Felix wrote: ↑May 14th, 2019, 4:27 pm
Tamminen: "Even if it could be true of physical spacetime (i.e., that is is nonfinite), it cannot be true of subjective time, that is not a rational possibility."
I see it as a possibility, "rational" or not, e.g., Aristotle's definition of the Divine Mind as "thought thinking itself." Subject/Object need not assume gross sensible form.
I think there is only one "mind", one subject, as I said. So the Divine Mind, if any, must be part of the one and only sequence of subjective events, and this sequence must have a beginning if it is rational. I can understand finite past although it looks strange at first sight, but I cannot understand infinite past although it would give us symmetry of time. As I said, infinite subjective past is like an infinite set of real objects, which is absurd, but applied to real subjective events in my past it is still much more absurd.
Felix wrote: ↑May 14th, 2019, 4:27 pm
My point is that if subjective experience can begin, it can also end, and you rule out the latter - I am not clear why.
Simply because that would mean absolute nonexistence, which is absurd. The beginning of subjective time does not mean nonexistence, obviously. On the contrary, it is the ground where existence stands.
Daniel_Cox wrote: ↑May 14th, 2019, 2:54 pm
Relativity teaches us to think about _how_ we measure time. If we apply Aristotle's definition of time as "the measure of motion according to before and after" to the advent of awareness, we encounter immediate difficulties. No measurable motion can be attributed to a subjective reality such as awareness. We can measure the brain changes encoding sensory signals and behavioral responses depending on awareness. However, we cannot measure the instant of awareness. Since time is a measure, unmeasurable events _have no precise time._ By rejecting precognition, we can place the time of awareness between the object event and the first measurable use of awareness. Beyond that, its time indeterminate.
By subjective time I mean the sequence of successive experiences. An experience is a subjective event with a content. Successive contents make subjective time a series of discrete events, and such an event can be defined as the unit of subjective time, quite independent of the content of that event. So if we want to measure subjective time we can speak of the number of experiences, but I see no practical use in that.