparent cosmological expansion, which, as this model predicts, turns out not to be the same in all directions. This is a lot for one post but think about it this way:
Ocean liner with very large circular swimming pool.
We can initiate a wave at pool's center and time the speed it travels to the perimeter.
Next we match the speed of ocean liner to speed of wave in pool and maintain a straight trajectory at that constant speed.
Now we are going to view this process from a drome in a stationary position relative to the point of wave initiation.

We initiate a wave and as it travels to the perimeter, the point of initiation (which represents the point of quantum transfer of a measurement) remains at the most sternward area of the expanding wave fixed relative to the Earth. The rearmost part of the wave expands rearward the same speed as the ship moves forward. So on the ship. The wave seems omnidirectional from the perspective of those co-moving on the boat. (Those co-movers exist in a seemingly Euclidean deck on the boat) But relative to Earth it never expands towards the past radial position of trajectory, only forward (Special Relativity).

There are, according to this perspective, galaxies existing before our galaxy's matter was expanded in its last cycle.
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By Niebieskieucho
godblog wrote: December 17th, 2022, 7:13 pm In the beginning God- A singularity consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0).
The universe does not have time point of its emergence. Just is. The Big Bang never happened. The universe means Something and Nothing. Nothing cannot create Something and Something cannot turn into Nothing.
That singularity started vibrating 1001110
In my opinion, matter originated by chance from primordial ether, in other words pre-matter. Thus, matter is a complex form of ether.
Niebieskieucho wrote: December 20th, 2022, 6:32 am
godblog wrote: December 17th, 2022, 7:13 pm In the beginning God- A singularity consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0).
The universe does not have time point of its emergence. Just is. The Big Bang never happened. The universe means Something and Nothing. Nothing cannot create Something and Something cannot turn into Nothing.
That singularity started vibrating 1001110
In my opinion, matter originated by chance from primordial ether, in other words pre-matter. Thus, matter is a complex form of ether.

Dynamic Equilibrium is what is "Just is"...

Static equilibrium is nothing. Dead end.

Dynamic Equilibrium is a balanced state with a potential to fail. Failure creates an expanded symmetry. The universe is a systematic cycle of expanded symmetry.
By godblog
Was very real. But it was a big bang explosion of QUESTIONS-

There is nothing physical
Everything is subatomic electromagnetic energy forces
I think therefore I AM, literally

A consciousness that created the perception of a physical existence to make its BORING LONELY existence as a singularity consciousness (1) in a universe of nothingness (0) a more enjoyable experience.

But in order to do that it needed to personally EXPERIENCE the life it was creating- including dying-

COVID pollution Ukraine war destroying natural resources discrimination etc

In order to convince us to do good to everyone, we had to suffer the consequences of not doing good.
By godblog
A BIG BANG explosion of questions-
Upon the realization of our existence, A singularity consciousness
(1) in this universe of nothingness (0)
Began vibrating 10011100 you might recognize the binary system with which we create and communicate our existence.
The question started with what am I ?
when where how when why do I know I exist.
But those questions had no answers so
We created the answer to those questions.
GOD the creator Created us in order to explain our existence. Yes…. We created the god that created us.. in order to explain our existence. God did it.

And that is why our BORED LONELY consciousness created the universe.

Come on it is time for the “rapture”
We had to learn from experience why we all must love others.
COVID pollution war discrimination destruction of natural resources…. All can bring this beautiful perception of our universe to an end.
is the golden rule
We had to learn from personal EXPERIENCE.

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