Belindi wrote: ↑October 27th, 2022, 6:19 am
If you and I eat only a sustainable amount of meat it would make no appreciable difference. However it's not only you and I , it's an ethic that is influential enough right now to affect producers and retailers.
There is a side effect of low meat consumption. Poor people eat poor quality low welfare meat and rich people eat well fed free range. A small amount of well fed free range is compatible with the environment. For all people to eat well fed free range there must also be a basic living wage and meat rationing.
What is most likely to happen is more and more right wing regimes which suit really rich people who will be battening down the hatches against the masses of the poor. I mean that, with dwindling resources for meat production, the rich will make sure they get as much as they want while the poor are deprived.
I guess you are something like me in your income and diet. People like us are not numbered among the very rich .
Graphic content warning.
When an animal is butchered there are a variety of cuts of meat of different quality, and there's a ton of giblets for every filet mignon. Almost entirely, distinctions about the quality of meat consumed are of this variety - and only secondarily about how the animal is raised. Consequently, consumer behaviour is going to have very little impact on animal or environmental welfare. More generally, such 'consumer sovereignty' approaches displace responsibility from the producer to consumer, and impose upon the consumer a cognitive burden they are unwilling to bear even if they were able. But it's simply not possible to know how everything one consumes is produced. People don't have the time - not willingness to expend the effort, and even if they did, producers lie! For goodness sake, we've been eating horse-meat lasagne for years. It would surprise me to find out it was labelled 'organic'!
The rightful approach is a supply side approach beginning with energy. Agriculture, done properly, could be an environmental boon. Currently, we appropriate arable land from nature; whereas we could be creating it - if only we had the energy to desalinate sea water to irrigate currently unproductive land - we would not be in a direct competition with nature to produce food for human consumption. In that context; given limitless clean energy to spend - the production of animal protein can resist desertification, create biomass, transform deserts into pasture.
This idea of a zero sum trade-off between human and environmental welfare is a consequence of a particular technological state; wherein energy is scarce and expensive, but that is not an absolute fact. The earth is a big ball of molten rock - and the technology exists to harness that energy. That's how we need to approach sustainability - not with a consumer led, guilt trip driven backing down and eeking it out, but by pushing forward - producing more but doing it better!
Thomas Malthus, 1798 - in his 'Essay on the Principle of Population' predicted that because population grows geometrically (2,4,8,16,32) while agricultural land can only be added arithmetically (1,2,3,4,5) - one acre at a time, population would necessarily outstrip food production and people would starve. His logic seemed irrefutable - as does 'Limits to Growth' - it's essentially the same argument. But in the event, people invented tractors, trains, fertilisers and refrigeration - multiplying food resources exponentially, such that more people are better fed today than ever before.
We need to do the same again; transcend the situation - and energy is the key. But it's a supply side problem; not a demand side problem.