- August 17th, 2018, 6:57 pm
1. How would you describe the feeling of orgasm to someone who has never had it? How would you describe how it felt to be a bat without being one? Bring realistic, feelings are hard to describe at the best of times.
Your definition doesn't come close, I'm afraid, being more akin to how it feels when I have a deep story idea or look at someone and truly see the ape within. I can say I felt a overwhelming sense of unconditional love and a sense that all was understood. What the F is that? From whom? What? I don't know. I am just reporting. I felt a sense of bliss that, well, how do you describe bliss in a way that does the feeling justice? I felt a sense of either travelling at great speed or the potential of travelling at great speed. That part I did not enjoy so much; I prefer staying put thanks very much.
It was not a trip. I have tripped before. They were not that. They were unlike any other experience, one was a flash, another lasted longer. I'm not sure how long. Minutes, maybe half an hour at the most.
It is a funny thing when a rational person has woo happen to them. The obvious first thought is "[String of expletives]! Did that just happen??" :) Still, it's one thing to say one had an experience, another to make ontological claims of certainty based on such experiences, as is the case with theists. I don't make certainty claims, but I am more open minded than I once was.
2. It's a matter of you either believe we are rational people reporting unusual experiences or you believe we are damaged goods - emotionally needy and intellectually loose and dishonest. It's that simple. There is much of the latter online so cynicism is not only expected, but needed.
I can't speak for others, but I'm a rational human being in a pretty basic way - a lover of science and nature. A fan of NDgT, Brian Greene, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss etc. As a lover of science I'm saying that I had experiences that rocked my comfortable rationalism in a way that I - obviously enough - could not have imagined. Further, what others report of such experiences turn out to be very much like what I'd noticed. Most importantly, the experiences were fantastic and, for reasons unknown, did impact positively on my mental health. I would wish such experiences on everyone. They were too intense for me to want them regularly, but I'm glad to have had them.
I appreciate that subjective reports are the bottom rung of evidence. After all, as a wannabe writer I might just be spinning a yarn. That last sentence too may be tricky doublethink to throw you off! Now I'm trying too hard to be convincing - a dead giveaway :)
It's one of those situations where you just have to be there.