Belinda wrote:Supine wrote:The US Supreme Court would agree with you that not all art pertaining to nudity is pornographic. If that's what you mean by erotica that is not pornographic. I'm not sure the US Supreme Court Justices would use the term "erotica" for what they regard as non-pornographic nudity depicted or captured in "art."
Although, I won't say that viewing porn can't teach a person one or two or more things specifically related to sexual acts and certain sexual erotics.Certainly! However the differential definition of pornography which I have suggested includes mainly that while pornography is erotica, all erotica is not pornography. My intention is that it's good to qualify content as pornographic if it lies about the human condition, often for commercial gain. Erotica is often true of the human condition.
The conditions for separating pornography from erotica then are like the conditions for separating the good from the bad in any other literary genre or artistic idiom. The need to evaluate erotica in this way is more urgent than most lit crit because of the natural fascination with erotica among children.
Regardless I can accept your term of "lie" about pornography if by what we mean to "lie" to its audience or viewer is "deception."
But then... maybe even the concept of "deception" opens up a can of worms, I don't know. Can't games of flirtation, persuasion, "putting on one's best" or projected image between two people utilize "deception"? I think the Brazilian's have some phrase about a man courting a woman and how the woman prefers the man project a fantasy rather than reality to her--as this makes the romantic and sensual life more "fun" or entertaining. I can't remember the exact phrase though.
I do recall a personal experience with a very attractive woman. Above average in looks. And a former stripper. She actually pursued me even though I tried to dissuade or not encourage her. And yet I yielded. And I came to like her a lot. So, one night she called me over. The long story short is I could have had sex with her that night, and she attempted to get intimate with me. But because I liked her I wanted her to have fuller knowledge of me and not simply the image she had of me produced in her mind. I wanted to give her a "choice" with that knowledge. So, I told her I was a drug addict. You could see the disappointment fall over her face. And I did not get any sex that night. LOL. My visit was in fact cut short.
But who was she attracted to all a long? Me? Or some image she had produced of me in her head? If I kept my personal info to myself all the while knowing she thought the opposite of me... would that be deception and if deception is that deception bad?
This digresses some.
But the lie or deception inherent in pornography is something many of us like. We don't like the truth or full truth or we like being deceived--at least if we are active participants in creating that deception in our own minds.