Re: What could make morality objective?
Posted: February 16th, 2021, 1:25 pm
Peter Holmes wrote: ↑February 16th, 2021, 3:33 amEr, no. It was a definition of the word "objective."
But this is a definition of the word 'fact', not the word 'proposition'.
So you are stubbornly insisting that 'of' or 'relating to' an object...refers to a proposition, when that is not mentioned at all in this definition. You're making an unjustified but telling assumption.Yes. A proposition is something that is "of, relates to," an "object of phenomenon (etc.) . . ."
No this very much on topic. Like all so-called abstract things, propositions are misleading metaphysical fictions.Egads. That term is no more misleading or "metaphysical" than the word "sentence," or "statement." It is simply (as I said) a verbal construct which asserts a state of affairs. Where did you come up with this mystical interpretation?
And the JTB truth-condition is a clear example of what I'm saying about their mystical nature: S knows that p iff p is true. (It's not, as you said some time ago, S knows that p is true iff p is true.)I've never said that. What I said was, "The proposition 'P' is true IFF P." E.g., the proposition "Snow is white" is true IFF snow is white. That is the "semantic theory of truth." It is not a theory of knowledge.
The JTB (justified true belief) theory of knowledge, BTW, requires more than that P be true. It also requires that the knower believes that P is true, and that his belief is justified. There are, however, problems with that theory, as pointed out by Gettier several decades ago.
(Others, of course, have argued that Gettier's analysis is flawed).
What S can know is that a feature of reality (a state-of-affairs) is the case, and that is not 'knowing that p'.That is true. There is "knowledge by acquaintance" and "knowledge by description" (Russell). I can know that it is now snowing outside by looking out the window; no propositions are involved. That is "knowledge by acquaintance." But I can also know that Paris is the capital of France, though I've never been to France. That is "knowledge by description," and does involve propositions. The overwhelming portion of everyone's knowledge is knowledge by description.
Neither a feature of reality, nor our knowing that it's the case, has anything to do with the truth of an assertion that it indeed is the case.Oh, quite wrong. While features of "reality" don't depend upon propositions, our knowledge of them usually does --- it depends upon our having reason to believe the propositions asserting them are true (because most of our knowledge is knowledge by description).
'In linguistics and philosophy, a proposition is the meaning of a declarative sentence, where "meaning" is understood to be a non-linguistic entity which is shared by all sentences with the same meaning.[1] Equivalently, a proposition is the non-linguistic bearer of truth or falsity which makes any sentence that expresses it either true or false.'Heh. Yes, I've heard that analysis, or similar ones. I agree they are contrived, even "metaphysical," and superfluous. They aim to explain in what sense "Snow is white" and "Der schnee ist weiss" express the same proposition. But we can say they do if they both assert the same state of affairs. No "non-linguistic entities" are required. Those two propositions, while not identical, are equivalent.
That a fiction - the non-linguistic entity that is the meaning of a sentence - has been around for a long time - like Platonic forms - is no reason to treat it with any respect. To the bonfire with it,
That you thoughtlessly assume Webster's definition of 'fact' is talking about propositions is startling evidence of this delusion . . .Again, the definition was of "objective."
Good. I think we may be near the end. So, to summarise, I think we agree on the following.Not "completely different." There is obviously a relationship between them. But so far, so good.
1 A fact is, primarily, a state-fo-affairs that is or was the case. And what we call objectivity is independence from opinion when considering the facts. And here I want to point out that none of this, so far, is about propositions - more accurately, factual assertions.
2 A fact is a state-of-affairs that can be asserted by a factual assertion - a linguistic expression - which is true if the state-of-affairs is the case. And as a matter of usage, we can call such a true factual assertion a fact. But here I want to point out the potential confusion in this completely different use of the word 'fact'. It's critical that we clarify which way we're using the word 'fact': a state-of-affairs or a description of a state-of-affairs.
3 To apply the adjectives 'objective' and subjective' to facts-as-states-of-affairs is incoherent.Not incoherent, just . . . infelicitous. Because "fact" can refer either to a state of affairs or to a proposition asserting it, the objective/subjective distinction can carry over (in common usage) from the latter to the former. That is usually harmless.
4 We disagree as to whether the adjectives 'objective' and 'subjective' can be applied to propositions. But, anyway, you maintain that the distinction refers to the public confirmability of a state-of-affairs.Yes. But I'm surprised you disagree that "objective" and "subjective" can be applied to propositions, given that is precisely to what they are most often applied.
Do you in fact agree with these assertions? If not, please amend them where necessary.
Alfie: "Mozart was a better composer than Beethoven."
Bruno: "That is a subjective statement."
Alfie: "Quitting smoking reduces the risk of lung cancer."
Bruno: "That is objectively true."