(better late than never)
The rise of quantum physics was the death knell of the idea of a mechanistic universe in which everything occured via straightforward physical interactions that worked intuitively as they do in the everyday world.
There are still physical interactions. It's the deviation from intuition that is the difference, which is hardly surprising given that our intuition is based on our experiences on human scales.
This view had already collapsed within philosophy back with the Vienna Circle, and attempts to build a universal model of formal logic, and within physics with some of Einstein's models replacing newtonian physics. Once it was determined that a universe could not, in fact, operate on the basis of classically understood causal interactions, because the interactions would be unknoweable, rather than merely difficult to discern in practice, then it became clear that universe had to have a different basic structure than had been hoped for.
I may be wrong here, but weren't the views of the Vienna Circle
influenced by the experimental discoveries, and consequent theories, of quantum mechanics? I think the rise of movements like Logical Positivism would not have happened in the same way unless the discoveries of quantum mechanics had forced us to re-evaluate the way in which we think of interactions between observer and observed and what, if anything, those interactions might tell us about any single objectively existing real world that might exist.
Hm.. I'm already familiar with the science. Do you feel the videos contain the example I was asking for of philosophy following science?
In that video, the part I was thinking of was near the end where the lecturer talks about the "change the physics" method versus the "change the philosophy" method. He gives the lecture in order to show his preference for the the "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics.
I'm also note sure what you mean 'philsophically satisfying worldview'. The conditions philosophy set tend to be around whether ideas are coherant, contradictory, supported by the evidence, and so on. Is that what you're referring to?
I think it is the search for something that is "philosophically satisfying" that leads people to postulate ideas such as the "many worlds" theory, explored in that video, as explanations for the observed results.
When faced with experimental results that cannot be fitted into the mental models that we use to explain/describe human-scale phenomena, one approach of some physicists has been characterised by the famous phrase "shut up and calculate", often associated with the so-called Copenhagen interpretation of QM. The general approach here is that the role of the physicist is simply to find mathematical models that fit the observations and correctly predict future observations. This approach does not attach any importance to the process of trying to "make sense" of those results using anything other than descriptive and predictive mathematical models. But clearly some philosophers of physics don't like this approach. They think that there is a need to "explain" our observations of the world and not merely to describe and predict them. It is in this sense that I am using the word "satisfying" here.
Would you agree that if the electrical grid goes down in America for whatever reason, many will die horrible deaths because our lives are dependent upon electricity?...
Yes I would. That's true of most of the technological innovations that have happened over the last few thousand years and which have resulted in the human population of the world expanding by a factor of several thousand. For example, it's true of the selective breeding of wheat. Would you regard us as being slaves to this too? Do you choose which technological innovations you regard as condemning us to slavery or is it all of them?
...Most slaves don't realize what it means to be a slave until they get a taste for freedom.
It sounds as though you think that this freedom from slavery would be a good thing. Is this true? Do you think that we should free ourselves from our dependence on modern agriculture and selective breeding of crops and livestock? Should we attempt to forage for food and sleep under the stars (spurning the slavery of houses with central heating and hot running water)? Clothing is also a technological innovation. As a result, we are the "naked apes" who, outside of the tropics, are incapable of keeping ourselves warm enough without wrapping ourselves in products made from other animals and plants. Are we slaves to clothing? Should we cast them off and die, noble and free, from the cold?
As you've said in the context of electricity, most of the human population of the Earth would die for the obvious reason that 7 billion people cannot be sustained without the technological innovations of the last 10,000 years that allowed that inflated human population to come into existence. It seems odd to characterise all this as slavery. But if you don't, how do you decide which life-sustaining technologies constitute slavery and which are simply things that keep us alive?
-- Updated Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:52 pm to add the following --
Dave Moore, some brief thoughts about those premises and whether they constitute meaningful statements:
1) Each of us experiences a completely different objective reality. We do not share one larger reality. There is no single empirical reality.
I propose that if it is supposed to be an empirical statement then this is meaningless because it doesn't correspond to anything that can be tested by observation. If it is an analytical statement about the best way to make sense of our observations - the best mental models to construct - then it is not particularly useful. We do like to construct the mental model of a single shared reality because it is a very useful model for describing the common features of our individual experiences.
2) Reality is deterministic. Free will does not exist. The future is set in stone. Whatever happens was always going to happen.
I don't think this is meaningful either. What do you mean by "was always going to happen"?
I'm not sure what the last two mean.