Engineer0RQ1 wrote:Hi LambertYes, religious viewpoints do evolve but that does not benefit the civilization except as a social club, and that is exactly what religion is not about. And true enough, "I think therefore I am" means that the thinker is real while the thinker is not real in Being, and as thinker is just an add-on to man much like the ego is known to be.
Descartes may have been a victim of bigotry and intellectual rigidity but societies and religious viewpoints do evolve over the long term and in my opinion the ideas Descartes was expounding have eventually triumphed.
To illustrate this I would put forward the Church of England and my experiences as a member of it's congregation. My vicar is a lovely lady by the name of Vivian whose whole approach is based upon the group and helping her congregation to see how prayer and Christian theology benefits people. This very tolerant aproach has far more to do with modern commercial management practices than religious dogma.
The scienfific method that devoloped from the ideas of Descartes and other intellectuals at around the same time has proved itself. This can be seen in my church's practical adaptation of it's intellectual landscape and the recognition of it's responsibilities in a multicultural nation.
This was not the case for Descartes and leads me to ask: Is there a natural hierarchy that exists to provide physical and intellectual context?
In fact I think I will create my first ever post to explore this issue.
And also true is that intelligence instead of dogma is better for commercial management practices. That has always been true, but all you will ever have is mediocre people with no upper level management insights to reach for the top.
Leaving this aside, the mythology/religion is needed for the survival and also the prosperity of the tribe, and so now, your multicultural nation is already a sell-out of the purpose for which it was designed, and I wonder why this would be so. Not enough babies maybe? Or do we not have time for the family anymore because we are both working these days.