Obvious Leo wrote:No it doesn't. It specifically says the opposite.
I admit I'm not an expert in the theory but that is certainly how most people imagine it. Even to the point that in the sitcom 'Big Bang Theory' their intro says '.... and everything was in a hot dense state'. I'm not sure if you'd like to elaborate on the theory, but most people indeed view it that way and that is always how I understood it.
Obvious Leo wrote:This is false because the galaxies are gravitationally bound.
I believe you're assuming galaxies merely 'expanding', as science imagines the Universe as a whole. But that's not what I mean at all. I mean they're growing in terms of total matter and mass. New stars over time. New matter being created in the cores of large bodies via pair production. This is a new idea you may not be familiar with. So gravity has nothing to do with it.
Obvious Leo wrote: Although the equations of physics are time invariant absolutely nobody accepts that going back in time is a valid construct. Time is universally accepted as being uni-directional.
I clearly remember being taught that bb theory began by scientists extrapolating back in time, moving everything closer together. As far as I know this was the original impetus behind the idea. It doesn't matter how we cognize time, forward or backward. Lots of theories and ideas are based by extrapolating back in time. It's even a basic tenet of cause and effect. Like following footprints to see from whence one came. And actually time is most generally accepted as being the peculiar way we cognize and perceive the higher dimensions of space, hence the term space-time. It is not universally accepted that our cognition of chronological time has any real basis in the world. At any rate, I'm pretty certain that 'going back in time' was how bb theory originally developed. I think this is generally accepted and known.
Obvious Leo wrote: In non-linear dynamic systems the opposite is the case and the evolution of life is the most obvious example. It started with a simple self-replicating molecule and here we are chatting about it. Non-linear dynamic systems are self-organising, which means they become more complex. This process is described by a mathematical system called chaos theory.
The evolution of life is a theory and it really sheds no light on the origin of life. It merely explains the processes of how it changes over time. You have nothing substantive to back up the idea that life somehow sprang from non-life. Neither does anyone else. Those who oppose this idea do. We never see life coming from non-life in nature. Ever. We don't see cells springing up from dirt. In fact, the idea that 'life only comes from life' was taught to me in biology years ago as a 'fundamental principle' of biology and the famous 'fly in the soup' experiment by Louis Pasteur was cited as
proof of this. Abiogenesis is merely being 'accepted' by many people like yourself because you have no adequate explanation for how the first cells on Earth originated. The idea of 'migration' is more valid at face value and does not necessitate needing to violate a seemingly obvious principle -- all life as we know it apparently comes from other life via reproduction. That's all we see in nature, and there's no reason to violate this principle just because you can't explain the origin of life on Earth.
Obvious Leo wrote: The alternative implies teleology which quite frankly makes me puke. That life emerged from non-life is unanimously accepted in biology and if you wish to argue otherwise the burden of proof lies with you. But don't do it here because the big bang is about physics and physics is not supposed to be a belief system.
The idea that life has a cosmic function doesn't make all of us puke. Just people who are attached to religion and fiercely oppose it. Funny that someone who is arguing against mainstream theoretical physics would appeal to an 'accepted' view and then try to say the burden of proof lies with
me. Really? You say abiogenesis is true in spite of no proof whatsoever in nature, in spite of all the
facts, and then say that I am the one who must defend my position? No, the burden of proof is on
you because you are the one making an assertion which is
apparently false, not I. It's accepted simply because biologists haven't considered
migration as an explanation for the first life on Earth. It came from other life, as it
always does, but that source of life is unknown because it wasn't on the Earth. Life began elsewhere and then migrated here. That explanation at face value is just as valid and does not necessitate taking a position (abiogenesis) which violates everything we see in the real world in which we live.
Obvious Leo wrote: Are you not made of atoms and molecules like the rest of us. You are the living proof that consciousness is a mechanical process and neuroscience knows much about how it works. Dualism has no place in a scientific conversation. You don't seem to know much about physics, Atreyu, and your logic could use some work.
Actually, it's your logic that could use some work because the phenomenon of consciousness and mechanicalness are inherently different. The constituent parts of our physical bodies mean nothing here. Neither can physiology, neuroscience included, shed any light on it. A mechanical phenomenon just
'happens', based on their interactions with each other. No one 'does' it. It just 'happens' based on the laws of physics. Consciousness is completely and inherently different. There, a conscious entity
'does' it. It
chooses to
make it happen. This is a completely different order of phenomenon and physics, mechanics, and physiology can in no way ascertain which is which. This is a question of psychology, not physics or physiology. You can only know consciousness in yourself.
The idea is very simple and obvious to those of us who understand the crucial and inherent difference between these two phenomena. Conscious entities can build machines. Design them. Even build machines which can build other machines. But no machines, especially without any
design or plan, have ever, or could ever, churn out any conscious entities. Just trying to imagine this shows it utter absurdity. Consciousness is something that cannot just 'happen'
by definition. If it merely 'happens', this implies mechanicalness. If it was 'done', this implies a conscious entity or entities were involved.
Please explain to me how 'dead matter' just
'happens' to become an entity which can choose and decide its actions? Just explain even how mere awareness can arise from 'dead matter' where formerly it wasn't present
at all. Consciousness by definition cannot solely be a mechanical process and therefore cannot be explained within its parameters. And if you were right, again, science could demonstrate this by creating a machine which not only could churn out living organisms but also conscious ones.
The problem is not logic, yours or mine. We both have it. The problem is that you don't understand
psychology. You're trying to reduce consciousness and life to mere mechanical phenomena because that's all you know and deal with, like most 'scientific-types'. Trying to reduce psychology to physiology, again, because that's all you know about and deal with. But they're not the same, and modern psychology is largely a fabricated affair.
-- Updated July 23rd, 2014, 6:56 pm to add the following --
Obvious Leo wrote: On the subject of abiogensis, which seems to be a particular sticking point for you for some reason, I'll give you the facts. Life cannot have existed in the universe until it was at least 7 billion years old, and perhaps not until it was 9 billion years old. If the latter figure is correct then life began on earth almost as soon as it possibly could have. The reason for this is that the complex molecules necessary for life simply didn't exist. They didn't exist because the very atoms that make up these molecules didn't exist. We are stardust and these complex atoms can only form after at least 3 generations of stellar evolution. If you want to argue for the invisible hand of supernatural forces then please don't do it here and bugger up this thread.
That is simply false and arbitrary. Only life
as you know it could not have existed until such complex molecules came into existence. Not life as a
general principle, and that is exactly what I'm talking about. You are assuming that the only life in the Universe is life as we know it. So called 'carbon-based' life. And that is
quite an assumption.
And yes, abiogenesis is indeed a 'sticking point' for me because I find the idea utterly absurd at face value. I'm sticking with the evidence, the facts, you guys are not. Too bad you guys have to believe in such a ludicrous proposition which contradicts all we see in nature just because your minds are not imaginative enough to consider possibilities for the origin of life which do not violate the law that life only comes from other life, such as 'migration', which I briefly delineated above.
First try to form a cosmological model that fits the obvious facts, rather than trying to make the 'facts' fit into a model that is appealing to you for personal reasons. You should exhaust all other possibilities in your explanations before you resort to questioning a known and established law. Therefore, the explanation of 'migration' for the origin of life on Earth should be considered
before one considers abstractions like 'abiogenesis' which have no facts whatsoever to back them up.