Peter Holmes wrote: ↑May 5th, 2021, 12:58 am
Thanks, but why is 'appropriatenss dictated by nature' any different from standard moral objectivism?
'If your dog's hungry, then (it's a fact that) you ought to feed it.'
'If you make a promise, then (it's a fact that) you ought to keep it.'
'If you have a goal, then (it's a fact that) you ought to pursue it.'
What makes the consequent 'appropriate' in these hypotheticals?
Thanks for replying. Let me start by apologising for the fact that my posts here are likely to be infrequent, owing to heavy commitments outside this forum. If this gets annoying, tell me and I will leave the discussion. I'm not here to annoy people.
'Standard moral objectivism'. Well, I'm not happy about 'standard', so with your indulgence, I'll pick a definition which offers some kind of detail and will also suit my purposes here:
"Moral Objectivism holds that there are objective, universal moral principles that are valid for all people." ( ... tivism.pdf)
This definition implies that if a moral principle is valid for all people, then it is an objective principle. So the question is, what would make a moral principle valid for all people? I'll take 'people' to mean 'humans'. What would make a moral principle valid for all humans?
Let's ask a slightly different question. Suppose I define 'prudential' to mean the same as 'moral', except that it applies to oneself rather than others. So, for example, a moral obligation would be an obligation to others, and a prudential obligation would be an obligation to oneself.
Now, suppose you have been working day and night on your philosophy posts for this forum and neglecting your meals, and as a result you have become ill; and suppose your nearest and dearest comes to you and says, 'Peter, you owe it to yourself to eat something.' If this is true, then this is a prudential obligation. My view is that it would be unreasonable to deny that it is true. It would not be reasonable to reply, 'Well, I would owe it to myself if objectivism were true, but it isn't.' The point here is that nature has made you so that you need food, and the same goes for all humans. It's because of this need that you have a built-in obligation to yourself to eat food sometimes. (To pick up my word 'appropriate', eating is an appropriate thing to do when you are hungry.) Since the same would go for anyone else in your position, this prudential obligation passes the test for being a universal prudential principle, and is therefore objective.
I claim to have established an objective 'ought' here, an 'ought' that follows from an 'is'. The bridge between the two, the bridge across the supposedly unbridgeable gap, is provided by nature; we are what we are because nature has made us that way, and this means that we have certain natural properties, and these are universal across all humans; and these, therefore, following the above definition of 'objective', confer a certain objectivity on the principles that relate to them. It's not the kind of objectivity that you find in mathematical theorems, but it's universal among humans, and that will do for the kind of objectivity given in the definition I adopted above.
If this can be done for a prudential 'ought', can it also be done for a moral 'ought'? I think it can. As I defined them above, the ONLY difference between a moral principle and a prudential one is that the first applies to our treatment of others, and the second to our treatment of ourselves. Now if this is the ONLY difference, the other features of my scenario should carry over into a moral rather than a prudential version of the scenario. Thus, if you are unable to feed yourself, there is still an obligation: that is not removed by your own inability to meet it. And so your prudential obligation to feed yourself is replaced by a moral obligation on your nearest and dearest (or whoever else might be in a position to do it) to feed you.
Let me now return to your initial questions:
'If your dog's hungry, then (it's a fact that) you ought to feed it.'
'If you make a promise, then (it's a fact that) you ought to keep it.'
'If you have a goal, then (it's a fact that) you ought to pursue it.'
What makes the consequent 'appropriate' in these hypotheticals?
I'm not going to say anything about the second and third of these, because they introduce complexities which at this stage I want to avoid. Let's concentrate on the first one:
'If your dog's hungry, then (it's a fact that) you ought to feed it.'
Let's go, as before, via a prudential equivalent:
'If you're hungry, then (it's a fact that) you ought (=owe it to yourself) to feed yourself.'
I maintain that this is true. You do owe it to yourself to feed yourself if you are hungry, because when you are hungry, your health is either in deficit or in danger of becoming so. The situation here is like your bank balance being in deficit; if your balance is in deficit, then you owe money to the bank. In the same way, if your health is in deficit, then you owe something to yourself (in this case, food). That's what we mean when we say 'ought'; we mean that somebody owes somebody something, because somewhere, there's a deficit to be made up.
Now. about my dog. He is hungry, and so his health is in deficit (or likely to become so). If he could use the can opener, then he would owe it to himself to open the can and feed himself. Since he can't, the obligation to meet the deficit (or threatened deficit) in his health must devolve on anyone who is in a position to meet it; in this case, me. So what would be a prudential obligation for my dog, were he able to meet it, becomes a moral obligation for me.
I think people who aren't philosophers (what we rather arrogantly call 'ordinary people') understand all this better than most philosophers do. Virtually all 'ordinary people' understand that if you are hungry, you owe it to yourself to eat. A smaller number of 'ordinary people', but still a very large number, thankfully, understand that if someone else is hungry and can't feed themselves, the rest of us owe it to them to feed them.
Thanks for reading (if you got this far). Over to you.