Londoner wrote: ↑January 6th, 2018, 7:28 am
But you do believe in something. If your own belief is not 'illusory' and exists 'in the empirical-rational reality' you never spell out how you know this.
Why not?
My belief 'God is an Impossibility' is not within the empirical-rational reality, it is purely rational only, i.e. based on 'refined' reasoning. What I have done is to prove the theses 'God is possible' and God is possible within empirical rational reality' are false. In this case, I have shown the thesis 'God is possible' is moot and a non-starter. How I "know" is based on the Framework and System of logic and rationality.
The point here, the thesis 'God is possible' cannot even pass abductively as a thesis to be considered for empirical-rational testing.
If one jump to made an empirical claim, God exists, then bring the empirical evidences to justify it.
My belief that the idea of God arose from psychological factors is based on empirical evidences. I have not proven it conclusively but the evidences do give us a clue and doubts whether God is ever possible within the empirical-rational reality.
There is always this odd mixture; ' a very strong personal conviction' and 'justified true knowledge'. A personal conviction is a state of mind, to say somebody has a conviction is to make an observation about them, not their opinion. We can note a theist has a very strong personal conviction' without implying they can also present a compelling argument.
But 'justified true knowledge' is a claim that something is true as a matter of fact. It is the claim that nobody rational could possibly disagree with us. So, if I believe X is true as a fact, it is superfluous to add 'I have a conviction about x' since that the two must go together. It would be rather self-contradictory to say 'X is true but I am not convinced of this'. We would respond; 'What you mean is you are not sure X is true'.
'Justified true knowledge' is always conditioned upon 'personal conviction', i.e.
- 1. Personal conviction - based on one's own internal Framework and System.
2. Justified true knowledge - based on the intersubjective consensus of collective personal convictions with a specific Framework and System
Example: Einstein surely had a personal conviction his E=MC2 is true but it was not a scientific speculative theory until there was sufficient intersubjective consensus of collective personal convictions among his peers. It was only scientific knowledge when his accepted speculated theory was proven with empirical evidence and rationalized within the specific scientific Framework and System based on intersubjective consensus of collective personal convictions among his peers.
The above applies to the truths that are conditioned to various Framework and System. e.g. legal, mathematics, economics, etc.
For Philosophy sake, we need to be mindful how Justified True Beliefs are linked to an intersubjective consensus of personal convictions within a specified system.
So it does come across very much like the 'faith' of the theist. A peculiar mixture of a choice to commit oneself to a view, while accepting that it isn't a choice that would compel agreement from others.
And then you are very like some theists in that you love to preach! Honestly, it is just like attending church, with the same old formulas copy/pasted again and again. On any topic, it is only a matter of time before the Muslims come round!
Nope I am not relying on the personal conviction based on pure faith and very strong primal psychological impulses like the theist.
My basis is using refined reason [prefrontal cortical] to counter the pseudo-reason of the theists.
So let us take something very basic. From your criticisms of others, you seem to believe that right and wrong (in the moral sense) are meaningful judgments. Why do you think this? Is there something 'in the empirical-rational reality' that makes such judgments meaningful? Or are your opinions based on 'personal conviction'? That they simply feel that way to you, and that you find it hard to believe that everyone else would not feel the same way.
I am not sure of your point above.
My belief is, an efficient Moral and Ethical Framework and System must be
guided [
not enforced] by absolute moral laws.
My belief is based on personal conviction, if not what else.
However my belief has an "intersubjective consensus" with Kant and others [not many].
I don't see this as an issue as what I have presented here is merely for discussion and open to the discretion to others to read or ignore it.
OTOH, there is a big difference with theism. Theists insist their theistic beliefs are absolutely true and God is absolutely real. If anyone who do not agree with theism, SOME evil prone theists will kill the non-believer[s] and commit all sorts of evils and violence on non-believers because they disbelieve. This is so evident [yes it is the ideology Islam, not the unfortunate Muslims]