Steve3007 wrote:Atreyu: I presume you're being ironic there and are not really suggesting that Nature somehow had a goal in mind from the beginning, and that the goal was homo sapiens sapiens?
And are you suggesting that you somehow know that Nature itself is not in some manner intelligent, and thus capable of goals? Are we perhaps seeing your faith again?
-- Updated June 4th, 2016, 10:14 am to add the following --
Zhan wrote:Yet human kind only maintains its theoretical measure of intellegence by comparing its very own being with other living types surviving on this planet.
Yes, agreed, this is where our view of our own intelligence comes from, a comparison to other living things on this planet. Ah, but wait, it would be more precise to say, "the other living things
we know about."
What if there are species on this planet that we don't know about, species more intelligent than us?
At first this sounds preposterous because as I'm sure someone was about to type, where are they then? This challenge presumes that we could see higher life forms if they existed, thus our lack of such seeing seems to convincingly prove that they don't.
Here's what the evidence provided by many millions of known life forms may suggest.
Each species tends to be somewhat brilliant within it's niche, or it wouldn't be there, competition and survival of the fittest being what it is. And of course some species have remarkable abilities which even humans can not replicate. But...
The other thing all known species seem to have in common is that they are largely blind beyond their niche, having little to no need for this extra information.
A squirrel knows your back yard far better than you ever will, but it is utterly incapable of grasping the Internet unfolding on your laptop where you sit underneath the tree. The carpet mites living at the bottom of your living room carpet pile have absolutely no clue where the flesh flakes they feast on come from.
Think about it. Pretty much every species ever discovered, brilliant within a narrow range, and blind beyond.
Yes, our niche is surely wider than other creatures on Earth, but does that automatically equal our vision being unlimited? Are we fundamentally different than the creatures we arose from not so long ago? Seems unlikely.
What if like the squirrel and every other known creature on Earth, we are brilliant within a particular slice of reality, and blind beyond?
Here's an imperfect example. For most of human history, until quite recently, we had no knowledge of the microscopic, atomic and quantum realms. They were right there, everywhere, the whole time, as real as the nose on our face, but we couldn't see them. Of course we did eventually discover them, which makes this example imperfect.
Another imperfect example is our vision, which can perceive only a tiny slice of the electro-magnetic spectrum. We don't see reality with our eyes in the manner we presume, we see only a very small fragment of reality.
It seems reasonable to propose that there may be intelligent things going on over our heads that would be as foreign and inaccessible to us as the Internet is to a squirrel.
The fact that we think we are an intelligent species may itself be the proof that we are not.
If the things we want to hear could take us where we want to go, we'd already be there.