Ecurb wrote: ↑April 10th, 2022, 11:15 am
CIN wrote: ↑April 9th, 2022, 7:36 pm
In my point e., what I meant by 'should be treated equally' was 'should be treated equally as moral ends'. I don't think it is morally defensible to treat beings one is not married to or who are not one's children or friends less as moral ends than one's wife, children or friends. One should try to treat everyone equally as a moral end; but as I've just said, one is in a much better position to understand what that requires and therefore do it well with people one is close to.
So if someone to whom you are not married wants to have sex with you, you should go for it? After all, denying her would be treating her "unequally".
No, that's not what I mean by treating equally. Treating equally means treating all sentient beings, including yourself, as moral ends, which in my view means maximising net pleasantness for everyone. In practice that isn't achievable, but it's what we should be aiming for. That doesn't translate into giving exactly the same gross treatment to everyone. If Bill likes chocolate cake and Fred doesn't, it wouldn't be treating them equally, on my definition, to give them both chocolate cake. If Fred likes jam sponge, you can get closer to equality by giving him jam sponge and saving the chocolate cake for Bill.
So in deciding whether to have sex with another woman, you need to ask what would tend to maximise net pleasantness for everyone affected. In practice that means considering long-term effects, such as what will happen to your kids if your wife decides to leave you when she finds out you've cheated on her. If you don't have kids, there's still an asymmetry between the effect on your wife and the effect on you and the other woman; and possibly - probably, even - the net unpleasantness for your wife outweighs the pleasantness for you and the other woman. I'm not an expert on these things, but from what little I've seen and heard, I think marital infidelity usually causes more net unpleasantness than marital fidelity. But I imagine it isn't always so, so it's each person's responsibility to try and work it out in their own case.
Honor suggests we have certain duties to out spouses and children.
Googling 'honour' throws up two quite different definitions:
1. high respect; great esteem
2. the quality of knowing and doing what is morally right.
I've explained what I think counts as honour in the second sense, it's treating all sentient beings as moral ends and acting accordingly. Honour in the first sense is not morally relevant.
If we treat all children "equally" the resources (financial and emotional) remaining for our own children would be (to say the least) limited.
Not if every other parent did the same.
In practice, though, most people treat their own children well and ignore other people's. So if your children are not to starve, you'd better do the same as they do. In theory you could take in some other unwanted kids instead and throw yours out on the street, but because you're genetically programmed to love your kids, you'd probably end up so miserable and racked with guilt that you wouldn't look after your new kids properly - plus, of course, your own net unpleasantness level would be rock bottom. So, for reasons to do with human genetic and societal programming, your best way of helping to make sure that all children are equally looked after, and net pleasantness is as far as possible maximised, is usually to follow the herd and do what everyone else does.
I'm a hedonistic ethical naturalist. I think there are moral truths which hold in any world that contains beings that experience un/pleasantness. I think 'any world' qualifies these truths as eternal.
"Pleasantness" seems a faint goal on which to base one's philosophy. What about "joy"? Or "ecstacy"?
I don't know much about joy or ecstasy, but I assume that they are both states of mind that are extremely pleasant, and that this is why they are valued more than less intense forms of pleasantness, which fits in very well with my theory. I think the mistake you are making is to suppose that joy and ecstasy are qualitatively different or different in kind from e.g. the pleasantness of eating an ice cream or listening to Bach. But this doesn't seem to me to make sense: there can only be one kind of pleasantness, and only one kind of unpleasantness, and the difference between the pleasantness of eating an ice cream and the pleasantness of joy or ecctasy is merely quantitative, not qualitative.