HexHammer, in truth
Fhbradley is correct about the fallibility of science as based on inductive reasoning. There's every reason to suppose there will be improved theories in physics which will not be completely consistent with Einsteinian physics.
HexHammer wrote:I'm sorry that you only have knowledge from over 100 years ago, when we now have very elaborate understanding of time. Our GPS systems are based on special relativity theory, where time is rather bizar.
Not that this point is important to the nature of time, but as a matter of fact, GPS was originally based on Newtonian physics -- only later were minor corrections made to sharpen the predictions:
[quote="Henry F. Fliegel and Raymond S. DiEsposti, GPS Joint Program Office
"GPS and Relativity: An Engineering Overview""] The Operational Control System (OCS) of the Global Positioning System (GPS) does not include the rigorous transformations between coordinate systems that Einstein's general theory of relativity would seem to require - transformations to and from the individual space vehicles (SVs), the Monitor Stations (MSs), and the users on the surface of the rotating earth, and the geocentric Earth Centered Inertial System (ECI) in which the SV orbits are calculated. There is a very good reason for the omission: the effects of relativity, where they are different from the effects predicted by classical mechanics and electromagnetic theory, are too small to matter - less than one centimeter, for users on or near the earth.[/quote]
HexHammer wrote:I'm sorry that you only have knowledge from over 100 years ago ...
Simply because McTaggart wrote "The Unreality of Time" in a 1908 issue of
Mind is not in itself a reason that the theory is false -- any more than to say that Einstein's general theory cannot be true since it was proposed in 1915.