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Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 10th, 2024, 11:28 am
by Lagayascienza
OK, we're back to POV. I seem to remember that POV is an abstract concept to do with integrating the formation of certain biological cells with the phenomenon of quantum entanglement. You need POV to argue that individuality can be mobile, right? But the concept of POV, like the notion of UMI itself, is highly speculative. But we can leave that for now, because I first need to get clear on a foundational issue. Can we go back a step? To the very beginning - to the motivation for your whole thesis. Can you tell me briefly why you want "individuality" to be mobile?
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 11th, 2024, 8:51 am
by tonylang
The Blooming Of The Galaxies;
The distinguished astronomer Vera Rubin was the first on Earth to discover the non-Einsteinian galactic sigma. The galactic sigma is the non-Newtonian relationship between the orbital velocities of stars at the outer edges of galaxies and those deeper within. Since Vera’s seminal discoveries and the subsequent discovery by others of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, a great debate has ensued. How to account for this strange discrepancy in what should be resolved physics. How does the central black hole fit in? The answers to these questions lie in understanding how galaxies form through the prism of the LINE hypothesis.
The LINE hypothesis suggests that it is only during phases of universal contraction that black holes liberate information as Hawking radiation. The final emissions of Hawking radiation released by surviving black holes in the latter stages of each universal transition event (UTE) mark the blooming stage of surviving black holes to become transitional primordial structures called galaxoids. The UTE phase compresses all particles into a free information state. Any free information not bound within the event horizon of surviving black holes degenerates back into the original information state of the SoS (solution of state) from which all information in this universe originated. Even the Planck Holes (PH) that normally define the scaffolding of normal space succumbs to this degeneracy. In addition to the free SoS, this compacting leaves only a background substrate consisting of the spatial entanglement channels which normally separates and binds together the PH in normal space. During the UTE, space as we know it is no longer normal as it degenerates into a very high rendering, extremely low latency information teleportation mode. In this mode, the barrier of space that normally separates the verses is stirred into the SoS carried by spatial entanglement channels.
A UTE produces an inflationary phase which approaches but is not identical to the original inflation phase of the universal instantiation event (UIE). Today both of these very different and pivotal phases of universal instantiation and transition are referred to as big bangs. This is because they are incorrectly thought to be one and the same. Each UTE phase initiates a new expansion phase when the vast amount of information liberated as Hawking radiation from all black holes within a contracting universe is compressed to a critical density, temperature, and state. This rebound is the hyper luminal inflation of the information liberated from all black holes during the entire contraction phase as black holes establish equilibrium per the surrounding universal information budget. During each UTE, some, but not all of the universal degrees of freedom (DOF) known as ‘constants’ which will inform the next universal expansion and reality, are uniquely initialized thereby probabilistically informing a unique evolution of information in the burgeoning universe. Black holes that do not completely dissipate are the only structures that may survive the UTE.
The primordial phase immediately following the universal instantiation event (UIE) called inflation, was first hypothesized by Alan Guth. The UIE and UTE inflation phases both imbue a certain homogeny to affected information within the new verse. However, only the UTE has the opportunity to inflate the information trapped within the WOF of black holes. This inflation is informed by the universal information budget. Consequently, a new universal expansion phase ensues. In the UTE this early inflationary phase grows or blooms the information released as Hawking radiation around every black hole into a dispersed homogenous (in substance and in kinetics) disc of gas which in time evolve to become nebulae, stars and all manifestations thereof in galaxies. Because the atoms in this transitional disc of gas did not migrate to their positions by Newtonian physics but by rapid inflation, the stars and other cosmological manifestations that emerge from these constituents also will not be observed to strictly adhere to Newtonian dynamics.
The blooming of black holes into new galaxoids, occurs during UTE inflation. UTE inflation occurs as a consequence of the severe contraction of space-time. This contraction destroys complexity universally at all scales and initiates a universal phase transition. Consequently, as a CPU’s rendering rate increases with the shutdown of all active complex processes therein, likewise, by destroying complexity, the UTE initiates a rebound of the decreasing universal rendering rate and with it an increase in the maximum universal speed limit. Additionally, upon this phase transition state, the spatial entanglement channels which normally bind the PH in normal space become dominant during the UTE. This degenerate state of space permits information to travel within this unfamiliar medium at a non-deterministically high velocity that is much greater than the familiar speed of light.
During each UTE, Hawking radiation accumulates around each surviving black hole. This accumulation forms the shell of information formerly described in normal space as the black hole’s wall of fire (WOF). During the inflationary phase of the UTE, the WOF shell around each surviving black hole also inflates. This WOF inflation produces a far more defused sphere of information around each black hole called the WOF halo. This inflated information bloom gravitationally encompasses each primordial transitional black hole. Together these manifestations compose a galaxoid. Galaxoids are the primordial seeds that evolve to become galaxies. Galaxies cannot gravitationally aggregate in normal space as planets and solar systems do. Galaxies evolve from galaxoids that are superluminally inflated during each universal transition event.
Like the free information that fills the new universe, the WOF halo is the material that, in time, condenses into particles and atoms around central black holes. These particles eventually gravitationally collapse to become stars and all of the manifestations which form galaxies, which may thereafter be circumstantially held together by dark matter. Hence, there can be expected to be a remnant of the blooming black hole remaining at the center of a typical galaxy. By transitional inflation during each UTE, the uniformity, distribution, and velocity of stars and other matter at the galactic edge become unexpectedly correlated with matter deeper within. So too is the uniformity, trajectory, and velocities of structures throughout the cosmos writ large informed by the initial inflation at the UIE and with each subsequent UTE inflation.
The LINE hypothesis suggests that transitional black holes bloom into galaxoids during the inflationary phase of the UTE. This is the process that forges the otherwise mysterious relationship between a galaxy and its central black hole. The Hawking emissions from black holes during all stages of universal contraction and particularly during the final stages of each UTE causes a verse’s inflationary rebound. This inflation disperses information at the then maximum universal rendering rate, a velocity faster than light as we know it. This circumstantially cyclic inflation accounts for the initial homogenous distribution of matter in galaxies. Moreover, the UIE, which sparked the initial, much different, universal inflation widely known as the big bang similarly accounts for this universe’s initial homogenous microwave background and distribution of galaxies.
So how can an ISMP black hole remain isolated through numerous UTE? Doesn’t a UTE cause black holes to become galaxoids with a WOF halo? Yes, but not all WOF halos are equal or substantial. It is important to remember that within the UTE, space as we know it does not exist and neither does distance or size. Black holes within the UTE is nothing like black holes in normal space. So, picturing black holes as regular black holes all bunched together is a completely false representation of the UTE state. Suffice it to say that the laws of conservation of information are maintained through each UTE. Hence, once the PH and space reconstitute after inflation and the next expansion phase ensues, black holes may maintain their prior information content within their enclosed regime and near the event horizon. Therefore, transitional black holes may not all become viable galaxoids. Many black holes may continue in their isolation in the new universe. A subset of these will maintain their significant isolation through each UTE to the present. While the majority become galaxies that hosts life, these relatively few become the tell tale ember black holes (EBH).
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 11th, 2024, 5:26 pm
by Rende
I think people work in maths as it's a production of the same production. So for me this is the basis for connecting real world with experience. If your moving you must also exist. Lets say if you are existing is numbered 1 if you are moving it is numberd 2 and if you don't exist is 0. Two makes everything move, and 1 makes everything exist. You can make 2 out of the same 1. Yes so there's no 1 and 2 really. It's all about 1. So you exist forever is my opinion.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 12th, 2024, 7:32 am
by tonylang
Superposition v. Entanglement;
The LINE hypothesis proposes that a single particle in a state of superposition is a single particle in this space-time entangled to metamatter in the Hilbert-space called the metaverse. In superposition, the particles’ degrees of freedom (DOF) are continuously instantaneously shared or teleported between it and its entangled metamatter. This sharing manifests in this space-time as the particle existing in multiple states simultaneously. The collapse of any superposition state involves the disentanglement of the particle from its entangled metamatter via foreign infiltrations called measurement or observation. This disentanglement from metamatter leaves the particle in this space-time in only one of the possible shared states and the metamatter in some metaverse version of the remaining state.
Like nature's perfect slot machine, collapsed particle states are individualized and utterly unpredictable or random, hence do not collectively scale to produce macroscopic effects such as duplication or to a cat being simultaneously dead and alive. So, although such particles may compose a cat in this space-time, there can be no corresponding metamatter cat in the metaverse. This is because metamatter does not operate by the same or even similar laws of physics as the physics of any verse that it may produce. What particles in any verse are collectively doing is completely distinct from what its entangled metamatter is doing within the metaverse. The shared states involved in superposition are those states that remain uninvolved, unobserved, ergo; coherent, within its universe and so are available for entanglement with similarly available metamatter.
Additionally, entanglement between multiple particles in this space-time involves entanglement by those same particles with the same, in-common particles of metamatter simultaneously. In so doing, mutually entangled particles in this space-time also share available coherent states simultaneously and instantaneously with each other via a shared superposition state with common metamatter and thereby are also in a superposition of those states. In this universe, when any one of the entangled particles decoherer or are measured, one of the shared DOF states randomly remains with one particle, and the other possible state, by default, remains with the remaining particle. The state of in-common entangled metamatter in any of these scenarios is unknowable to any emergent verse.
Consequently, entanglement in this universe may involve each particle being entangled with multiple metamatter particles which are also entangled with each other within the metaverse. Hence, upon the decoherence or measurement of one entangled particle in this universe, the accompanying state held in matamatter is instantaneously teleported to the other participating particle in this universe. Alternatively, both particles may be simultaneously entangled to the same single metamatter particle for the duration of the entangled state. When one entangled particle is collapsed, it instantiates only one of the possible states as it disconnects from its entangled metamatter. The remaining state is instantaneously transmitted to the other participating particle. This disentanglement is known as the quantum flip. It is these interactions that instantiate the individual position of view (POV) in this space-time.
What then is the essential behavior or involvement between metamatter particles within the metaverse? Indeed, is there such a distinction as a single vs multiple particles of metamatter in the metaverse? What manifestations can such unfamiliar particles imbue that could give rise to the pivotal emergent state, that is a temporary but recurring claim on territory, a single point in this space-time, shrouded and protected for a time by any viable host form that can emerge within any viable habitat, the state known as individuality? One clear advantage that we have in making such determinations is, while we live, we are each in possession of one exhibit of evidence of the product of the metaverse. It is ones’ position of view (POV) that defines ones’ individuality. The proper evaluation of this exhibit of evidence is severely clouded by the very prominent host form to which the POV is instantiated in any life, and yet in every moment of life, one is experiencing this product of the metaverse. The key lies in discovering the entanglement cell (EC) and molecule (EM).
Life is one of the strangest, most unforeseeable emergent phenomena we know of. This is because individuality is most fundamentally not a product of this universe but of the metaverse. Like a fragile bubble on the surface of a body of water, the POV is a delicate emergent confluence of different states of information forming a temporary alliance from which we may experience life, for better or for worst. What details can be gleaned from this rarefied perspective in nature? The more we can know the better. The intimately involved aspects and DOF of the metaverse exposed by individuality may become of some practical use. Metamatter satellites and detection of the QEF for example, as well as the deliberate instantiation of individual POV, will be of great interest once accepted. Beyond these only time and intensive research will tell.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 12th, 2024, 4:48 pm
by Rende
Im' new to all this physics. I don't think so that it could be proven something that you don't even know what you want to prove yet, proving something that is not included yet in the present when you want to prove it. Im talking about present and future. You don't know what is the resulut if even the search your doing don't yet exist in time. Thats how i view it its a paradox like infinity. It's against all rules. I think that time is just an illusion withouth being an illusion for us, you can't remove it even if is removable, two options at the same time, but only one prevales. Like superposition for me is what I accept to be the way human brain works. Surpasing the surpasing of the first surpasing so experience is this for me. Maybe the world is right and we are the ones who are inside the world and see it wrong even if that would mean that we are right because we are part of the world. Like I can't be part of everything and at the same time I am part of everything is a thought that frustrates me. Im' not so much into physics and I know that people must know better than me, they do experiments and know a lot of stuff. But I dont think that anybody can solve what im trying to solve inside my experience, some realisations yus't repeat and really never conclude.
Im have this idea of 1surpasing of 2surpasing of 1surpasing. An endlles movment. So further I try to go the same answer comes to me, like chasing the chasing. Can't be done, but still insist in trying to find some reason behind experience.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 13th, 2024, 10:09 am
by tonylang
Information Tunneling Its’ Way Into Life;
How does one amalgam of information block or contain another? The bars of a prison cell, or the aluminum hull of the airplane, the earth beneath your feet, or the energy shells of the atom. It is by a property known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle (PEP). What causes the PEP? The LINE hypothesis proposes that it is the structure of baryonic pyrine projected from the Planck scale into the subatomic realm as quarks and their emerged information states that produce local exclusion zones in normal matter. How then do amalgams of information called particles tunnel in apparent violation of the PEP?
Information tunneling is a phenomenon observed in diminutive ‘quantum’ amalgams of information states called particles. Tunneling revealed through the prism of the LINE hypothesis suggests that the tunneling of particles describes a relocation of a particulate Planck Hole (PH) regime through space-time across a distance that is, by all accounts impassable, contiguously occupied by other PH regimes classified as obstructions or barriers. What dynamics could account for the underlying mechanism of this puzzling behavior?
It is the natural entanglement with metamatter via the QE spectrum that makes tunneling possible. Further, the information tunneling observed in particles is fundamentally the same mechanism by natural entanglement that instantiates the position of view (POV) of all living individuals throughout this universe. Natural entanglement instantiates, or tunnels the individual degrees of freedom (DOF) of the QE spectrum (QEF), you, to any viable host form within any viable habitat in this universe. It is this same mechanism that reinstantiates, or tunnels a particle to another location through a barrier. One might say that the tunneled particle has died (deinstantiated) and is born (reinstantiated) elsewhere in this universe. It is curious however, that such particles don’t appear to tunnel to more distant locations in space-time, but relocates to positions that are relatively local to the tunneling particles’ original position and, quite fortuitously, just beyond the obstructing barrier within the local system.
Indeed, if hydrogen nuclei in stars tunneled, not into the energy exclusion zones required for nuclear fusion to occur, but to some distant location in this universe, stars wouldn’t shine. It is the local system, ergo; other particles that are local and within close proximity of the tunneling particle and also local to the obstruction between them that probabilistically biases the tunneling mechanism by natural entanglement. There are more abundant instantiations of more similar particles local to, and adjacent to a barriers’ confined space than far beyond it. Such particles have positions adjacent to the local barrier and probabilistically, non-locally biases the reinstantiation of other entangled particulate PH regimes to local positions. These shared entanglements to metamatter influences a tunneling particles’ entangled metamatter, to imprint a particles’ quantum entanglement-ID (QEID) with a fidelity of teleportation (FT) that is biased toward local positions in space-time.
The DOF of particles entangled with non-local metamatter may define everything about a particle. By the dynamics of superposition and entanglement; the sharing of defining DOF between entangled particles in this universe with the non-local DOF of metamatter within the metaverse, all of a particles’ DOF may probabilistically, non-locally deinstantiate from one location to reinstantiate elsewhere, regardless of distance or barriers. Such locations essentially describe a tunneling particles indigenous ecosystem. An increasingly larger group of particles is less likely to tunnel. This is because a larger group of particles is less likely to define one common destination for teleportation in this space-time. A common destination for teleportation is essential for tunneling to occur, and also for the reinstantiation of individuality. A common destination shared by entangled PH regimes define a particulate state for information, and otherwise defines a wave state. This dynamic of natural entanglement via metamatter underpins the particle-wave duality observed in this universe.
Further, the shared entanglement of particles in this universe with metamatter within the metaverse, produces a bias of the particles teleportation prospects, called the fidelity of teleportation (FT). This bias points to destinations local to other similarly entangled particles via in-common metamatter entanglement. By this mechanism, earths microbiome and ecology will bias the FT of its’ indigenous individual lifeID’s to instantiate similar host forms (species, etc.), regardless of the distance or barriers between them. This is because the entanglement molecule, the tunneling or teleportation-pad, if you will, is contained within living hosts. Such hosts, however mobile, are circumstantially more likely to be physically local to its indigenous ecosystem, if it still exists and remains viable. This teleportation of information via natural entanglement is the fundamental mechanism by which natural entanglement imprints a particles’ QEID, and also the living individuals’ lifeID to metamatter. This imprinted metadata mediates the FT of the living individual, you, and also tunnels subatomic particles to let stars shine in this space-time.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 14th, 2024, 8:28 am
by tonylang
Mach, Hawking, and Cherenkov; three names one account;
A hypothesis is self-validating when it unifies previously separate well-known phenomena by its proposed underlying predictions and structures. The LINE hypothesis proposes that at the Planck scale, the PH regimes around which pyrine form within particles of baryonic matter, while within a local medium such as glass, produce a region of information deficit as gravitation due to its sequestered debytons (dark matter). This deficit effectively and measurably reduces the local rendering rate (LRR) of reality which informs change, ergo; time, and the local speed of light within that medium. This Planck scale information deficit projects into the atomic realm to produce the effect known as a refractive index. It is hypothesized that Black holes radiate Hawking radiation only when the universal rendering rate (URR) is diminishing as it does during universal contractions. As the URR diminishes, so does the vacuum speed of light, which increases while the URR is increasing during periods of universal expansion.
Consequently, massless photons may become restricted while within some materials to velocities below the current vacuum speed of light in this universe. While, by the same mechanism, under particular conditions, massive particles are simultaneously able to travel within that same local medium at or closer to the vacuum speed of light than does mass-less particles therein. This simultaneous conjunction of speed differentials is informed by the LRR of that medium. The LRR is informed by the information deficit demanded by the pyrine that compose all matter. As massive baryonic particles in this condition translate between PH regimes faster than their own emitted massless photons, such photons become liberated from their normal bound nuclear bonds. Not unlike a passenger not strapped into their seat in a decelerating vehicle, photons in this condition are liberated to produce a particular type of light emission. This emission is widely known as; Cherenkov radiation.
It is suggestive that under particular circumstances, Hawking radiation is emitted from the maximally dilated PH regimes called black holes and Cherenkov radiation is emitted from the minimally dilated PH regimes called particles. These emissions both occur as the rendering rate of reality in this universe which informs the current speed of light varies for PH regimes at all scales within a local medium and in the vacuum of space. Such information deficits occur as information transitions between this universe and the metaverse at the PH of baryonic pyrine and also at the EH of black holes. In each case, the rendering rate of change, ergo; time is brought to equilibrium with its respective environment by the transition of a proportional amount of information from within their respective PH regimes. In all cases, this radiation or gravitation compensates the universal information budget. By this mechanism, as complexity rises in this universe and this universe begins to contract, black holes universally proportionately emit their bound information which was captured at the higher URR. In particles, a similar equilibrium produces a space-time inflow of information from the metaverse observed as various emissions like the luminous shockwave of photons that is Cherenkov radiation. The LINE hypothesis suggests that Cherenkov and Hawking radiation are both phenomena produced by the same underlying information deficits fulfillment paid to the universal information budget each on opposite ends of the PH dilation or QE spectrum. The QE spectrum is the inter-universal medium that defines gravitation, radiation, matter, space, and individuality in this universe.
Mach’s Principle; "Local physical laws are determined by the large-scale structure of the universe", is a tacit acknowledgment of the interrelated dynamics of matter with the universal information budget (UIB). Mach’s principle suggests that there is an information influence between the large-scale universe and the local scale of inertia, momentum, and gravitation. The LINE hypothesis suggests that Mach is on the right track, but doesn’t explain this ubiquitous universal interaction. Mach’s principle describes the same information deficit fulfillment being paid to local space via the PH which informs the UIB of the large-scale universe. In rotating frames, the UIB causes an information deficit in the space occupied by baryonic matter. This is due to gradients in a rotating body's sequestration of debytonic (dark) matter particles. Faster moving baryonic matter sequesters proportionately more debytons than slower-moving baryonic matter. An information deficit also occurs by the gravitation of free massless debytonic (dark) matter in the vacuum of space. Hence, massless debytonic PH regimes are the mass-independent basis from which an increase or decrease of the mass within massive baryonic particles should be compared and measured.
Mach’s principle suggests that universal gravitation is in some way responsible for a centrifugal force. This is not strictly the case; centrifugal motion is largely due to a physical exchange of kinetic energy between particles to produce an exchange of velocity. Centrifugal motion may occur via physical contact of incident matter particles that are in contact with a transient surface. If no contact exists between the two bodies including air contact or electric or magnetic influences, then the vulnerable body would rotate only diminutively. This minimal rotation is not due to the well-known centrifugal force, hence, must be defined differently. Let us call this minimal independent force, the Mach force. Einstein demonstrated this Mach force in his pendulum precession experiments. The Mach Force is very weak on human scales. It is produced by the information deficit paid to the UIB of local space by matter particles of rotating systems. The UIB taxes the local faster-rotating pyrine of matter at the peripheries of a rotating body in greater proportion to the information tax paid by matter towards the slower rotating center of mass.
On the cosmic scale, it is also debytons, but not bound within matter particles, that hold rotating galaxies and clusters thereof together. Hence, Mach’s centrifugal force which acts upon you within a rotating space station, and the gravitational force that binds matter together in galaxies attributed to debytonic (dark) matter are both ultimately produced by the same underlying information drain of space by debytonic matter whether sequestered within particles or free in the vacuum of space. This occurs on vastly different scales via the dilation of PH regimes small or large. It is the information deficits paid by all PH regimes to account in the UIB that creates all of the phenomena of this universe. This is the solution that explains Mach’s principle and the mystery of the non-Newtonian galactic rotation. Centrifugal force is the sum total of Mach’s Force plus any physical, electromagnetically transferred kinetic energy from a rotating body to vulnerable bodies therein. The LINE hypothesis proposes that by this description, the debytonic (dark) matter gravitation that confines galaxies now has its’ name; The Mach Force. The universal information budget is the mechanism by which small-scale structures communicate with the large-scale structure of this universe.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 14th, 2024, 12:50 pm
by Lagayascienza
What seems most likely is that living individuals are just biological organisms with whatever level of consciousness they have evolved in their struggle for survival. And what seems equally likely is that such lumps of biology exist all over the universe where conditions are right. As far as we can ascertain, consciousness of organisms, including all their memories, their preferences and sentiments, are extinguished at death. So much for their individuality. All the things that made them individuals cease to be. And their constituent atoms and organic molecules are then recycled and used by other organisms within an ecosystem.
This recycling of atoms and organic molecules is the only mobility that we know of. The is no indication that, at death, there is any mysterious “individuality” to mobilize. If you are doing science you would need to establish a good argument that there is such a thing as your “individuality” that gets mobilized. You have not done that. You have just assumed that this “individuality” exists and that it is mobilizable. I have asked you why you need the concept of the mobility of individuality. You have not answered.
Therefore, I shall cut to the chase. It seems to me that the reason you want the “mobility of individuality” is as a form of escape from the annihilation that happens to us as individuals when we die. That’s fine if it’s what you believe happens. But then you are dealing in metempsychosis, or the transmigration of the souls, which has nothing to do with science. The concept of the “mobility of individuality” doesn’t address any scientific problem as far as I can see. In which case, isn’t your motivation the same as the motivation that is behind religion and mysticism?
I understand that the “mobility of individuality” may be useful and interesting device if it is speculative, mystical, science fiction that you are writing. If that is why you need it, and if you want to make your mysticism sound scientific, then that’s fine. But you can’t just skip over glaring scientific problems with some hand waving and a bunch of buzz-words such as “Hilbert-space”, “Metaverse”, “metamatter entanglement”, “teleportation”, etc. These are all just pure speculation that readers of good science fiction will pick up on. Do you want to be the latest Deepak Chopra? I mean, that's fine, too, but, if that is what you are after, then you need to make your writing readable. Otherwise it won't sell.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 16th, 2024, 8:48 am
by tonylang
The Evolution of the Galaxoids;
The LINE hypothesis suggests that the mass of the central black hole of each galaxoid is highly influential to the galaxoids’ schedule for stellar ignition. Galaxoids form during each universal transition event (UTE) as the sphere of primordial particles that is the central black holes’ Wall of Fire (WOF) undergoes cosmic inflation to encompass the central black hole. Given its inflationary UTE origin, the WOF halo encompassing each galaxoid is initially an ultra-low entropy, highly homogenous vein of very low-density primordial matter particles that informs the transition-light (CMB) anisotropy. The WOF halo is initially highly susceptible to the influence of the central black hole.
Consequently, it falls upon the mass and spin dynamics of the central black hole to determine the evolution of the galaxoid into a future galaxy. For example, how quickly, or if at all, the initial sphere of the WOF halo will flatten into a disc shape is determined by the dynamics of the central black hole. The inflation of the WOF reduces the angular momentum (spin) of the central black hole. Galaxoids that emerge from a universal transition event (UTE) having a more energetic and supermassive central black hole will typically begin stellar ignition sooner than galaxoids having a much less massive and slower spinning central black hole. Supermassive to intermediate-mass central black holes will ignite star formation by beginning turbulence, accreting, or feeding sooner upon its’ WOF halo of primordial material.
Additionally, a moderately massive central black hole with greater spin dynamics may circumstantially create a more violent stirring of its WOF halo to form more massive more numerous, and brighter ultraviolet stars. Less massive transitional black holes that form galaxoids will typically take more time to perturb its WOF halo. Thereby, star formation will take more time to begin relative to neighboring galaxoids leading to Schrodinger’s galaxy confusion. Because all WOF halos are initially homogenous due to their common inflationary origin, low energetic central black holes will produce primordial stars that tend to be less massive as material very slowly aggregate only by circumstantial, often weaker, gravitational perturbances from the local environment due to its less energetic central black hole. Hence, these stars will be less massive, more numerous, and burn redder throughout the galaxoids’ evolution into a galaxy, unless it becomes otherwise involved. Hence, large dimmer red galaxies existing among large brighter very blue galaxies are typical. These features and more are a consequence of the initial properties of the galaxoids central black hole.
Further, observations of quasars existing predominantly within a particular range of time in cosmological history, predominantly at 2.44 BLY (z = 0.158), is due to some galaxoids initially having immense central black holes. These galaxoids begin the violent accretion of their WOF halo material on a largely common schedule only to deplete their fuel source on a similarly common schedule, to soon become undetectable or unrecognizable quasar remnants. This uniformity in observed quasar existence in cosmic evolution can only occur by the LINE hypothesized evolution of galaxies originating simultaneously from galaxoids during each UTE. Because quasars are the first visible and most numerous galaxies to form, due to their common schedule of formation, when the next less energetic galaxoids form visible galaxies, they will be in an expanding space populated by preexisting quasars. These moderately energetic galaxoids that form early galaxies are less energetic than existing quasars and so become much larger as their WOF halos are more gently perturbed and much less devoured by their central black hole compared to their voracious cousin the quasar. Such large early galaxies are sufficiently energetic to become large x-ray galaxies amidst a larger population of preexisting quasars within an expanding space-time.
Consequently, quasars will be among the first galaxies with the opportunity to interact visibly with another galaxy. As large x-ray galaxies interact with a large population of quasars, incident quasars, being the compact gravitational galaxies that they are, become fodder for its larger cousin host. X-ray galaxies will collect quasars within their large gravitational envelope of primordial matter and dark matter, like a fisherman with a large net catches fish. Hence, quasar momentum and redshift become quantized because a particular host galaxy will capture only those quasars having momentum that is resonant to the host's specific momentum and gravitational features. Like half-backs catching footballs, particular host galaxies only capture particular quasars. Captured quasars being on their own high momentum trajectories and under the influence of their host x-ray galaxy will often be expelled by the most energetic manifestations within the host galaxy, often an accretion jet from the central black hole. In this interaction, quasars become like cannon balls shot from the cannon of the host galaxy and will be observed to populate the area around the host galaxy.
Further, the appropriate size and spin of some central black holes of galaxoids inform the stratification of the WOF halo material that will form bands of stars, dust, and other matter to form the spiral arms that are a defining feature of spiral galaxies. Lower size and angular velocity transitional black holes that form galaxoids will evolve into a wide variety of types of galaxies. A very small central black hole in a galaxoid may not be sufficiently massive to agitate its’ encompassing WOF halo to influence stellar ignition to a significant degree leaving the WOF halo of the galaxoid with a stellar evolution that is essentially orphaned. Such galaxoids become highly vulnerable to external circumstances. Such galaxoids could very easily lose their central black hole from its central position. Orphaned galaxoids are a remnant WOF halo that becomes a primordial nebula with or without stars for a significant portion of its evolution into a galaxy. Such orphaned galaxoids that become intergalactic nebulae are either sequestered by other galaxies, become a lone intergalactic nebula, become a cluster of stars, or default to become the dispersed intergalactic dust that forms the stellar population that creates the phenomenon known as the intercluster light (ICL).
Additionally, debytonic (dark) matter envelopes all galaxoids in the early universe. Dark matter population becomes locally diminished by the formation of numerous dark holes. These gaps in debytonic population create voids that will influence the separation of primordial nebulae from their debytonic matter envelope. Because debytonic matter gravitates with no rest mass, debytonic matter is not attracted to normal matter. However, normal matter, having rest mass, is attracted to debytonic gravitation. Consequently, debytonic matter will pursue its own trajectory unperturbed by factors that would divert normal matter as seen in the so called bullet cluster interaction. Hence, the primordial matter of the WOF halo of orphaned galaxoids can be circumstantially separated from its enveloping debytonic matter during gravitational encounters and gradients. Also, as voids become increasingly prevalent in the early universe, so does opportunities for galaxoids that become primordial nebulae to be stripped of their debytonic (dark) matter envelopes as early voids create gravitational gradients with the surrounding universe. Primordial nebulae may, or may not, retain their dark matter envelope. Primordial nebulae to less energetic galaxoids that do retain their debytonic (dark) matter, in the absence of other gravitational influences, will be shaped by its dark matter envelope distribution even as it evolves into a galaxy.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 17th, 2024, 9:05 am
by tonylang
Great Voids: Seeking The Elusive Cosmic Eraser;
The LINE hypothesis proposes that debytonic (dark) matter cannot create dark stars. This is because dark matter has no information accumulation, ergo; no rest mass, and therefore cannot create dark particles that can interact electromagnetically or can be captured gravitationally. It requires rest mass for the electromagnetic and gravitational accretion of matter to occur. Curved space-time does not capture or attract curved space-time, ergo; Gravity does not attract gravity. There can be no dark stars, however, there can be dark holes. Dark holes are formed by very fast-moving debytonic (dark) matter. Extreme events such as the universal instantiation and transition events (UIE and UTE) can produce the near luminal velocity of debytonic (dark) matter. This high velocity causes a diminutive information accumulation, ergo; kinetic mass to arise within affected debytons. This minuscule mass build-up, in sufficient magnitude, produces gravitational attraction within a sufficiently large population of debytonic particles, and possibly an eventual collapse into a dark hole.
In baryonic matter, Newtonian gravitation (G) is always accompanied by mass due to the sequestration of a proportional amount of debytons within its pyrine structure. This is not the case for debytonic gravitation (GD). Once a dark hole forms it must remain at high velocity to persist as a dark hole. A dark hole is a massless high momentum high gravitation phenomenon. In a dark hole it is not high mass that maintains its’ high gravitation event horizon, but high momentum only. This subtle distinction bears odd fruit. Unlike a black hole, a dark hole cannot be attracted gravitationally as there is no information in a dark hole to attract. It requires mass to pay the information deficit called gravitation demanded by the universal information budget (UIB). Matter that subsequently falls into a dark hole is immediately teleported into the metaverse and doesn’t contribute or diminish the dark hole’s structural integrity. This is unlike black holes which maintain a considerable mass accumulation both outside and within its event horizon, a mass that directly informs its structure. Massless debytonic (dark) matter gravitation and momentum cannot fulfill this demand. Momentum in the absence of rest mass via a degree of freedom called metamatter, shared with the metaverse, is the dark hole’s superpower.
A dark hole is massless despite its initial diminutive kinetic mass of formation. This is because upon the formation of a dark hole, upon the establishment of its event horizon, the conditions of extreme velocity of the debytons that precipitated the dark hole formation no longer exist within its event horizon. The information accumulation as mass dissipates inside the event horizon of the dark hole as a type of Hawking radiation very soon after its formation. This debytonic Hawking radiation occurs even within an expanding universe and induces no change in the momentum of the dark hole. The dark holes continued high velocity relative to space-time is required to maintain its high momentum and its event horizon. On the other hand, black holes require universal contraction to emit Hawking radiation due to the black holes’ high mass content which maintains a grip on its captured bounty. A grip that can only be overcome via an external reduction in the maximum universal speed limit, the speed of light. A reduction that occurs during universal contractions.
However, dark holes have no such requirement. Due to a dark hole's lack of internal mass, its gravitation and event horizon is maintained only by the opportunistic coalescence of near luminal speed debytons. Dark holes are impervious to most universal influences. Like its constituent debyton particles, dark holes are weakly interacting and do not respond to most external stimuli. Like a great cosmic eraser, dark holes will gravitationally attract all manner of baryonic information states and matter and manifestations thereof. By the UIB, a dark holes’ event horizon persists by the balance between its high velocity and the current maximum universal speed limit, the speed of light. Any adjustment to either of these critical factors will result in loss of momentum and the emission of debytons as debytonic Hawking radiation and the deterioration of the integrity of the dark hole. Of these two factors, the more likely and immediate to change in this space-time is the dark holes’ velocity. Very few universal interactions can affect a dark holes’ path or velocity due to its weakly interactive nature. A dark hole is potentially an unstoppable gravitational cosmic wrecking-ball.
What phenomenon might possess the wherewithal to influence a dark holes’ velocity and thereby begin its rapid destruction? It is free debytonic point particles, the likes of which construct a dark hole, that bears the seeds of its demise. The tax demanded by the UIB never goes on holiday. It is the immense clouds of debytonic (dark) matter throughout the cosmos that can spell eventual doom for dark holes. As dark holes pass through clouds of debytons at its native high velocity, not unlike photons whose path bends to compensate the UIB as they pass through gravitational fields, so too does the dark holes’ speed, momentum and path alter as the information deficit demanded by the UIB is paid. Like a dark ice-cube melting in the sun, a dark hole moving through vast clouds of debytonic matter, has its days severely numbered by this interaction.
Consequently, relatively few dark holes survive in these cosmos. Dark holes can nonetheless survive within regions of low debytonic matter population and will reek havoc upon the local environment within its’ light cone. A dark hole will, over time, clear all detectable baryonic matter within its reach. Such baryonic deserts are described as; voids. Within voids, dark holes, with their high velocity, reign supreme as they erase all baryonic structure within their considerable reach. Such dark hole infested regions of space are made prominent by the absence of stars, gas or any observable baryonic information structure. Only the most opportunistic of dark holes will survive to the present day to be seen by equally opportunistic astronomers. No doubt A Nobel Prize awaits the persistent and fortunate astronomer that discovers this most elusive and unifying among natural phenomena, but what to look for?
While there will be relatively few dark holes surviving to the present state of universal transition, fortunately there are numerous great and super voids that offer vast tracks of dark hole infested space-time that present ample opportunity for discovery. The perimeter of these mysterious swaths of missing baryonic matter where the darkness meets the visible structures of the cosmos of stars, nebulae, pulsars etc. presents the dedicated astronomer with an opportunity to witness a dark hole in the act of satisfying its voracious appetite. Formerly observable matter at the perimeter of voids will be seen to vanish as the void continues to grow as it has for epochs of universal time. Cosmological voids will grow nearly imperceptibly as the termites of the cosmos that are dark holes continue to expand their dark realm by opportunistically devouring any baryonic matter within reach of their considerable information drain into the underlying metaverse. I encourage all nimble minded astronomers of every ilk, to pursue this noble, career altering initiative at your earliest convenience.
Great and Super voids began as baby voids. The LINE hypothesis suggests that dark holes formed early in the universal instantiation and transition events. At that point in universal evolution, the entire universe was no larger than the Andromeda galaxy is today. At that time there was precious little space for information in any form to move through. After each UTE the universe is as an expanding debytonic (dark) matter egg composed overwhelmingly of numerous galaxoids, like egg yolks, most confined within a WOF halo of baryonic matter, floating in a vast ocean of debytonic matter. Once sufficient space expands into existence, it is from this dark matter that the population of dark holes is accelerated into existence. The baryonic matter that existed at that time existed only as wispy veins of electrons and protons and elementary combinations thereof weaved between the galaxoids from their own WOF halos. As the growing universe expands, space becomes increasingly available and galaxoids begin their long evolution into galaxies.
Over the course of the next few million years, dark holes have a limited time frame in which they will consume any baryonic matter that happens into their dark, ever-winding path. At that point baby voids, excavated by these dark termites of the universe begin as excavated regions, no larger than a large nebula is today, but devoid of matter of any kind. Over the course of the ensuing 13.8 billion years of universal expansion, these baby voids will expand with the rest of the cosmos to become super voids of empty space consisting perhaps only of a precious few galaxies that opportunistically wondered into the void after the preponderance of the dark holes reign had passed. Observing dark holes in action is a retroactive time trip made possible by the extreme latency of electromagnetic waves traveling through space-time over the universes' entire history. It will require equipment, perhaps an order of magnitude more powerful than even the soon-to-be-launched JWS telescope, to have any chance of witnessing the unraveling of this relic of a cosmic archeological process unfolding at the edges of the voids.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 18th, 2024, 1:33 pm
by tonylang
The Darkness Of The Neutrino;
In the year 1930 A.D. Wolfgang Pauli predicted the existence of an ephemeral undiscovered particle hypothesized to be carrying away missing energy from decaying radioactive nuclei. This particle was eventually detected by Reines and Cowan in 1956 and dubbed by Enrico Fermi the neutrino. The LINE hypothesis proposes that like all particles, the neutrino is a distinct type of particle and is also derivative of other particle types be they known or unknown. The neutrino is an intermediate particulate Planck Hole (PH) regime between the debytons (dark matter) and leptons. Like a lepton such as the electron, the neutrino hosts a pyrine structure that can retain information as mass but with a greater native PH bandwidth than any lepton. Additionally, like the debytons, the neutrino hosts a QE channel to metamatter but with a lesser PH bandwidth than the debytons. Unlike baryonic and leptonic pyrine, the neutrino pyrine sequesters no debyton particles due to its diminutive information accumulation as mass and therefor has undetectable charge. Some minimum amount of mass is required to produce the information circulation dynamics called charge, the strong force, and to sequester a proportional quantity of debytonic particles to produce the accompanying Einsteinian gravitation (G). This places the neutrinos’ information teleportation bandwidth natively higher by convention on the QE spectrum than the leptons but lower than the debytons. This structure makes the neutrino the intermediate link between leptonic (normal) matter and debytonic (dark) matter.
As neutrinos transition through space, its mass oscillates by the neutrino pyrines’ interaction with free debytonic (dark) matter particles as both travel through space. The lower PH bandwidth of baryonic and leptonic pyrine within protons and neutrons and electrons accumulates more information as mass due to their pyrine’s lower ground-state PH dilation. The ground-state PH dilation is the native PH bandwidth, with zero debyton particle sequestration within the central PH regime around which particulate pyrine form. Each debyton particle sequestered within the pyrines’ circulating information channel increases the QE bandwidth and gravitation of the pyrine and the particle it projects into the subatomic realm. Baryonic pyrine’s diminutive native drain of information into the metaverse accumulates more information within its pyrine, ergo; greater mass. This increased mass is able to sequester a normal quantity of free debytons to produce a normal Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational potential (G). This increased baryonic information outflow called gravitation comes via the increased PH dilation of each additional sequestered debyton particles QE channel with metamatter. However, when there is insufficient mass accumulation around a ground-state particulate PH regime, a particle cannot accommodate the sequestration of a normal Einsteinian quantity of debytons within its pyrine structure. Consequently, free debytons that would normally become trapped within pyrine for a time or for an entire universal transition cycle, instead buffet and attenuate the ground-state PH bandwidth of vulnerable particulate PH regimes such as the neutrinos’ as both travel through space.
Each debyton-neutrino interaction causes a proportional attenuation of the neutrinos’ PH bandwidth. This interaction oscillates the neutrinos ability to maintain a constant information accumulation as mass. This buffeting is observable as oscillations in the neutrinos already miniscule energy and mass. A mass that may otherwise capture free debytons. Metaphorically, as a falling sky divers’ partially opened parachute is buffeted by the wind, the neutrinos’ information states known as flavors occur as its diminutive mass is buffeted by its interaction with free debytonic (dark) matter particles. While the neutrino interacts only minimally with the baryons and the leptons, the neutrino interacts more readily with the debytons as both bear a closer kinship via their more similar placement on the QE spectrum. While being buffeted on its relentless transitions through space, the neutrino’s attenuated information is teleported into the metaverse via the free incident debyton particles own hyper-dilated PH regimes. These are the same free debytonic PH regimes that when sequestered in normal matter would produce normal Einsteinian gravitation (G). This is also the same mechanism the LINE hypothesis proposes erodes dark holes in the early universe.
The attenuation of the neutrinos information content is quantized hence each debyton-neutrino interaction attenuates a proportional quantity of neutrino energy and mass to produce the observed neutrino oscillations as neutrinos travel through space. This suggests that neutrino oscillation may increase or decrease in the presence of local elevated or diminished debyton population in space. A gravityscape of free debytons too diminutive to produce measurable local gravitational influences will nonetheless manifest within neutrinos a quantized but circumstantially arbitrary spectrum of neutrino energy oscillations as neutrinos travel through regions of space having gradients in debytonic population. This infers that neutrinos don’t only oscillate between a few flavors, but define a quantized region on the universal QE spectrum.
By the universal information budget, as described by general relativity, a neutrinos extremely low mass defines a velocity very near to the maximum universal rendering rate, the speed of light. This near luminal velocity provides the neutrino with a perpetual supply of new information which perpetually replenishes the neutrinos loss of information due to its interaction with free debytonic particles. However, in the absence of free debytonic particles, neutrinos would not shed mass to oscillate, but instead would grow in mass into a more massive particle. A new neutrino perhaps, able to sequester a proportional quantity of debytonic (dark) matter particles and its accompanying gravitation. This new flavor of the venerable neutrino is called the dark neutrino and can only exist naturally within the debytonic deserts known as; voids.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 19th, 2024, 9:37 am
by tonylang
Matter comes to life;
How does life begin in this universe? What are the critical components and conditions that transform and initiate the most fundamental components of inanimate matter that may evolve into living beings regardless of form or of position in this space-time? The LINE hypothesis proposes that it is the entanglement molecule (EM), debytonic (dark) matter, and the dark neutrino which are the primary information states that have everything to do with the direct implementation of life and individuality in any viable habitat in this universe. These three components properly combined form the indigenous instantiated EM, the most fundamental component the presence of which defines the viability of any habitat for life in this universe. Anywhere in nature where all three of these information states combine under the necessary conditions, life becomes possible. Absent any one of these three critical components, life cannot occur. It is not chemistry, nor temperature, not pressure, or detectable magnetic or gravitational fields alone that define a habitat's viability for life. The indigenous instantiated EM is called an; ‘Original EM’ (OEM) in any viable habitat for life. The OEM is the first EM within any ecosystem that gets the ball of life rolling, if you will. All subsequent EM within every evolved living entity are transferred copies of the OEM via a reproductive process.
The LINE hypothesis suggests that the foundation of the EM is the hydrogen proton, atom, and molecule. Hydrogen protons participate in many molecules in nature not the least of which is H2O (water). It is quite suggestive that the indigenous particle of this universe is the indigenous component of the entanglement molecule in any ecosystem. When life begins, conditions on the Earth, for example, were nothing like it is today or since. The conditions required to precipitate the OEM were not survivable by the living cell or by any biological form. Biological forms evolved later in the evolution of earth's ecosystem. Furthermore, these necessary conditions for OEM instantiation may not have ever existed on the Earth itself. The OEM could necessarily have undergone these conditions elsewhere in this universe to be later deposited on the early earth where the conditions to evolve biological forms able to utilize the OEM subsequently emerged. Either of these scenarios could have resulted in the thriving ecosystem we see today. So what are these rarified conditions for seeding life?
The weakly interactive neutrino is well known to interact with the hydrogen protons in H2O as water and ice. This rare sensitivity of the neutrino with hydrogen is the reason neutrino detectors all over the world are constructed with H2O, in any state, as a basis for neutrino detection. However, it is a very special state of the neutrino called the dark neutrino that permits the third component; debytonic (dark) matter, to be captured and become sequestered within the pyrine of the inanimate, uninstantiated EM. This interaction is called natural entanglement and sequesters free debytons to become valence debytons within the baryonic pyrine of susceptible hydrogen protons. This process instantiates the OEM, the seed of life in every viable habitat.
OEM instantiation is rare because it can only occur within voids. By whatever means, or circumstance, hydrogen protons within an EM (within H2O or other hydro molecules) finds themselves within debytonic deserts known as voids, in that place, free neutrinos may oscillate into dark neutrinos, to interact with free debytonic (dark) matter to transform the inanimate EM into the indigenous OEM. Any OEM thereafter could become any ecosystems’ first OEM, the seeds of life. It is only within voids that the neutrinos’ PH bandwidth (flavor) on the universal QE spectrum may naturally oscillate to become the dark neutrino. The dark neutrino is the catalyst that permits free debytonic (dark) matter to be sequestered within the PH regime within the baryonic pyrine of the EM to also increase its QE bandwidth on the universal QE spectrum. This interaction elevates the inanimate EM to become the instantiated OEM. Within any viable environment, the OEM becomes the seed that establishes the antenna state which may evolve to become the position of view (POV) of the first living individuals within any barren environment. Such environments of high potential are, by this process, able to evolve into viable ecosystems.
Once natural entanglement has occurred in the OEM, it may remain instantiated for a time during which the OEM may participate in the emergence of life within viable habitats. Once life emerges, within any viable habitat, copies of the instantiated OEM are thereafter passed from one living host to another as the instantiated EM, and are imbued with a unique individuals’ QEF, you, via processes of procreation and evolution, natural or otherwise. This rare natural process that entangles baryonic matter with metamatter is the natural interaction of the dark neutrino with debytonic (dark) matter which can only occur within voids, whether natural or synthetic. Once understood, natural entanglement may be duplicated synthetically with appropriate technologies.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 20th, 2024, 9:57 am
by tonylang
The Distillation Of Matter;
The LINE hypothesis proposes that the matter-antimatter imbalance that exists in this universe is a consequence of the universal instantiation event (UIE) followed by many cycles of universal expansion and contraction phases. Each cycle is punctuated by a universal transition event (UTE). The UIE and UTE are the metaverse phenomena widely known as the big bang. However, it is the UIE that initially instantiates each verse. As expected, the UIE and UTE do indeed produce an equal quantity of matter and its’ antiparticle. As the new expanding universe gains information and evolves sufficient complexity therein, the universal expansion not only slows as the universal rendering rate diminishes, but eventually may reverse to initiate a universal contraction phase.
The dynamics of changes in the universal spatial degrees of freedom (DOF) called dark energy is informed by the universal information budget (UIB). The UIB is governed by the transitions of information in, out, thru, and the universal information load and complexity in this universe. The UIB informs the universal rendering rate of change (time) and of distance (dark energy). Once the contraction of space reaches a critical density which invariably destroys a critical amount of complexity, the contracting universe enters a new UTE phase. This UTE phase is the turn-around phase following each contraction phase as the universal rendering rate rebounds. During the UTE black holes that do not dissipate are the only information structures from the previous cycle that may survive the UTE. Surviving black holes emerge from the UTE as galaxoids that will populate the next universal expansion phase.
Initiating each UTE, conditions from the previous contraction phase returns matter and space to the degenerate information state called the solution of state (SoS). Each UTE is initiated by an arbitrary quantity of information as SoS. Matter and antimatter are created within the UIE and UTE in equal amounts. Nonetheless, the remnants of matter and antimatter from each UIE and each UTE is not balanced and the remaining matter will eventually seed the next expansion phase. An imbalance in matter occurs because within the UIE and UTE there is no annihilation of matter as we know it. Annihilation occurs in this universe in normal space-time as a consequence of the normal structure of the Planck Hole (PH) scaffolding of space together with the stable structure of the pyrine and other states of information. During the UIE and each UTE, the PH and the pyrine do not exist, hence, matter and space is no longer normal.
Further, the quantity of the SoS, the degenerate state of matter initiating each UTE will transform during each UTE into equal amounts of matter and antimatter. However, without immediate or timely annihilation, the matters are free to not only separate, but to become otherwise involved during the UIE and UTE and also during inflation. Consequently, matter is thereby allowed to enter into other unbeknownst UTE processes and reactions. During these opaque transitions within each UTE, one of the two competing matter states may diminish relative to the other. This imbalance will permit the lesser constituent matter to eventually become negligible thereby leaving the other to dominate the next expansion phase. This leftover matter is the matter that will form the relatively stable tangible reality of the next expansion phase of a universe. This stable reality will not exist until the vast preponderance of one of the two constituent matter particles have been sufficiently diminished by primordial annihilation. Primordial annihilation occurs only when the PH scaffolding of space emerges to support the pyrine and other information states of particles. This cyclical process may evolve to produce the foundation for a relatively stable universe capable of hosting life and observers. This remaining matter seeds the WOF halos around surviving black holes to form galaxoids which in time evolve to become galaxies in this universe.
By this UTE process of matter distillation, it isn’t until a quiescence of matter, writ large, is reached in any verse can life emerge. In many verses produced by the metaverse, such survivable conditions never occur, and yet in others, this distillation of matter could eventually evolve into life as it has in this universe. As in any distillation process information is conserved, and yet, information states become separated. The mechanism by which this filtering of antimatter from matter takes place emerges during the dynamics of many UTE. The UTE is a largely metaverse phenomenon the fundamental details of which is scientifically opaque to the physics of this universe. Nonetheless, there are methods by which some UTE properties, the number of UTE cycles that has occurred thus far, for example, can be determined in this space-time. A consequence of the UTE distillation of matter occurring outside of this universe is the reason antimatter is absent from this space while its constituent particle remains. Precisely how this occurs as a metaverse process is perhaps unknowable. Suffice it to say that the laws of conservation of information are upheld during each UTE, and presents one thread of understanding available to nimble minded observers within this universe of this pivotal phenomenon that largely occurs within the metaverse.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 21st, 2024, 12:37 pm
by tonylang
Further, the LINE hypothesis proposes that one difference between a universal instantiation event (UIE) and any universal transition event (UTE) is the quantity of fundamental elements initially created. The UIE is the instantiating event which may create an amount of fundamental elements that is calculable from a correctly conceived standard model of particles. The UTE is one of many transition events subsequent to the UIE and is driven by circumstances of the prior contraction phase. The UTE phase will not have an instantiating amount of energy as does the UIE. Nor will a UTE express the instantiating metaverse states which produces a UIE equivalent amount of fundamental elements such as hydrogen helium and lithium.
The LINE hypothesis predicts that the UTE will produce circumstantially less of the fundamental elements, ergo; hydrogen, helium and lithium than predicted for the UIE. Calculations that estimate the quantity of initial fundamental hadronic elements currently do not anticipate the potentially numerous subsequent UTE cycles which create the current post UTE state of the universe.
Predictably, this is because a UIE is more energetic than a UTE. Also, because the UIE involves more fundamental levels of the metaverse information states called the solutions of state (SoS) and their metaverse processes that are not achievable during any UTE phase. These differences create different outcomes. Given that today both the UIE sand UTE are considered to be the same ‘big bang’ event, calculated expectations that assume ‘big bang’ (post UIE-pre UTE) fundamental element quantities, will contradict measurements taken within any subsequent UTE expansion phase. So, if a contradiction between calculated expectations and observation of initial fundamental particle quantities is found to exist within ones’ current universe, The LINE hypothesis suggests that this is the indicator that this is a cyclic universe older than one universal transition cycle.
Why would the current calculated population of pre-fusion fundamental particles not reflect the current measured quantity? This is because the calculated quantities may consider universal constants that were forged not during any prior UTE, but during the UIE. There are universal constants that are instantiated during the UIE which may remain unchanged through each UTE.
During each UTE, some, not all, universal constants become reinstantiated. Therefore, such indigenous fixed universal constants will yield an accurate calculated particle population created only in the UIE phase. Subsequent UTE phases will not create a fundamental particle population that is consistent with this calculated quantity. Such fixed universal constants may determine the existence of the types of matter (hadronic, leptonic, debytonic etc.) that will exist within the new verse. Such matter types will populate all future cycles of the current verse, in any quantity. Such fixed-constants do not determine the quantity of matter created by each UTE phase. It falls to other non-fixed constants reinitialized during each UTE together with the informational content and circumstances of the prior contraction phase to determine the details of the next universal expansion.
Re: What is a living individual and is it naturally universally mobile?
Posted: June 22nd, 2024, 9:12 am
by tonylang
The LINE hypothesis proposes that UTE’s instantiate galaxoids that typically evolve into galaxies. This places a minimum limit on the initial state (mass, size, gravitation, etc.) of galaxy formation to that of a typical galaxoid. Below this minimum only the central primordial black hole exists, having any possible size. Such primordial black holes that do not form a galaxoid could still rarely, circumstantially seed a new galaxy. After each UTE, galaxoids circumstantially emerge with different accumulations of information as its’ encompassing WOF halo. WOF halos having different masses and densities encompassing a central black hole forms galaxoids that begin their long evolution into galaxies. Hence, because galaxies don’t evolve from dust, galaxies will be observed to have larger than expected initial masses and sizes and will appear more evolved at the earliest observable stages of universal expansion.
Nimble minded astronomers and cosmologists will not need to think very deeply to identify one non-fixed constant, namely the Hubble constant. Explainable by the LINE hypothesized description of the UIE and UTE metaverse phenomena is the current observed inconsistencies in measurements of the value of the Hubble constant. Inconsistent estimates for the value of the Hubble constant derive from calculations based upon properties of the current CMB compared to calculations from measurements of stellar luminosity profiles. Inexplicably, each give sufficiently different values for the Hubble constant to raise concerns.
The LINE hypothesis proposes that the discrepancy in the current estimates of the Hubble constant is a consequence of the UIE which produced the universal first-light now referred to as the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The CMB encodes not only aspects of the UIE’s first-light but the current CMB also encodes the transition-light of all subsequent UTE phases. This is because aspects of the first-light will survive each UTE. Consequently, an improperly decoded CMB will not accurately describe the current post UTE universal expansion profile described as the Hubble constant.
The original (post-UIE, pre-UTE) CMB would predict the correct Hubble constant only for features observed within the initial phase of universal evolution. CMB profiles subsequent to the first-light of the initial universal expansion is called transition–light. Elder CMB’s will have been imprinted by the transition-light of each subsequent UTE. Additionally, stellar luminosity profiles are informed only by the previous universal event. Each, on its face, will inform a different value for the Hubble constant if not correctly considered in calculations and measurements taken within any phase of universal evolution, not only for the Hubble constant, but for any dynamic property of this universe.