Re: What has God actually done wrong ?
Posted: December 29th, 2016, 1:04 pm
Ormond wrote:BINGO!! You get it! But then, I knew you would.You are affirming God but denying that God is a being.If God is everything everywhere (a single unified reality), then God would exist, but not as a "being" ie. something separate and distinct.
So why call it "God" someone is probably about to ask? Indeed. Why call it anything, because any word we might use will imply separation and division, such is the nature of nouns. Even the definition "everything" suggests a collection of things.
All such discussions are built upon the highly speculative almost laughable unproven assumption that the highly imperfect reasoning powers of a single half insane species only recently living in caves on one little planet in one of billions of galaxies are adequate to analyze and discuss the most fundamental nature of all reality, the scope of God proposals.
It's not this or that conclusion within the God debate that is irrational.
It's the debate itself.
Until our esteemed fellow members get that, they will be condemned to travel endlessly round and round the same little circle to no useful effect.
Given that most members here are pretty intelligent, and that this has been explained about 1,000 times and never been refuted, we can come to a new theory.
We aren't actually interested in the God subject at all. We're interested in the experience of nerdy head butting. If that is true, that would help explain why we never make any progress on the topic itself. We aren't interested in the topic, and don't want to make any progress on it, because progress might threaten the head butting game.
-- Updated December 29th, 2016, 1:20 pm to add the following --
In Post #240 I said some things that are important to understand if the critic is ever to get what I'm saying. I'm pretty sure you understand what was said even if you do not agree; I'm equally certain that others here are too fixated on their own preconceptions to even try to get it.