CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm
CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm
The surgeon treats all six individuals alike, as individuals, not as a set. He assigns just the same moral consideration to the healthy patient as he does to each of the five unhealthy ones. At no stage is he thinking that the patients constitute a collective which has interests over and above the individual interests of the six patients; he merely calculates that by killing the healthy patient and giving his organs to the five unhealthy ones, he alters the outcome from one living person with a life assumed to be pleasant to five such living persons.
To me this is the same as saying that the healthy individual is being sacrificed for the sake of collective pleasure, which is a collective end. Morally speaking collective pleasure is the end, and until other axioms are introduced all means are justified in reaching this end. In this case the individual is not an end in themselves, but is rather a necessary node in calculating the collective end.
This is plainly incorrect. It is precisely because we are regarding the individuals as ends in themselves that we are aggregating the effect of our actions on them, rather than on, say, tables and chairs. If we weren't regarding them as ends in themselves, we wouldn't bother including them in the calculation.
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmClearly if individuals can be sacrificed for the sake of some greater end, then there must be some greater end beyond the individual. This is much different from a system where individuals are ends in themselves and cannot be sacrificed for the sake of collective ends.
'Sacrificed' implies that someone is not being treated as an end in themselves, and as I have just pointed out, no-one is.
Er, you’re just asserting your conclusion without providing any argument, and it would seem that
your position is plainly incorrect. If the aggregation is the end then the things being aggregated are not. It’s that simple, and on your view the aggregation is the end. I gave a specific argument which you did not acknowledge:
“If individuals can be sacrificed for the sake of some greater end, then there must be some greater end beyond the individual.”
Instead of answering you quibbled with the word “sacrifice,” which is odd since it is obvious that the person being murdered for his organs is being sacrificed. But if you like we can say that the individual is not being sacrificed, but is instead being murdered for his organs, which are a means to the end of collective pleasure.
I’m not sure what your definition of a “collective end” is, but it is apparently strawman-esque. If the individual is the end in themselves, then why are you willing to murder individuals as a means to another end? You can’t keep dodging this question.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmFinally I think it comes back to my point about the bee hive. If the individual is the ultimate end then the individual cannot be sacrificed for the sake of some other end, such as the end of collective pleasure.
As I have explained, what you misleadingly refer to in my theory as a 'collective end' is merely the aggregate of the interests of all affected beings considered as moral ends in themselves; so when, in the context of my theory, you talk of a collective end which is other than the aggregate of such interests, your term 'collective end' fails to denote anything.
And as I have explained, you are just dodging. I have explained several times that the collective end I am referring to is precisely aggregate pleasure. The idea that I am talking about “a collective end which is other than the aggregate [pleasure]” is a straightforward misrepresentation.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmHarming an individual who is innocent (and therefore does not merit harm) is an act of injustice, and is precisely the sort of act that the just moral order is meant to prevent.
But as i have pointed out, if you remove the societal foundation for this kind of justice system, there is nothing to justify the idea that we ought to obey the rules of such a system.
Here is the same argument in a more obvious form: Justified harm must be deserved; The innocent are not deserving of harm; Therefore it is not justifiable to harm the innocent.
Now you have two options: contest a premise of the argument or contest its validity. Assertions about societal assumptions are not arguments.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmthen I suppose innocent individuals can be harmed in any way we like if this serves our end.
No individuals, innocent or otherwise, may be harmed 'in any way we like', they may only be harmed if it conduces to the overall moral objective of serving the aggregated interests of all sentient beings as ends in themselves.
…Which is exactly what I said, “if this serves our end [of aggregate pleasure].”
Note, too, that your phrase, “ends in themselves,” is just a carry-over platitude that isn’t even true. On your scheme individuals are not ends in themselves; their collective pleasure is the sole end. The fellow you murdered for his organs cannot be said to be an “end in himself.” You believe it is justifiable to murder him as a means to an end
other than himself.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmIn that case harming the innocent is justified as a means to an end, which is very close to the definition of immorality.
Your definition, perhaps. But you give no reason why your definition should also be my definition.
Note, though, that the platitude you have retained is part and parcel of classical morality, and is incompatible with your system. Why do we say that harming innocent individuals as a means to an end is unjustifiable? Because “
individuals are ends in themselves.”
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm (I should add that red flags should go off in our heads when folks start questioning such basic moral principles as "do not harm the innocent,"
Such red flags are mere facts of individual psychology, not rational grounds for belief.
That’s exactly what Hitler and Stalin said.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmand at some point your practice and your theory will have to confront one another.)
Unlikely, given my advanced age and the fact that I have no role at all in any judicial system. But if it happens, and my practice does not conform to my theory, that will not tend to undermine my theory, it will merely mean that I have not followed its prescriptions.
You yourself are the one who has assured us that your practice does not follow your theory, and that you would never condone surgeons murdering for organs.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm…Practically this means that retributive or vengeful responses--words which are now sadly pejorative, but which regain their meaning in light of Adolf Hitler--are available only to the non-consequentialist. The same is true of his defense of victims of intrinsic evil: acts which are intrinsically evil regardless of the consequences. These sorts of considerations will also mean that he can still fight battles, even if there is no hope of winning, for his moral code does not reduce to mere pleasure or winning.
You are attempting to justify your moral opinions by appealing to those same moral opinions, and that is circular. When you talk of the non-consequentialist's warring as 'righteous', and attacks on innocent life as 'intrinsically evil', and acts which are 'intrinsically evil regardless of the consequences', you provide no reason to accept these judgments, and thus you are doing no more than give your own subjective moral opinions.
No, you’re simply not following. You asked me what practical difference my theory would make with Hitler. I told you. It was not an argument for the truth of the theory, for your question was not about truth.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm
CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm
I deny that too. Saying that something merits a positive attitude is evaluative, but attributing a value to something is not the same as prescribing any attitude or action relating to it. We are saying that the ice cream merits a positive attitude, but we are not making the further assertion that it is incumbent on anyone to adopt that attitude.
I would claim that you are here moving into some direct self-contradictions. You are waffling on your earlier claims that your system is normative and involves 'oughts', and you are involving yourself in the contradiction that to say that X merits an attitude does not prescribe a normative attitude with respect to X. This is a fairly straightforward contradiction given the meaning of "merit."
The 'oughts' in my system do not arise from the meaning of 'merit', they arise from the fact that if something is good, we ought to pursue it, on the grounds that not to pursue it would create a debit or debt of goodness as compared with what would have been the case if we had pursued it. This being so, there is no contradiction between saying that something merits an attitude but there is no attendant obligation. Beethoven's 6th symphony merits listening to, but it does not follow that anyone actually ought to listen to it.
CIN, you are all over the place. Look at that first sentence. It makes no sense given your definition of “good” (which is
precisely about merit) and now you are introducing new and strange notions of “debts of goodness” which we have a duty to avoid. Where did that come from? How does it fit into your theory? Are you going to provide an entirely new definition of “good” to try to salvage that first sentence and your claims here?
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm
CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 3rd, 2022, 8:31 pm
In that case we are saying something much more immanent and 'sensate', "I am enjoying this ice cream," "This ice cream delights me," "This ice cream brings me pleasure." I suppose, riffing on your pleasure-end, we would say that pleasure is a positive attitude/experience, not that pleasure merits a positive attitude.
But you are now conflating three distinct things - pleasure, attitude, and experience. Pleasure is neither an attitude nor an experience, it is a property of an experience, which is why we talk of the pleasure of eating ice cream, the pleasure of listening to Bach, etc., and which is why I prefer to call it pleasantness; and an attitude is neither pleasure not an experience.
You're losing sight of my point with unnecessary distinctions. To say that some thing is currently bringing me pleasure is not the same as making the broader, more abstract claim that the thing merits a positive attitude.
I do not say that something that brings pleasure merits a positive attitude - in fact I absolutely deny it; I say that the pleasantness that the thing brings merits a positive attitude.
Yikes. So you would affirm that the pleasure that the ice cream brings is good, but you would absolutely deny that the ice cream is good? (Note that your definition of good up until now has been, “That which merits a positive attitude.”)
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmCIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm
I think any moral system has to be centrally concerned with 'oughts', and since 'ought' implies 'can', a denial of moral responsibility undermines my consequentialism just as much as any other moral system. I keep my thinking about morality and freewill in separate compartments; when thinking about morality I assume that we have freewill, otherwise there is no point thinking about morality at all; when I think about freewill I ignore the fact that my belief that we have no freewill destroys morality except as a metaphysical fantasy. In reality, one or other of these has to go, but I pretend that this isn't the case in order to be able to talk about both of them.
That is a rather significant inconsistency.
I should point you to the place where I addressed your argument against free will, which is invalid and fails to understand the meaning of a contradiction (
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmIs it possible on your system to talk about the experience of pleasure (or an experience which includes the property of pleasure) without at the same time making a normative merit-claim? Because we do that all the time.
Yes, because the fact that the pleasantness of an experience merits a positive attitude is a fact about pleasantness, not about the meanings of words.
You’re not answering the question. I have explained in some detail how we often refer to pleasures as good without invoking the concept of merit, and yet your definition fails to account for this. It fails to account for it whether or not we are talking about the pleasantness or the words (of course this is just another strawman, for we have been talking about the pleasantness all along).
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm
CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm
On reflection, I am going to distance myself from the thin/thick distinction, but in the opposite direction from you. I now think that 'courageous' is not evaluative, but merely descriptive; any evaluative content it may seem to have is the result of a shared background assumption by the speaker and his audience that courage is good, an assumption which does not find its way into the words uttered.
Again, I don't think these Humean inheritances are helpful or accurate, but courage is good qua military and structurally sound bridges are good qua the definition of bridge.
These are not extrinsic considerations, they are built into the nature of a military or the nature of a bridge. And again I would say that good is an abstract concept insofar as one must designate the object of goodness before knowing the precise meaning of goodness in some particular utterance, but there is also a common meaning across objects.
So you are claiming that 'good' has two parts to its meaning, a part that is common to all objects, and a part that is different for every different object? So when we say 'that is a good bridge', part of the meaning of 'good' is 'carries you from one side to the other without collapsing'? Then what is the corresponding part of the meaning of 'good' in 'this is a good ice cream', or 'Gandhi was a good man'? There are millions of objects to which 'good' can be applied; are you really claiming that 'good' has a different meaning for every one of these million objects?
I am claiming that good is an analogical term, and this has been the common opinion since at least Aristotle. When we predicate goodness of a bridge, or ice cream, or Gandhi, there is both a sense in which the predicate is univocal and a sense in which it is equivocal, or rather, the predicate sits somewhere in the middle (i.e. ‘analogical’).
Do you propose a different understanding? Are you claiming that ‘good’ means either something exactly the same or something entirely different in each of those three examples?
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pmThat is the problem with your examples: both the civil engineer and the army recruiter are making incomplete statements which are completed by unstated assumptions they share with their audience. When the civil engineer says 'this is a good bridge' to another civil engineer, they share an idea of the properties a bridge must have for them both to call it 'good'; it is that unstated idea that has the descriptive content, not the phrase 'good bridges'.
Er, no. Everyone knows what a good bridge is. It is the sort of bridge that does its job. It is the sort of bridge that carries you from one side to the other without collapsing. Civil engineers just have more intimate knowledge of how good bridges come into being and persist in being.
So the Millennium Bridge, which carried people from one side to the other without collapsing, but wobbled alarmingly, was a good bridge? I think the people who were unfortunate enough to walk across it might disagree.
The bridge was closed and reconstructed because the instability of the bridge was a sign that it would eventually break down under such stress.
But I was just giving a simple definition of “good bridge” to rebut your bizarre claim that only civil engineers understand what a good bridge is. We could refine the definition in various ways. We could say that the purpose of a bridge is to transport certain kinds of things across, and that if those kinds of things are not able to cross (due to collapse or swaying) then it is not a good bridge.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmI skipped over your ice cream claim since this is getting so long, but it is also mistaken. You attempt to claim that ice cream is not good or bad, it's just the sensation that ice cream causes that it good or bad. But this is deceptive, because the pleasurable sensation is caused by nothing other than the ice cream, which is why we call ice cream sweet. There is nothing wrong with the colloquial usage of calling ice cream sweet. It is much more accurate than your implicit claim that ice cream and sweetness have no intrinsic connection.
Sweetness is not a property of ice creams; their only properties are chemical ones which cause a tasting-sweet sensation to be experienced by beings with certain types of brains connected to certain types of taste buds. The connection between ice cream and the sensation of sweetness is mediated via anatomy: it is indirect, and therefore not intrinsic.
Your implicit claim that the person who calls ice cream sweet thinks its sweetness has nothing to do with taste buds is another of your strawmen.
Note, CIN, that your very definition of ‘good’ is intrinsically related to anatomies capable of pleasure, and in almost every case that pleasure will have a cause. Your move to critique my position on the basis of “intrinsic good” (or intrinsic pleasure) is self-defeating, for everything which causes pleasure is “indirect, and therefore not intrinsic.”
The application of the predicate “good” becomes absurdly limited if we carry your claims to their logical conclusion. If you were right then basically nothing that we call ‘good’ can be said to be good, nothing that we call ‘sweet’ can be said to be sweet, etc. Common sense and
real philosophy is perfectly content to observe the simple truth that the effect exists in the cause (either actually or virtually). So yes, ice cream produces a sweet sensation, and that is precisely why we call it sweet. If you can’t recognize the intrinsic causal relation between ice cream and the sensation of sweetness then you are caught up in Humean delusions, and your whole definition of ‘good’ will collapse into absurdity.
To be clear let's quote your previous claim:
CIN wrote: ↑April 7th, 2022, 6:17 pm(In any case, 'this ice cream is good' is always false, because it is not the ice cream that merits the positive attitude, it's the pleasant experience I'm having while eating it. Everyone always gets this wrong, but what can you do?)
Clearly both the ice cream and the sensation it elicits merit a positive attitude, for
the sensation would not exist without the ice cream.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmRegarding bridges, your claim that "bridges are just lumps of concrete or stone," is simply false. Go grab a dictionary if you want to know what a bridge is. It is much more than a lump of stone.
Fine, I will substitute 'constructions' for 'lumps'. My point remains valid.
No, it remains invalid. This is the implicit syllogism you gave in <
this post>:
- Bridges are lumps of concrete or stone
- Lumps of concrete or stone do not merit a positive attitude
- Therefore, bridges do not merit a positive attitude (and cannot be good)
I pointed out that the first premise is factually incorrect. You respond with a new syllogism:
- Bridges are constructions of concrete or stone
- Constructions of concrete or stone do not merit a positive attitude
- Therefore, bridges do not merit a positive attitude (and cannot be good)
The new problem is that the second premise is not even plausible. Lots of constructions of concrete or stone merit positive attitudes. Bridges are one of them. Others include roads, sidewalks, statues, cathedrals, bomb shelters, building foundations, etc.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmEven on your theory no one chooses something which they believe merits a negative attitude.
News to me. Perhaps you would like to tell me where my theory says or implies this.
You implicitly admitted it when you said, "...because people often give their own interests far greater weight than the interests of others." Then you started making up all sorts of assertions about Satan from a fictional work to defend your claim that some choose evil
qua evil. You haven't provided any actual rationale for how that would happen.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmEven if we want to call the thing approximated "pi", my point is still decisive. The ratio is not unknowable, it is merely unable to be represented by rational numbers. Again the thing approximated is well-known: it is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
That is not the value of pi, it is merely its definition.
Your posts are devolving into nothing more than quibbles and assertions.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pmThis is altogether different from Good Egg's hypothetical of an approximation without a thing approximated. The thing approximated with respect to pi is the ratio. Just because it cannot be known in the medium of rational numbers does not mean that it cannot be known.
Actually it does.
It's very simple. Pi = c/d, where c is the circumference and d is the diameter. If d is a rational number (conventionally 1), it is impossible to accurately calculate the value of c. Therefore c is unknowable. And since it is to c that we approximate, we are approximating to something unknowable. QED.
"If d is a rational number..." Why think that d must be a rational number? I already told you that, "The ratio is not unknowable, it is merely unable to be represented by rational numbers." As usual, you attempt to deny what I am saying while at the same time repeating it.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pmBy denying this, you are implicitly denying that there is anything unknowable about pi. This is an untenable position, given that it is universally acknowledged that pi can never be calculated exactly.
Nonsense. I already implied that there is something unknowable about pi when I said, "The ratio is not unknowable, it is merely unable to be represented by rational numbers." Namely, it is unknowable
qua rational number.
CIN wrote: ↑April 17th, 2022, 6:55 pm
Leontiskos wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 4:16 pm
CIN wrote: ↑April 9th, 2022, 12:38 pmHere's how I reason:
a. Morality is about how we treat beings to whom it matters how they are treated.
b. It matters to a being how we treat it iff that being is capable of experiencing un/pleasantness.
c. Therefore morality is about how we treat beings that are capable of experiencing un/pleasantness. In effect, it is about treating each such being as a moral end.
d. To treat one such being A better than another such being B without good reason would be to treat B as less of a moral end than A, which would be ex hypothesi immoral.
e. Therefore, unless there is good reason to do otherwise, all such beings should be treated equally.
The problem is that the bolded presupposition carries your entire argument, and you don't justify it in any way. You admit that this 'moral equality principle' does not follow from consequentialism. Where, then, does it come from?
I explain where the equality principle comes from in d. and e.
No you don't. In (d) you define what it means to treat a being as a moral end, but you don't explain why they must be treated that way. You say it is "ex hypothesi immoral." But according to what hypothesis? The only candidate is that rider at the end of (c), which I already identified as something which has no rational justification in your system. Circular logic abounds.