Steve3007 wrote:I've just read through the entire topic again to make sure I haven't missed anything. The continuously recurring themes appear to be essentially these:
1. Knowledge is a force of nature.
2. We need to learn how to control that force.
3. We need to learn that more is not always better in the field of knowledge as we have already done in some other fields.
4. We need to divert large sums of money away from various areas of scientific research and towards discussion of our relationship with knowledge.
5. I don't know how we will do this, but we need to discuss it.
Thanks Steve, that's a great concise summary, most likely needed at this point in the thread.
The main thing that strikes me about the above points is that they cannot be about anything other than education.
Ok, that seems a reasonable and constructive point.
Another incidental thing that strikes me is that point 4 is irrelevant to the argument. The amount of money we spend on this educational endeavour is not as important, at this stage, as working out what we would like to teach.
Well, not to quibble, but figuring out what to teach seems just the first step in the process, a step that should be well funded.
Also, if point 5 is true then I can see why people tend to drift away and stop discussing this. To keep people interested we need ideas.
Ok, fair point, good plan.
It's not possible to sustain a discussion for long by simply repeating that we have a big problem with no practical solutions.
I agree again, but would remind you that the vast majority of people who encounter this topic have no idea that we have a big problem. Without such an understanding, they understandably have little motivation to seek solutions.
How about, if we were in a position of power in government, working towards mandating that all schools must add a major new element to the school curriculum. The major new element would be given a role at least as central as Mathematics and English. It would teach the next generation about the dangers of too much knowledge on certain specific subjects.
Ok, thanks for a constructive idea. I haven't had a chance to give this sufficient thought, so the following is just a first impression.
As you'd suspect, I agree with the thrust of your idea. We might shift the focus to our relationship with knowledge more generally, showing that relationship to be the defining property of the human experience, a foundation from which many good and bad things can flow.
I'm trying to recognize here that the "more is better" relationship with knowledge is the primary dogma of modern civilization, and that attacking it head on without a lot of context is likely to make it seem a political (or even religious) effort rather than an educational one. In other words, we probably shouldn't put this bomb throwing writer in charge of the curriculum.
I do agree with your idea of making this a central topic in education, given that it is a central topic in the human experience. If we get this part right, we can improve on the details as we go.
As example, perhaps we can expand on conversations already underway across the culture on topics such as our relationship with our devices and the net. People can relate to this, because they all have devices and a relationship with them.
Perhaps the more general education can be directed towards the young, while the big picture bottom line is better directed at those already in power whose job it is to be thought leaders and make decisions today.
We need highly articulate intellectual shock troops who can lead a cultural revolution that might be compared to the political revolution Bernie Sanders and his supporters are trying to lead.
I'm not keeping up with you in terms of constructive ideas here, will try to catch up as I conquer the Green Slime Flu Monster currently in residence here.
-- Updated March 17th, 2016, 8:25 am to add the following --
This flu must be rotting my brain because it took me all day to think of the most obvious answer to your request for specific solutions.
What could be a better target for our efforts than nuclear weapons?
1) Nuclear weapons are a very real current threat, not a speculative maybe someday concern.
2) Nuclear weapons are extremely easy to understand.
3) Nuclear weapons give us something very relevant, specific and huge to work on right now.
It seems it would be close to impossible to develop a clearer example of the threat posed by knowledge development than nuclear weapons.
Having a such a thoroughly clear example should reveal to us how utterly unprepared we are to challenge the "more is better" relationship with knowledge dogma.
To the best of my knowledge, this issue has not been referenced even once in the current presidential campaign, even as a bellicose lunatic marches confidently towards the Oval Office.
Yes, people are worried about Trump, but not the nuclear weapons he may inherit. All the focus is on Trump the person, as if he was the real problem.
Point being, the "more is better" relationship with knowledge dogma is so old and so huge that we are very unlikely to edit it with reason alone. Reason isn't going to work, what is needed here is fear.
Our best hope may be that some knowledge driven technology spins out of control and scares the living crap out of us, but then doesn't do too much damage.
The educational processes we've started to discuss above should probably have as their goal preparing the public for that moment, so that when the wave of fear arrives, that isn't the first time people have heard of these issues.
Thanks for keeping the thread alive. I'll try to stay alive long enough myself to help you keep it moving forward.
-- Updated March 17th, 2016, 8:43 am to add the following --
Hi Togo,
Togo1 wrote:Could we also find time to discuss what the flaws are in the present set of controls?
We already have formidable mechanisms for diverting research to fields that have already been identified as useful.
Fair enough, it does seem useful to remind ourselves that there is some understanding of the threat already in place.
Generally speaking, destroying humanity is not useful. So we don't do much research on it.
While generally true, nuclear weapons pose a rather enormous contradiction to this principle.
The peril, presumably then, comes from research with unexpected side effects.
Yes, this seems a good summary. One possible response to this truth might be to focus on the overall pace of knowledge development. If we could slow the overall pace, we'd have more time to see the unexpected coming.
There's an obvious problem with banning thing that might have unexpected side effects - they're unexpected.
So it's not enough, in my mind, to talk about putting on controls, or diverting money and effort into 'understanding what we're doing', because that's research in itself, and already funded. What are we proposing here that's different? Or is it just that we need more of the same?
Where is the research in to understanding the threat posed by our "more is better" relationship with knowledge?
I see concerns being expressed about particular technologies such as say, genetic engineering, but not a focus on the underlying bottom line issue, our relationship with knowledge. Here's a theory of why that might be...
Scientists are the experts in the knowledge development business. Science is reductionist in nature, that is, it works by dividing challenges in to smaller and smaller fragments. Thus we see the typical scientist is a specialist by nature, that is, their mind was born to focus like a laser on narrow issues.
This reductionist process is clearly very useful, but I think it tends to blind the typical scientist to the larger issues beyond the narrow reductionist stovepipe of their own particular field.
Thus, a problem I see is that the "science clergy" has the cultural authority to lead an investigation in to our relationship with knowledge, they don't have the needed big picture focus, and they have a natural bias against challenging the "more is better" dogma which is the source of their cultural power.
-- Updated March 17th, 2016, 8:45 am to add the following --
I neglected to properly quote this sentence from Togo..
There's an obvious problem with banning thing that might have unexpected side effects - they're unexpected.
If the things we want to hear could take us where we want to go, we'd already be there.