Felix wrote:Meleager contended that quantum experiments (such as the one described in the link I posted) disprove materialism. They do not. They merely demonstrate that energy/matter functions or behaves differently at the micro/macro world levels. Both processes (mechanical and quantum mechanical) are necessary and co-exist, one does not displace or disprove the existence of the other.
I shan't speak for Meleagar (even if I could), but quantum theory is based on the 'and' conjunctive: wave AND particle, possible AND actual.
Thus, the deeper reality involves spiritual (mind) AND matter.
However, the 'and' conjunctive requires that one side is 'embedded' in the other, in that neither side has any meaning whatsoever independent of the other.
In other words, 'physical reality' is a meaningless concept when taken independently of its spiritual/mental cause, and ground.
Similarly, 'spiritual' is meaningless when considered independent of the resulting reality that is experienced (irrespective of dimension, physical or not) - e.g. ideas of some state of 'oneness' devoid of individuality is a nonsense idea, requiring weird, nonsense disconnects between present reality and experience and some other 'perfect' non-state.
That simple metaphor (of wave and particle, spiritual and physical) cuts through new-age, religious and scientific dogmas like a hot knife through butter ... easy as.
Quantum physics, as a metaphor lets the cat out of bag (box). Quantum physics thoroughly puts the cat amongst the pigeons. It's where the real action is at. That's why I don't bother with philosophers (unless they're physicists).
E.g. regarding the late physicist John Wheeler :
"we are part of a universe that is a work in progress; we are tiny patches of the universe looking at itself— and building itself. It's not only the future that is still undetermined but the past as well. And by peering back into time, even all the way back to the Big Bang, our present observations select one out of many possible quantum histories for the universe." [
http://www.discovermagazine.com/2002/jun/featuniverse ]
Wonderful, profound concepts.
ps.I've written on this subject in greater detail at the Belief institute