GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
arjand wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 2:39 am
That which is indicated cannot be observed, thus, a form of knowledge that is applicable is 'comprehension'. The term empirically incomprehensible simply indicates that that which is indicated cannot be comprehended using empirical science.
There still seems to be a language problem. We don't "comprehend" anything via empirical science. Empirical science delivers data; we apprehend that data. Comprehension involves discerning relationships among and implications of that data. Before we can comprehend anything, we need some data to consider. Comprehension is not an alternative source of information; it is the understanding of information acquired by empirical means.
It doesn't matter that a (sub-)process is involved to result in comprehension, or that during the process of empirical science one apprehends the data-aspect that is involved (that would merely be so from the perspective of the scientist, until he/she discovers an insight that results in comprehension ability: eureka).
Comprehension is the functional end result of "empirical science". When empirical science has investigated something and published the results, that what was investigated can be comprehended (i.e. by other people). It is the functional result for which empirical science has been adapted in the human realm.
The data or 'information' that is required hints at the fact that empirical science if founded in a historical context. Before the pursued comprehension can be achieved, it requires events to have taken place, for information to have been received.
GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
My argument is that pain, caused by a disease or otherwise, is necessarily preceded by valuing (implication).
What could possibly be the basis for that claim? What "valuing" precedes the pain when I'm suddenly stung by bee? I suspect anyone stung by a bee would be puzzled when told some "valuing" on his part preceded the sting. He would have no idea what you're talking about. Neither do I.
On a deeper level, there is something that precedes that pain. There is a value element involved. One considers (that what causes) pain as "bad". How is that possible?
It must be implied that an element of valuing is involved for pain to be possible. That what causes pain is considered "bad". But pain also implies something else, that the valuing by an individual, while as such has a subjective element, originates from something that is real. A universal "good".
Almost all animals will respond as if "stung by a bee" when they are stung by a bee. They all appear to feel pain based on a similar value proposition: that a bee-sting is "bad" and should have been prevented, that one should be alert or that special care is needed.
There is evidence that pain can be thought away.
The brain sees these signals as dangerous, but if we teach the brain that these signals aren’t actually dangerous, the brain flips off those signals, and the pain goes away.”
The Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Lab at CU Boulder is wrapping up the largest study of its kind for a way to treat chronic back pain (CBP)—a treatment without surgery or drugs—but instead a change in the pain-sufferers’ thinking.
Is it possible to think pain away? ... -pain-away
By thinking differently (e.g. stoicism), people can feel differently, even pain. That is clear evidence that the valuing that precedes pain is actual and not something that is built in (hard wired).
Pain, while experienced by all animals with an apparent similar value proposition with regard to the cause of pain being "bad", can be experienced differently by using a thinking technique.
On a deeper level there is a aspect of valuing involved that enables living beings to consider that what causes pain as intrinsically bad.
GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
It can be implied that for valuing to be possible it requires a distinguish ability (implication).
We've covered this. It requires the ability to distinguish, for example, between sweet and sour. But that we deem the sweet cream "good" and the sour cream "bad" requires no further distinctions. The goodness and badness are not additional properties of the cream; they're subjective, arbitrary labels we apply to denote our opinions of sweet vs. sour cream.
Denoted "good" is something else. It is a mental concept that has been valued before it can be denoted. The valuing that precedes it is what I intended to indicate. The valuing that precedes pain.
GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
Because something cannot give rise to itself, "good" per se cannot be valued.
There is no such thing as "good per se." That is a meaningless expression. "Good" is not an entity or a property of any entity; it is only a label denoting our approval of or satisfaction with something.
It was implicated that for valuing to be possible, it requires distinguish ability and that by the nature of value (good vs bad) it derives that ability from what can be indicated as "good". That good can be named
"good" per se to distinguish between denoted good and the good that precedes valuing.
If the "good" per se could be anything other than that what it is considered to be per se, it would need to have been valued and that is impossible by the implication that something cannot give rise to itself. Therefor "good" per se can be implied to be real by logic.
GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
By the nature of valuing, "good" cannot be valued and thus cannot be proven to exist using empirical science.
Well, I agree it cannot be valued; one cannot place a value on nothingness. And if the existence of this "good" cannot be proven via empirical science you'll need to set forth some other methodology for proving it before you'll be able to persuade anyone to take it seriously.
The nature of value is to make a distinction between good and bad. The good that it allows to be conceptualized is denoted good. That what precedes valuing cannot be denoted because of the implication that something (valuing) cannot give rise to itself.
GE Morton wrote: ↑February 5th, 2020, 7:51 pm
I presume that the suggested imply-ability is essentially a form of logic outside the scope of the senses. I do not agree that it would be mystical.
Logic does not yield knowledge-of-the-world. It is only a tool to help us think and speak coherently about the knowledge we gain empirically.
I do not agree. If the acquisition of comprehensible knowledge is the functional result by which empirical science derives its raison d'être. Actionable knowledge provides a foundation for wisdom. For knowledge to be actionable, its primary quality must be comprehensibility.
Comprehensible knowledge acquired by (philosophically) verified logic may be of similar value, for example for non-subjective morality.