A Poster He or I wrote:Personally, I think space-time is neither objective (Newton) or emergent (Leibnitz). Both of these conceptions seem to treat time as independent of conscious subjects. I'm aware that most physicists are uncomfortable with time (if not space) as an emergent property. After winning the Nobel Prize for physics in 2004, string theorist David Gross said: “It is very hard for me to imagine a formulation of physics without time as a primary concept because physics is typically thought of as predicting the future given the past. We have unitary time evolution. How could we have a theory of physics where we start with something in which time is never mentioned?” It is diffcult to deny that QM predicts the future given the past, even if we don't know the total state of the system at any one time. After all, Schrodinger's equation has time as a key variable.I don't think reality exists in ordinary space-time as Einstein implies...To my mind, everything I've read about the evolution of QM experimentation and theorizing implicates space-time as being non-objective. Intuitively, if one allows space-time to exist as an attribute (or emergent property) of "something else," quite a number of paradoxical or non-intuitive artifacts of our conceptual systems begin to disappear.
In this debate, we are being forced to consider the nature of causality itself and, by implication, the identity of physics. Physicists like Hawking tell us that time and causality came into existence at the instant of the Big Bang; and yet one still feels compelled to ask what caused this stupendous event. Causation is a condition of physical thinking, and even QM probabilities depend on it. While on the topic of thinking subjects, I wonder why QM is often talked about as non-intuitive, or antithetical to 'classical exprience' ? QM can justifiably be said to be non common-sensical, but so are negative numbers and surely the word 'intuitive' can just as easily be used to describe the elegant mathematics of QM as Newtonian mechanics or relativity.