Stanley Huang wrote: Firstly, Einstein treats time as one dimension, while space has three dimensions. But he said that time and space are similar. But if they are similar, why is it that one has three dimensions while the other has only one dimension. This is the first question where I question his idea.
1. Answer: The number of space and time dimensions are not arbitrary they are in response to rigorous mathematical analysis of carefully taken observations. Firstly there are not three space dimensions but rather 10 or 11 most of them wrapped up in Calabi-Yau spaces which appear 1 dimensional from far away. Think of a long straw, from a distance it looks like a 1 dimensional line, closer it is appears 2 dimensional, even closer we see it is three dimensional. The reason there is only 1 time dimension is also mathematical, with the number of time dimensions different than 1 the field equations of motion would not be hyperbolic and the dynamics would create an unstable universe. There is one time dimension in the theory because there is one in the universe, there is one in the universe because a 'two-'time' universe would be unstable.
Stanley Huang wrote: Secondly, is his opposition of the quantumn mechanics. The experimental observation of the very large is very different to the experimental observation of the very small. Is this strange? Einstein opposed quantumn mechanics while he supports his idea, yet, experimental observation of the very small did carry out. Yet, Einstein did not come up with a theory to describe the things of the very small. This is another question.
Answer: 2. This is a common misconception. While Einstein was shocked and appalled at the results of Quantum Mechanics (most physicists were) and worked through the last years of his life trying to find a synthesis for the two theories he was not the enemy of QM that many people portray him as. Indeed he was the father of QM! It was his paper on the Photoelectric Effect (for which he won his Nobel prize) that spawned the quantum revolution. Einstein's work in quantum mechanics was well known and actually accepted by the physics community before his work in relativity. So Einstein is actually the father of the theory of the very small. That being said you would hardly doubt the theory of a biologist who came up with an explanation of the migration patterns of African animals because it did not explain the migration patterns of North American animals. The fact that Special and General relativity do not explain quantum phenomena is no reason for doubting them. Finally you mention that "experimental observation of the very small did carry out." It is worth noting that experimental evidence of General Relativity has 'carried out' just as well or better than QM, indeed GPS, the Mars missions, and a host of other common modern advances would have been impossible without it. Every time you use a GPS you are using a device built on the theory of General Relativity.
Stanley Huang wrote: Thirdly, light must have a mass if it exists, this is why light can bend when it moves near a planet. The reason why light bends is because the external force influences light. If the external force can influence light, then, light must have a mass. If light has a mass, then, force equal mass times acceleration will apply to light.
Answer: 3. This is very far from the truth. It is at this point that it becomes clear you have misunderstood General Relativity as a theory. Light is bent by gravity but it most certainly does not have mass. It is in fact General Relativity which explains this phenomenon. Gravity does not act solely on objects which have mass as you suppose, but rather massive bodies create 'gravity wells' or bends in the fabric of space-time. Think of a bowling ball sitting on a rubber sheet. The light is bent by the massive body, not because the light has any mass, but because the space around the object is itself bent. Thus the 'straight path' for the light wave is actually curved around the object in exactly the same way a marble would follow a curved path around the bowling ball if you tried to roll it across the rubber sheet I described above. This is also why large bodies create time dilation effects, since not only space but time as well is warped by them.
Stanley Huang wrote: So if light has a mass, light must change its speed as it hits an object. If the speed of light changes, then, Einstein's idea is no longer relevant, where there must be another new entity to record how the speed of light changes. And this new entity that records how the speed of light changes is time, the universal absolute time been constant.
Answer: 4. Light does not have mass though its speed is affected by the medium it travels in. I don't intend to be condescending but, you haven't read much physics if you are unaware that all the light you see about you is traveling less than THE speed of light 'c.' Light travels more slowly through a medium than in a vacuum, indeed it is possible for massive particles to travel faster than the speed of light IN A MEDIUM, let me be very very clear here, only IN A MEDIUM. When this happens, if the particles are charged they give off what is known as Cherenkov radiation which is the equivalent of a supersonic jet creating a sonic boom. It is the reason nuclear reactors glow blue. Although light absolutely does not have mass, it does have momentum (before you start screaming that momentum is p=mv and so light must have mass look up the actual equation for momentum, not the classical approximation p=mv) and light's momentum can change, this is how light is able to push objects although it absolutely does not have mass. The 'speed of light' is only a universal speed limit when we speak of the speed of light in a VACUUM.
Stanley Huang wrote: And it is also this universal absolute constant time that records how individual time can flow backward to the past, or to any other direction. This is why both the absolute time and relative time can exist together.
So to me, absolute time depends on relative time and relative time depends on absolute time. If absolute time exists, then, relative time must exist. If there is relative time, then, there is absolute time. It is impossible to have relative time without an absolute time. It is impossible to have an absolute time without relative time.
Answer: 5. Again I am really not trying to be condescending in the least (these are difficult concepts to grasp at first glance). The above sentences are nonsensical. First time does not flow into the past, look up 'Time's Arrow' and it is very unclear what you mean by a secondary 'relative time,' as it can be understood in context the idea you are suggesting either 'relative time' or 'absolute time' does not exist. Without a further explanation of what you mean here I cannot say which of the concepts you have developed is the false one.
Stanley Huang wrote: And there are many relative times, such as the time in Tokyo, the time of New York, the time of India, the time of UK, the time in Mars, so and so on: All of these are relative times. While absolute time is an entity that records all the relative times.
Answer: 6. These times are not relative in the way that you suggest. You are equating different Time Zones with different relative times. Time Zones are simply a way to express the same part of the solar cycle as being at the same 'time of day' in each local. We could just as easily adopt a universal Time Zone for everywhere (China for instance has only 1 time zone despite being large enough for at least 3). This would mean that while it is the same o'clock everywhere what you think of in terms of the sun when a person says 4 o'clock pm will vary based on your location. Einstein has shown that time itself as experienced by an observer is relative. However, it is relative to the speed at which two inertial observers move relative to each other. It is not relative for observers in Hong Kong vs. London since both of these cities are in the same inertial frame (earth). The problem with the sentence you've written above is that you've taken 'time' to mean two different things. You speak of it both as the o'clock time (which is just a convention) and of it as the dimension in space-time. In philosophy, as in math and physics, one must be careful to define one's terms and not use the same word to mean two different things. When this caution is not observed absurdities result.
Stanley Huang wrote: Regarding to the questions that Einstein did not answer, such as his failure to describe the experimental observation of the very small, I will say that because the experimental observation of the very large is very different to the observation of the very small, then, different universes must have different laws to describe why the observation of the very large is different to the very small.
Answer: 7. See answer 2.
Stanley Huang wrote: If you feel there are different laws, then, the differences in observation of the very large and the very small will no longer contradict one another.
Finally, time must have more than one dimension, if time is the same as space, otherwise time is no longer similar to space if one has one dimension while the other has three dimension. To me, both time and space have infinite numbers of dimensions, which I had said before.
Answer: 8 As previously stated time cannot have more than one dimension, the dynamics would be unstable and you would not be here reading this. This is not an opinion, it has been shown mathematically. Einstein never said time was the same as space, it is quite different than space and in many more respects than dimensionality alone. What Einstein said was that time and space are not separate entities as was previously thought, rather they are a combined entity called space-time. This took both time and space out of the absolute universal backdrop of the universe a showed that they are actually integral players in physics, not just the stage on which physics happens.
I'm not certain where you've gotten your information about relativity hereto date but if you let me know your background I may be able to recommend some good books that would help you learn more about these topics.