Gulnara wrote:
(Nested quote removed.)
There are two types of being fit. One is when, say, whatever at the time is considered defect or difference in human condition is actually beneficial in some unexpected ways and lets people survive and procreate. This one does not require treatment expenses. Another way is to make resources available for the treatment of undesirable defects of health, thus allowing potential evolutionary discards to remain among survivors.This one requires extra expenses. Will second way be a winner in a long run, as number of people in need of treatment keeps increasing? What if medical resources dwindle? Then evolution will even out the field once again, removing weakest links. So, more expensive way of survival holds great risk of becoming unsustainable someday. someone here insisted that mutation means bad. Not always. Mutation can be positive, like larger brain, more pretty features, greta voice, etc. To the Universe none of the mutations is evaluated, it just is, happens, but from people's point of view whatever trait the offspring holds is evaluated. When offspring is more successful, it is because , oftentimes, of positive mutations, and if it is not successful, it is, oftentimes due to negative mutations.
Immunity may be a benefit that comes without cost or so I thought.
The price of immunity: ... .2422.html
During KT bigger brains and and fitness did not have alot to do with survival. It was more about being lucky enough to be a burrower if one was a mammal. Sure evolutionists speak to non beneficial mutations not surviving etc. But what does the observed evidence actually tell us?
Thus, mammals tend to meet the energy costs of evolutionary changes in brain size by some combination of increased energy intake or reduced allocation to other functions such as growth, reproduction, digestion or locomotion; but, could the positive relationship found between brain mass residuals and BMR residuals be an artefact due to the confounding effects of variables that are correlated with BMR, such as home range size (Haskell et al. 2002; White & Seymour 2003)? It is possible, but unlikely. ... 002/#bib29
A 35-year experiment by evolutionists shows how things really work. Instead of waiting for natural selection, researchers forced selection on hundreds of generations of fruit flies. They used variation to breed fruit flies that develop from egg to adult 20% faster than normal. But, as usual when breeding plants and animals, there was a down side. In this case the fruit flies weighed less, lived shorter lives, and were less resistant to starvation. There were many mutations, but none caught on, and the experiment ran into the limits of variation. They wrote that "forward experimental evolution can often be completely reversed with these populations". "Despite decades of sustained selection in relatively small, sexually reproducing laboratory populations, selection did not lead to the fixation of newly arising unconditionally advantageous alleles." "The probability of fixation in wild populations should be even lower than its likelihood in these experiments."
Burke, Molly K., Joseph P. Dunham, Parvin Shahrestani, Kevin R. Thornton, Michael R. Rose, Anthony D. Long. 30 September 2010. Genome-wide analysis of a long-term evolution experiment with Drosophila. Nature, Vol. 467, pp. 587-590.
So on top of a deterorating genome, negative effects from epistatic interactions of beneficial mutations and restrictions in adaptive possibilities, we have a long term study that failed to fix a beneficial allele in a population that also provides direct evidence of the huge cost paid by those organisms carrying the 'beneficial' allele.
I am not sure whom you are refering to that suggested mutations are 'bad'. However, the data I have provided speaks to cost, cost, cost. A cost that apparently was continually paid for billions of years as this 'evolution' occured, and resulted in only one species being here to talk about it all. Lucky weren't we!
The limit to evolution is that evolution/adaptation is limited.
-- Updated December 28th, 2012, 8:10 pm to add the following --
Cronos988 wrote:
(Nested quote removed.)
MY researchers? That is a really interesting way of phrasing it. Apparently you view this as some kind of turf war between atheists and theists. It is not. Science is about explaining the world the best way possible. It is not supposed to give you absolute truths of any kind.
Anyways, you are simply evading my questions. You simply dig up some articles with some words you like and throw them up here with zero understanding as to what the terms actually mean or what their significance is form a philosophical standpoint. "Degradation" is a relative term, and if you cannot point out what it is relative to, you are not saying anything.
I'd say I have backed by view. Unless you have a different definition of degradation and DEGENERATION then I guess you are the one that is finding it dificult to accept the finding of your own evolutionary researchers. What do you suppose multiple articles that speak to degeneration are talking about?
An evolutionary ploy is to lock horns over vague and meaningless nonsense they have to offer so they can argue about it over the numerous publications that disagree with each other.... "I publish, therefore I exist", which is the background noise of theoretical science.
The Prediction was wrong. Does that falsify the theory? Is "junk DNA" critical to the basic framework? I doubt it since the framework was set up before DNA was even known. But you are free to make that claim that it does, if you can.
Well in real science Yes a theory based on prediction that did not eventuate should falsify the theory. However, evolutionists have hand waving to use as sticky tape. For example junk dna proves evolution and no junk dna still proves evolution.
That is how one can tell TOE is not a science. TOE is a philosophy trying to turn itself into a science and failing miserably.
And I have based my above argument on that exact definition of function and given arguments of why it does not, as you apparently claim, falsify an evolutionary theory. Arguments that have yet to be adressed.
So what you are saying is you do not care about what I or others think, all you want to do is preach your position with zero interest in actually discussing it.
If that is so, I believe there is no point in continuing this argument.
I have not mentioned any preaching. Oh come on now, even a precambrian rabbit would not really falsify evolution, Yiu guys would work around it I am sure. I did not say I have falsified evolution. I did say that all the information challenges the concept of evolution by suggesting cost outweighs any benefit. My interpretation of that information is that evolution is unlikely to have continued for billions of years.
Evolution is no philosophy.
I publish, therefore I exist. Yes TOE is a philosophy and over 150 years of instability and change, resulting in evos being more confused than ever proves it. eg junk dna, the death of single celled LUCA, the falsification of human knuckle walking ancestry, brain size tied to bibedalism, bipedalism being soley a human trait etc etc etc.
Yes, and the spherical model of the earth overturned thousands of years of evidence. Science changes all the time, it adapts to continuously supply the best explanation.
Hence evolutionists make it up as they go along. Right? That appears to be exactly what you are saying. If a prediction fails, don't worry; I publish, therefore I exist; Therefore any flavour of the month is irrefuteable evidence until it is falsified in favour of another irrefuteable flavour of the month. I get it!!!!
You are contradicting yourself if you, one the one hand, say that scientific theories are blind to new evidence and one the other critisize scientific theories for changing in light of new evidence.
Then let me resolve the discrepency. IT IS ALL ALGORITHMIC RUBBISH. I can produce research from Sanford but I prefer to use your own muddle against you and to support my own view. That's much more fun.
But you are not making a claim. You are trying to refute and existing claim without supplying any of your own.
I have. You just refuse to realize that one story in Genesis, is better than making it up as it goes along like evos do.
I have made a claim. God created by using the coalescence. Now you can demonstrate how dead elements poofed themseves into a complex factory of reproduction and how you know what chimp and human ancestry looks like with one entire half of the record missing on the back ancestral genomics evos have no clue about. Go!
when a creationist prediction turns out true, it is clear evidence, but when an evolutionist prediction turns out true, it is just random chance
You may like to speak to these predictions that creationists got wrong. I can and have spoken to some claims and predictions evolutionists got wrong.
Care to elaborate why the "junk DNA" prediction has significance and, e.g. various hominid fossils (the "missing links" evolutionists had predicted) do not?
Yeah sure! You do not have any missing links. You have 2 or 3 fossils that are relatively complete earlier than erectus and the rest are a mess that don't demonstrate anything. Bipedalism isn't even solely a human trait anymore of one can believe any of it. Ardi has ape feet, Lucy was found with no feet and I can even present research that suggest the Laetolli footprints do not belong to Lucy now but some other unknown species of the time. Or would you like to talk about the mess the Leakeys made of Rudolfensis that had to suffer a reconstruction because they got it wrong. Or would you liek totalk about Turkana Boy the stapping athlete that has shrunk and likely requires a pelvic reconstruction.
What missing links are you talking about? There certainly are absolutely none for chimp, you know the other side of it all!!
One example is enough to demonstrate theoretical falsifiability, a precambrian rabbit is more than creationism could ever advance in terms of being a scientific theory.
Are you unable to retain information for more than an hour. Creationism would have been falsified if you lot had of actually manitained your intial predictions around junk dna and vestigial organs. That was another fiasco, with evos again speaking to left over functionless organs only to find them to be functional and having to toddle off and reinvent the meaning of vestigial to be defined as 'different' function, instead of 'no' function. eg appendix. Does any of that ring a bell at all?
It does not demonstrate it, but it does explain it, with much better accuracy than "poof, all the creatures were magically created".
So the magic of dead elements poofing themsleves into complex factories of reproduction that you cannot explain nor demonstrate is better than suggesting that perhaps a non organic life form can perhaps do this. I see!. The thing is with you miracle workers is that the difference of what I am alledging and what you are alledging is only a matter of a difference of scale. You say non-life can poof into a complex cell, I say God can poof on a larger scale. A 'primitive cell' has never been observed and is an oxymoron statement. I still say my scenario sounds the more plausible even with the evocation of a God.
So given it is all challengeable and based on what I call algorithmic magic I'd say a fully functional genome is excellent evidence for a designed genome and is as robust a claim as any evolutionist can make around it.
Since we are on a philosophical forum, I think I can ask you as to how this design came to be? Who is the designer, and what was the purpose life was designed for?
If only you could answer your own evolutionary questions as well as I am sure you will demand from a creo. It looks fairly desperate to suggest a creationist should have to present more clarity and substantiation that an evolutionists has ever been able to supply about abiogenesis
This design came to be by one of these aliens you evos reckon are everywhere in the universe but this one is not of organic form. God is a non organic life form not of this earth that appears to be no more mysterious than dark matter. That life form is refered to as God.
God created by the process of coalescence whereby he took the elements of the earth, coalesced them into the correct configuration with informational engrams then gave the breath of life as an electrical charge. The purpose of life is at Gods pleasure, much the same as anyones creation. The promise of an afterlife is to give a pat on the back for those that have faith because that is what God felt like doing, and to give to atheists exactly what they hope for as well, which is likely nothing.
Now you tell us all about abiogenesis. OR, how evos cop out whenever abiogenesis is mentioned... Oh the start of it all has nothing to do with evolution but a creo must explain their version of 'genesis' because evolutionists publish and therefore must exist somewhere in the background noise of confusion.