Dark Matter wrote:
It's not a simple question of what's true, but what ideas best reflect the nature of our loyalties.
You hit the nail on the head, Dark Matter!! Finally a statement you uttered I can wholeheartedly agree with.
Some have their loyalty with god, their idol, their one and only true god. Some others have their loyalty to the truth.
I find god and worshipping god mundane, much like you find the search for truth mundane.
I am very glad you revealed this much. This means that there is no need to try to convince you or Anthony Edgar or Felix of the truth. To you guys that is an issue you are not concerned with.
You are concerned with what is not mundane to you, and that thing is your extreme loyalty to your god and to your religion.
This is fine, I have no problems with this.
I only have to ask one question though, and you may give me an analogy for an answer, as long as it makes sense. The question is, what is the point for you, personally, to come on a philosophy forum where there are people whose loyalty to the truth is greater, much greater, than their loyalty to any god? Obviously the two sides will never find common ground, so what's the point of disrupting others in their gentle occupation, and insisting that your loyalty is what they should adopt? Or if your aim is not that, then what's the point of letting us gentle folks know that you consider our loyalty with disdain?
Of course the philosophers will put up a resistance when you interrupt their search for the truth and you talk about a loyalty, which they don't feel, which is not their own.
I have to admit, my respect for you grew manifold for admitting your loyalties and how important they are to you. You showed courage, honesty, and candid frankness with that. I respect that in a man and in a woman.
-- Updated December 5th, 2016, 3:51 pm to add the following --
Belindi wrote:Whatever the Latin is for 'Thoughts Exist' is where he should've ended up.
Erm... Descartes was looking for a proof for a physical entity in this world... he did not find it. But he found his mind to be the closest to a physical entity that can be proven to exist.
He was not going to change the world with "cogito ergo sum", he simply made an observation and drew the consequences.
Thoughts may exist... but they are fleeting, they don't have any permanence. Recurrence, yes, but no permanence. A mind has a permanence. Thoughts are also a product of the mind... which means they are a property of the mind, not separate entities.