Tegularius wrote: ↑June 13th, 2022, 8:51 pm
I think here you’re desperately striving for a compromise between what’s possible and what is not.
On the contrary. I think it's perfectly reasonable ot have preconceptions about what's possible, and to require BETTER evidence to accept events that defy these preconceptions than to believe more mundane evidence. I'm not at all trying to offer support for the supernatural; I'm just trying to examine what we mean by "evidence" and why some is more persuasive than others.
My Sasquatch hunting friend (he's well known in the Sasquatch hunting community and has been on the TV show "Sasquatch Hunter") claims to have seen a "Quatch". "It was at night, and the sasquatch was peeking out at me from behind a tree about 50-75 yars away," he told me. Now that is iffy evidence. Everyone knows that in the woods, at night, with one's sensibilites on high alert, it's difficult to know exactly what one is seeing. Seek and you shall find. If you're looking for Sasquatches, a strange branch waving in the wind behind a distant tree might appear to be a sasquatch's head. Nonehless, the "evidence" is identical to him saying, "I saw a bear peeking out at me." Yet I'd be far more likely to believe the latter, because it fits my precoceptions about the inhabitants of the woods here in the Pacific Northwest.
The same, of course, is reasonable for supernatural claims. (Sasquatches, if they exist, ar enot supernatural.) I'll grant that we find the supernatural incredible in part on the basis of (general rather than specific) evidence -- it does not conform to the normal, natural world we have experienced. However, some specific evidence (like an eye witness report) of supernatural activity ("I saw a ghost!") might still constitute "evidence". It's just that (quite reasonably) the evidence doesn't rise to the level where we accept it as true. To those raised to believe in ghosts, or Gods, or miracles, the evidence might be more persuasive.