- September 24th, 2021, 10:07 am
I wish to share my thoughts and reading on the topic of the illusions of time before the weekend, but my thinking may be a little fuzzy because I haven't been sleeping well. I was always fascinated by time as a child, before the more complicated philosophy questions. The measurement of time by clocks seemed so amazing, especially on clocks with hands and ticking rather than digital watches. A lot appeared so much easier to understand later, but as I have not travelled much I often feel aware of time zones writing online, because people usually appear at specific times. I know that if I write during the afternoon that is when you frequently appear and it is morning for you.
I first began reading on the topic of time in connection with past experiences of premonitions, and one of the first books which I came across was, 'Man and Time', by JB Priestley. He was curious about the nature of time, and described himself as 'time haunted'. He touched on the various angles or subjective aspects of time, and he does look at premonitions, and he speaks of how such experiences do lead to the way in which sequences of experiences may be different if one steps out of time as an aspect of causal reality. I found this useful when I went on to explore Jung's ideas about the collective unconscious, and synchronicities. Even though in adulthood, I don't have synchronicities to the extent which I did as a child. One experience which I often have is being out and thinking that I see someone I know. However, when I get closer, I realise that it is not that person, but, shortly later, I meet the person who I mistook the stranger for. In that way, the coincidental mistake appears to be a foreshadowing, as if echoes appear prior to an event.
More recently, I read Stephen Hawking's ' A Brief History of Time'. One of the aspects of time which he explores is the arrow of time, Some of this is related to thermodynamics, entropy, but he does refer to psychological dimensions to this as well. However, he does speak of the nature of imaginary time which may be linked to JB Priestley's ideas on being able to go outside of time on a causal level. Hawking says,
'Imaginary time is indistinguishable from directions in space. If one can go north, one can turn around south; equally, if one can go forward in imaginary time, one ought to be able to turn round and go backward. This means that there can be no important difference between the forward and backward directions of imaginary time. On the other hand, when one looks at "real" time, there's a big difference between the forward and backwards directions, as we all know'.
In that context, premonitions may be a way in which it is possible to step beyond time as we know it as it is manifest on a causal way, in relation to the space and time continuum.
One other aspect of time which I think is interesting is the nature of cyclical time vs linear time. Many cosmological systems speak of cycles and we see cycles within seasons and days, but there is also linear historical progression. It is hard to know whether the linear of the cyclical is the dominant, or whether they are inter weaved. Nietzsche and some other thinkers have spoken of the idea of eternal recurrence. I understand that Nietzsche thought of this at times as a literal truth and at others as a symbolic one.
In our daily lives, time appears as a more practical aspect of life. Managers at work speak of the importance of time management, and the emphasis is on being able to achieve the maximum in a given period. But, on a personal level, time is such an important aspect of processing experience, especially In thinking about the past and the future. Some people are inclined to worry about the past while it is possible to fear the future. I know that I am more inclined to be fearful of what the future may bring. One book which I read and felt helpful was, 'The Eternal Now', by Eckhart Tolle. He speaks of the way in which all experience is in the moment and thoughts about past and present are only ever experienced in the consciousness of 'now, which is constantly changing. He points to hold onto the experience of the now in a mindfully, as a form of focus. I find this useful because it is so easy to be distracted by past memories and angst about what may happen, and it reminds me of a song by Duran Duran, 'All We Have Is Now.'