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Dachshund wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 6:42 amJack Smart was an Identity Theorist. His argument was that mental states/events/process in phenomenal consciousness were identical (in a strict sense of the word) with neural states/events/processessin the brain.No, the identity theory cannot be dismissed that easily!
No one disputes that mental states/events/processess that are experienced in phenomenal (waking/dream) consciousness are correlated with biological brain states/events/process like neuronal firing, etc. But to claim a strict relationship of identity between the two is utter madness.
What Smart is saying , in short,is that if you are having a dream one night of, say, a bright yellow bird flying through a park, then that yellow dream bird( which , BTW, does exist as genuine component of reality - i.e. does actually exist as a thing while you are dreaming it) is identical to a bunch of firing neurons etc; in some particular part of your brain. But living nerve tissue in your brain is never bright yellow in colour, it has no beak or feathers nor any wings, right ? End of story.
Dachshund wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 7:28 amJ.J. "Jack" Smart became famous overnight after he published a paper called "Are Sensations Brain Processes". This paper was a masterful exercise in rhetoric - in semantic gymnastics - but the bottom line is that qualia like, say phenomenal red ( i.e. the perception in consciousness of the colour red) are not identical in any strict sense with biological brain matter. It is that simple. To argue that they are is nonsense.Of course, to say that phenomenal properties (qualia) are identical to "brain matter", i.e. to neurons or neural tissue, is to commit an ontological category mistake, since properties (qualities/attributes/features) aren't things (objects/substances) or stuffs; but that's not what reductive materialists (materialist identity theorists) say. What they say is that phenomenal properties are identical to (and composed of) physical/neurological properties of brains, and there's nothing nonsensical about saying so.
Consul wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 12:03 pmWhat [reductive materialists] say is that phenomenal properties are identical to (and composed of) physical/neurological properties of brains, and there's nothing nonsensical about saying so.To be more precise, among the reductive materialists there are both internalists and externalists about qualia. According to materialist qualia internalism ("cerebralism" or "endocephalism"), qualia are in the head/brain, being (complex/structural) neurophysiological properties of the CNS. According to materialist qualia externalism, qualia are not in the head/brain, because they are physical properties of perceived external objects. For example, phenomenal colors are identified with physical microstructural properties of the surfaces of objects seen.
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 10:16 am Thanks for the info on Integrated Information Theory (IIT). That looks interesting, and I've never heard of it. If the wiki page is correct, proponents of start by accepting that consciousness is real.Here's a short introduction written by the man who is the father of ITT, Giulio Tononi: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Int ... ion_theory
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 10:11 am If the assumption is that the physical is what is real, and consciousness reduces to the physical... then consciousness must be some kind of illusion created by physical "stuff".Right. Not many philosophers suggest consciousness (or to be precise experiential states) aren't real, because duh, you and I directly know they are (at least I do, and that's all anyone can say with absolute certainty). The Churchlands put forward Eliminative Materialism, and Dennett ambiguously flirts with consciousness as an 'illusion', but one thing each of us is certain of is that experiential states exist.
If the thinking is that both the physical and consciousness are real, as Consul seems to imply, then that sounds like dualism. And that is what seems likely to me. Property dualism- consciousness is a basic property of this universe that we find ourselves in. It's not a complete theory. But it's a theory worth pursuing. Consciousness is certain. If I know anything I know I'm conscious.
Gertie wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 9:20 amExcept our scientific knowledge of the world doesn't predict or explain conscious emergence, any more than it does eg panpsychism.Not yet, but the neuroscientists are working hard to solve the hard problem of consciousness and to close the explanatory gap between mind and brain.
Gertie wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 9:20 amSubjective experience being associated with brains is simply something we have observed. From testing for neural correlation in humans who we can pretty safely assume to have experiential states like ourselves, we can then assume that other species with similar substrates (complex organic brains) and associated correlated behaviour, have subjective experience similarish to humans.As I already said, there's no reason to expect there to be such a phenomenon as plant experience. Arguably, all experiential states are states of animal brains, and the basic structure and function of animal nervous systems is always the same: they are all networks of electrochemically interacting neurons. (This is not to say that there are no differences at all between human brains and other animal brains.)
Those assumptions based on observation of similarity make sense, but they're not an explanation which can include or exclude less similar entities.
Even if emergence (one guess) is the right way to think about the relationship between physical processes and experiential states, we don't know what processes are necessary and sufficient, or even whether the type of substate matters. And relying on recognising human-like similarities in non-human, even non-biological, processes could easily mislead us. There's no reason to expect daffodil experiential states would be anything like a human's, so looking for close similarities doesn't help. Likewise computers, rocks, China or the whole universe.
Gertie wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 9:20 amBottom line, without an established explanatory theory of the relationship between physical processes and experiential states (crucially the necessary and sufficient conditions), or a way to test for experiential states, any or none of current speculations could be on the right track.The ontology of the mind and its relationship with the brain is one thing, and the epistemology of other minds is another.
The fact that our usual ways of knowing stuff (science) and our ability to test competing hypotheses don't seem to help us here, should make us cautious about claiming we know what is (currently at least) unknowable. Chalmers calls it 'the hard problem' precisely because it doesn't seem amenable to our usual methodologies. Which suggests there might well be more going on than we realise, perhaps are even equipped to recognise or understand.
Consul wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 2:41 pmMysterianism about the mind-body/brain problem might be true. We human apes might be "cognitively closed" with respect to this problem, i.e. too stupid to solve it (in a humanly intelligible way). But there's no justification for defeatism until all scientific attempts at solving the hard problem of consciousness have failed; and the neuroscience of consciousness is not at its end but at its beginning, with nobody being able to predict how explanatorily successful it will be in the future. The neuroscientists may be hundreds or thousands of years away from a successful (reductionist-materialist) solution and explanation, but this in no way means that the neuroscience of consciousness is in principle doomed to failure.Moreover, even if human scientists should never be able to solve the hard problem and to close the explanatory gap (in reductionist-materialist terms), it wouldn't follow that no other animal species in the universe could be able to do so. Nor would it follow that reductive materialism is therefore false. There might be superhumanly intelligent nonhuman scientists on another planet who have already solved the hard problem and closed the explanatory gap.
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 2:12 pm @Gretie
I'm not sure if we're on the same page here and defining these terms in the same way.
My understanding is as follows: Panpsychism is a form of property dualism (In this thread, I'm using the the terms interchangeably). If property dualism (PD) is true, then there is only one substance. People who adhere to PD are monists about substances, but accept property dualism. If property dualism is true, then consciousness is an irreducible property of the universe. If PD, then just as things have mass and length, they also have a consciousness (although simple objects would have a very simple form of consciousness).
Substance dualism (SD) is the theory that there is more than one substance. If SD, then there are physical substances and a mental substances. (or physical stuff and soul stuff). People who believe we have souls believe in SD.
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 2:19 pm I meant to say, "If PD then there are mental properties are an irreducible property of the universe". Consciousness is a mental property. If PD then every physical thing has mental properties and is conscious.I am not that familiar with PD. I would say Nagel and Searle are "Duel Aspect" philosophers and Whitehead is, as you say, a pan psychic. However, Whitehead is a "Monist" asserting that the fundamental substrate of everything is that of "actual entities" which are conscious beings. Aristotelian Metaphysics, that we use to guide our thinking in both common language and science (the nature of physical substance e.g.), only gains a shred of credibility due to the fact that the actual entities of what we consider physical substance choose to become the same from moment to moment, therefore giving the appearance of being a substance of a particular type.
Dachshund wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 7:14 amOK, sorry. My point is that anyone who argues Identity Theory is a plausible thesis in TOM is barking mad.Which theory (regarding the psychophysical relationship) do you regard as plausible or the most plausible one?
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 10:11 amIf the thinking is that both the physical and consciousness are real, as Consul seems to imply, then that sounds like dualism.But it isn't dualism unless consciousness is either said to be non-/hyperphysical (and thus to be physically irreducible) or said to be physical sui generis (and thus to be irreducible to the physical entities from which it emerges). The former is an "extra-materialistic" dualism, and the latter is an "intra-materialistic" dualism (= emergentistic materialism).
anonymous66 wrote: ↑May 25th, 2018, 10:11 amAnd that is what seems likely to me. Property dualism- consciousness is a basic property of this universe that we find ourselves in. It's not a complete theory. But it's a theory worth pursuing.What exactly does it mean to say that "consciousness is a basic property of this universe"?
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