Janus D Strange wrote:Syamsu, are you referring to people in these forums or people in your 'real' life?
Both, but mainly the majority of intellectuals, scientists, many posters on these forums.
Consider the current situation, where for example if you go to wiki to find out how free will works, that there is virtually no practical knowledge there. Yet in daily life people often talk in terms of choosing. Is that really a normal situation?
It means there is still common, and religious, knowledge about freedom, but this knowledge is being surpressed by a happenstance conspiracy of like-minded intellectual thugs. Moreover this common and religious knowledge about freedom is not unshakeable. The credibility of it can be diminished, as well as the logic used with the words can vary (use the word choose to describe a situation where the result is forced). So as to say that the chance of an individual in society to become genuinely deeply confused about freedom is greatly increased through science. That is to cause deep identity-crises for people.
When Gene obliges that as far as he is concerned people can have any "spiritual fetish" they want, and then at the same time outright dismisses theory in terms of freedom to explain things, where the agency is left a subjective issue, is disengenious. "spiritual fetish" is a very mildly insulting term. But there is very widespread intellectual thuggery to systematically insult all acceptance of subjectivity.