Terrapin Station wrote:Steve3007 wrote:Because that would only work for an ideal collision in which the energy remains as kinetic energy for the whole time. In real world collisions, the kinetic energy of A is temporarily converted into potential energy, which our literal materialism says doesn't exist.
That's only the case if one has a background belief that energy MUST remain constant.
No, it's the case because it's observed to be the case, just as the non-disappearance of objects (conservation of matter) is observed to be the case. Or at least, if this is only the case as a result of a "background belief" then so is pretty much everything else.
Conversation of energy, like other conversation laws, isn't a "background belief" in the sense of being an article of faith. It exists (and stands or falls) as a result of observation. So it exists in exactly the same sense that my belief exists that there is an object in front of me if my eyes detect light hitting them in particular ways. That could be called a "background belief" in the same sense.
Like all proposed universal natural laws, conversation of energy is a generalization from specific observations and therefore it's perfectly possible that it might turn out not to be universal after all. Just as conservation of matter might turn out not to be universal and it might turn out that objects can disappear into "thin air". But so far it hasn't. Likewise with energy.
But why would we think this? What observation would suggest that energy MUST remain constant?
Wrong way round. Observations don't tell us that energy MUST remain constant. The principle that energy remains constant comes from the observations, and each observation either fits with or invalidates that principle. If it invalidates it, the principle is replaced.
The kind of observation which suggests that energy has remained constant again in this case (and that therefore the principle can stay) is the one that shows the existence of potential energy that we are discussing in relation to the rubber ball hitting the ground: observation of objects or their constituent parts being in particular relative positions/configurations.
Relative motion of objects or of their constituent parts indicates the presence of relative kinetic energy. You're not directly seeing kinetic energy; you're seeing motion. Relative positions/configurations of objects or of their constituent parts indicates the presence of potential energy. Again, you're not directly seeing potential energy; you're seeing the positions of things.
Of course, you could dispense with the notions of both kinetic and potential energy just as you could dispense with the notion of objects in front of you. You could decide that the sensation of light hitting your eyes in particular ways is not a result of the presence of objects in front of you. You could decide that objects moving relative to each other doesn't constitute the existence of kinetic energy relative to each other. You could decide that objects being in particular relative spatial configurations doesn't constitute the existence of relative potential energy. But if we do any of these things we break a pattern. And we've observed in the past that patterns persist and are useful in helping us to decide what to regard as extra-mentally existing. If we're not interested in the patterns then we're not interested in anything existing. It's just disconnected sensations.
If we take away just the potential energy from ontological reality, then we've decided that objects in collision just stop for some period of time and then start again for no apparent reason. We have no way of knowing for how long they're going to do this. And in numerous other situations, we've thereby decided that there are holes in reality where we've no idea what's going to happen next, or when. We could do the same with the objects themselves. We could take them away from ontological reality and say that various images appear to us for no apparent reason and that any theories we have of objects reflecting light into eyes are just theoretical constructs. Or we could decide that objects stop existing in reality, and become just theoretical constructs, when we can't see them. Why would we want to do that? If we don't want to do that with the objects that we theorize that we're indirectly observing, why do we want to do it with the potential energy that we theorize that we're indirectly observing?
First, the ball is stationary with respect to the floor as long as we ignore the ball's shape and internal structure, but it's not actually stationary with respect to the floor if we don't ignore the ball's shape and internal structure--and the floor's shape and internal structure...
It is stationary with respect to the floor regardless of what we ignore or don't ignore about its shape. The things to which we do or don't direct our attention don't determine the state of motion of the ball.
...As you note, the ball is distorted because its constituent parts, including its molecules/atoms and their component parts are in motion (as is the floor).
It's distorted shape doesn't tell us that it is in motion. At this point it isn't in motion. It's distorted shape constitutes evidence that it
was in motion in the recent past and will be again in the near future. Of course, it might not have been. It might simply have adopted this shape spontaneously for no reason. But we've observed so far that rubber balls don't do that. We've observed patterns in their behaviour. Part of the way that we express our observation of that kind of behaviour is through conservation of energy.
But let's say we ignore all of that. The ball has energy n. Let's say it hits the floor and it momentarily (per whatever other changes we use as a reference) stationary. And then it is in motion again, with energy m. What in that observation would make the explanation "The ball collides with B, whereupon it LOSES ENERGY, and then the ball GAINS ENERGY AFTER the collision" not work? Where are we observing something different than that?
What makes that observation not work is the same thing that makes this observation not work: "The ball doesn't exist. The light hitting my eyes didn't bounce off a ball. It just appeared immediately in front of me.". Where are we observing something different from that? We're not. But we don't believe it because it doesn't fit a consistent pattern with other things that we've observed. Likewise, the idea that the ball just loses some energy and then gains some again doesn't contradict what is observed here but it's not a useful position to take because it doesn't fit a pattern.
You're positing a theoretical, not an observational, statement, based on the background belief that energy must remain constant. That's different than observing something that doesn't fit what I wrote (re losing energy and then gaining energy after the collision).
If I'm doing that, then we're all doing that for everything, including objects. If I say that there is an object in front of me I'm positing a theoretical based on the "background belief" that light hitting my eyes in particular ways must be reflected off something.