Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Pantheism is "a doctrine which identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God". I find myself agreeing a lot with pantheism. I think it has many advantages over traditional theism.
Identifying, or defining, 'God' with the Universe, in the visible sense, is the ONLY way God works, and works PERFECTLY I will add.
But once ANY thing is 'indoctrinated' or used in relation to an 'ism' word, like "pantheism" for example, then that will NOT work.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
For starters I find it hard to conceive of a truly external omnipotent God.
The very reason WHY you or ANY one else finds it hard to conceive of an external God, is because that is an IMPOSSIBILITY and could NEVER work.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
How could God have free will if he must always be good?
The visible physical Universe does NOT have 'free will' as thee One and ONLY Universe is ALWAYS caused or created, or in other words is IN CREATION, constantly.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
How do we know this God isn't temperamental?
But if you are going to say that the Universe is identified as God, then this God is NOT temperamental. This is because physical matter itself is NOT temperamental. Human beings might appear temperamental but this is because there are internal feelings/emotions WITHIN, which are expressed through physical human behavior.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Then we'd be left with the problem of the "evil demon" or the "deceiving god" who could capriciously put us in hell.
There is God, in the visible sense. And,
There is God, in the non visible sense.
There is what is called 'hell'. And,
There is what is called 'heaven'.
When these things are FULLY comprehended AND understood, then this ALL WORKS PERFECTLY.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
I think there are also problems with the idea of heaven. It's a very hedonistic concept. I don't think eternal life is psychologically possible even if it were physically possible.
Thinking that 'heaven' is in relation to one person is an EXTREMELY hedonistic concept in and of itself. And because human beings are taught to think that 'heaven' (and 'hell') is in relation to them, personally, then this is WHY most human beings are still so TOTALLY CONFUSED on these issues here.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Surely one would eventually get exhausted and mentally fatigued by the accumulative stress of living thousands of years!
But in 'heaven' there is NO 'stress'.
In fact, in Life, there is NO 'stress' as well. Although this is VERY CONTRADICTORY to POPULAR BELIEF, in the days of when this is being written.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Also, there's a difference between wisdom and knowledge! Wisdom appears to be more visceral. So would an omniscient God have any true wisdom? Indeed, could an omnipotent entity feel any pain at all?
This is WHERE one NEEDS to LEARN the difference between 'God' in the visible (physical) sense from 'God' in the non visible (Spiritual) sense.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Pantheism, on the other hand, avoids these pitfalls. It's simply the belief that a single energy lives through all conscious entities.
And if you fall for the trap of BELIEVING 'one thing', then you are NOT OPEN to ANY thing else different to 'that thing'.
Why could a single energy NOT live through all the non conscious entities also?
Also, what exactly is, and is NOT, a 'conscious entity'?
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
It's not solipsistic as everyone is separated by the totality and completeness of death. Rather it's a monistic idea that asserts that we're all interconnected and derivative from the same infinite entity.
This is really it's sole tenet which means that it doesn't lend itself to any unjustified dogmatic beliefs.[/quote]
Yet 'pantheism' like ALL 'isms' HAVE a BELIEF. As you just SHOWED above.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
It's perfectly compatible with humility as there are other reasons to be humble besides one's belief in a certain God.
The problem of evil is really a separate debate.
There is NO ACTUAL 'problem' of 'evil'. As some people BELIEVE there is.
Work out what the definition of 'problem' is and then, by definition, there is NO actual 'problem' here.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
(I think there may be a small degree of indirect justice in the fact evil people often attack other evil people).
And judging some people as being 'evil' and some "others" as 'not being evil' is part of the reason WHY human beings are still living in a 'hell' like existence, in the days of when this was being written.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
The best thing about pantheism is that the golden rule naturally follows from a belief that we're all sort of associated. The golden rule is "the principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated".
This may well be a 'golden' or 'good' rule, but it is also a 'broken' rule, which could NEVER REALLY work.
There NEEDS to be a provision or caveat added, to make that 'golden' rule a PERFECT rule.
Michael McMahon wrote: ↑May 25th, 2019, 6:44 am
Any thoughts?
Everything I have said above can be backed up and supported. That is; If ANY one is truly interested.