Re: Is being homeless a crime / should it be?
Posted: August 30th, 2021, 4:44 am
Leontiskos wrote: ↑August 29th, 2021, 3:11 pm Now you’re introducing a number of other considerations, including exploitation, war, ecological impact, and a critique of capitalism itself. I am not going to try to engage of all these diffuse topics, but I will say that just because there is a problem does not mean that the solution you have identified is the correct one.That is true and right to the point. I am not offering FACTS, but rather opinions about the right way to proceed.
Leontiskos wrote: ↑August 29th, 2021, 3:11 pmThese are quite complex problems and simple solutions will probably turn out to be inadequate.That is exactly MY point. Morton is offering simple solutions and you are embracing them without examining them fully.
Leontiskos wrote: ↑August 29th, 2021, 3:11 pmChurchill’s quip about democracy may well also apply to capitalism: it is the worst economic system, except for all the others that have been tried.But it is not a dichotomy. I don't disagree that we need capitalism to provide the best incentive to get people to produce the most they can. I never said scrap capitalism. I say we should sprinkle in a few socialist principles and practices to undo some of the inherent unfairness and injustice of capitalism. We should have health care, public transportation, and free higher education for the poor. Further, there should be taxes on investment earnings and higher inheritance taxes such that wealth was not so simple to maintain and grow indefinitely. These are opinions, and if I claimed they were facts I would be guilty of the same mistake that Morton is making and that you seem to be giving your stamp of approval.
Leontiskos wrote: ↑August 29th, 2021, 3:11 pm I think Morton’s posts are excellent, but even if you disagree with him you have to admit that he is very clear and he has laid out a comprehensive groundwork for his theory. I think his detractors have failed in both of these areas, especially the second. They have only attempted to give counterarguments to his theory without putting forth any alternative of their own. This is inevitably because a system focused on the common good rather than individual rights, or one based on charity rather than justice, would be very hard to explain and defend. Such theories begin to break down with the slightest attempt at elucidation or probing.Of course one can make a tidy house of logic on top of a foundation of opinion taken as fact. This is the same as saying: "It's in the bible; checkmate, atheists!" See Ecurb's response to Morton for a good explanation:
Ecurb wrote: ↑August 29th, 2021, 2:03 pm Both my claim about property and your claim about taxation are "dissembling" -- which is a form of prevarication. That's because lots of things resemble slavery, but we cannot assume that they are wicked because of the resemblance. Slaves (for example) ate with wooden spoons. But who would say, "Eating with wooden spoons is like being a slave."? Or, if someone did say it, could we assume that making people eat with wooden spoons is somehow evil because it resembles slavery?So, Morton's ideas seem appealingly simple because he has taken opinion to be fact, and then needs only to lay out the implications of his "facts". Is it a fact, though, that property rights are natural rights, that it is morally correct that we own property and enforce our ownership upon others at the point of a gun? Are all current claims of property ownership legitimate? Was every step on the path to that claim an arms lengths transaction between people who all had the same chance to come out on top? Are we never our brother's keeper? Are the poor lazy rather than unfortunate, or (no false dichotomy) is the answer complicated?
In addition, your criticism of my use of "should" is ridiculous given your arbitrary and slanted "definitions". One's "natural possessions" are neither "natural" nor "possessions" except in that ownership is culturally defined and constituted. Although you claim that this is a mere "definition", it is not. Instead it is an argument, hidden as a "definition". Once again, this contitutes dissembling. You mean (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) that certain things SHOULD be considered "natural possessions". This would be a reasonable position, however much others might disagree. When you say that certain things ARE natural possessions, by definition, you are using the word "natural" to give moral credence to a position which can be reasonably held only through argument, not through assertion and "definition". That's why I 've accused you of prevarication (in case you haven't figured it out).
Others' answers will seem a bit unsatisfying by comparison when they acknowledge that they don't get to claim their beliefs are certainties. But, you should not take points off for honesty.