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Quotidian wrote:Only a rational being would recognize irrationality.Not always I think.
Leo wrote:Only a highly rational being is capable of irrationality which he can reason to be otherwise....which is what I said.
Horkheimer wrote:Reason disavows its own primacy and professes to be a mere servant of natural selection. On the surface, this new empirical reason seems more humble toward nature than the reason of the metaphysical tradition. Actually, however, it is arrogant, practical mind riding roughshod over the ‘useless spiritual,’ and dismissing any view of nature in which the latter is taken to be more than a stimulus to human activity. The effects of this view are not confined to modern philosophy.
Obvious Leo wrote:The even more rational being has insight into her own human failing of rationalising what she has been and will be. ***********************Quotidian wrote:Only a rational being would recognize irrationality.Not always I think.
Also. Only a highly rational being is capable of irrationality which he can reason to be otherwise.
Belinda wrote:How could it be possible to believe in a priori knowledge and not also to believe in God the ultimate a priori? The only a priori is 'synthetic a priori' ,or alternatively a priori within a closed system.The idea of God do not comply with the concept of 'a priori synthetic' because 'God' is a vacuous idea and as such there is 'nothing' that can be synthesized a priori and subsequently be verified.
Wayne92587 wrote:Animal Instinct not being priori Knowledge, animal instinct simply being the easiest reaction to a situation, the Herd Instinct, not to say that Man is the only creature to learn from experience; Animal Instinct simply being a reaction rather than a response; reaction for some animals, being repetitive seemingly to be instinctual, being nothing more than a conditioned response.Setting aside your understanding of a priori knowledge, your understanding of the detailed intricacies of an ant colony or a beehive for easy examples, don't fit your brush off of unlearned behavior in animals. BTW humans are animals, but since we get to define terms, for egotistical reasons we don't commonly use the word "instinct" to describe unlearned behaviors within our own experience.
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This quote was added after I'd posted this note. B[…]
Wow! Quite the way to explain it. What is difficul[…]
Very well explained. But could you kindly explain […]
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am a Buddhist. […]