Belindi wrote: ↑February 2nd, 2023, 7:22 am
You adore Viswa's ideas, and set them up as truth.
At some point in your life you have been led astray and taught that it's possible for some mere man to know absolute truth.
Oh... Okay. Superb.
But, you see, I was never interested to know Truth. Even now not to know it.
I led astray, true. I asked "Why? Why all this? Why to led astray if this World is Immensely Great?" as such. Many answers people give as "You don't ask such questions, the World is God's Gift. Just Negate being led Astray and go for your desires". I asked "Okay. Now, To run towards what? Which is the right direction and not an astray?". They said, "To run for your desires, is the right path". I asked "If I go for the desires, is there a possibility of ending up as an astray again?". They said "Yes, possibly, but never mind it and run again". Then I asked, "If there is possibility of ending up astray, then why to run for the desires? It seems not a right path as one has possibility of ending up as an astray again. Isn't it?". They said, "You are acting not based on actual course of living, and this will make up end up astray in future". I said, "Already I ended up as an Astray, and I ask which is the right path where there is no 0% possibility of ending up as an Astray again?". They said, again ignorantly, "Run for your desires, that is the course of life and one must be in line with it". I asked, "Do you see the sufferings out of it? Do you see how much selfishness and anger in pursuit of one's desires? Do you see the Employees running in a race for high positions, Businessman running for Fame and Money, King ruling for Fake Praisings and for Dominant positions, also the Activists are beaten down by Politicians and Businessman and couldn't bring a little outcome out of their hardwork? All of them are just suffering within, but faking themselves by trying to forget that sufferings with those desires. How much destruction people cause upon the world for their desires to keep away from meeting sufferings. Do you see the astray all over going through and end up by people in every part of the world? Then why should I pursue it if only Astray remain?". They say, "You are doing Blasphemy, acting against God's will. Just enjoy the life by running for your desires, and never ask questions?". I asked, "Blasphemy? Okay I want to know what is God's Will. Please show it where it is said". They show the Scriptures that it says that the God's will is to enjoy the world by running for the desires. I analyzed it but it never said so. I asked them again, "Where it says so? It only says different words against worldly desires, incling Non-God based Buddhism". They said, "Oh. It's not The Word, no one can know the Word. Scriptures are Man made longings. Don't try to know the actual truth". I said, "See. I never wanted to know the Absolute Truth. I asked you what is God's Will and you pointed out the scriptures and so I asked 'where?'. Okay. Let we keep aside the scriptures. My question is if everywhere is led to sufferings then why one should pursue desires? If there is God/Absolute Truth, why one should not pursue him and only should pursue Relative Truth/etc.?". People started to bark upon me, including underestimating the Scriptures and Sages and Buddha and Jesus and etc.
Belindi, My only question is, "If one is led astray, what is the right path then? If there is no right path as Religions say, then how did one come to a conclusion that "One is led astray"?
See, I'm not seeking Absolute Truth. But, questioning, why should seek Relative? Why should have desires?