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By Sir Percival
So, we agree about burden of proof pretty much, it looks like. You're right, I favor biblical creation. The arguments you've listed against it are radioisotope dating, and the fossil record, right?
For the former, I've mentioned a few things already, and it's down partly to which scientists we trust.
It would be nice if we had a chart of what fossils have been found to consider. I've heard things here and there, but don't have a thorough knowledge of that. That punctuated equilibrium has become a popular theory suggests that the evidence is not that strong, though.
By edelker
Hello all,

What is the alternative theory to evolution by natural selection here? Sorry I haven’t read the whole thread lol! Intelligent Design?? If so, we need a scientifically understandable conception of this concept (“intelligence”) that can also be testable or what is known as ‘operationally defined.’ One has to do better than irreducible complexity here because Behe’s work has been falsified and it’s based on the specious logic of ‘argument from incredulity’: since there’s so much complexity in the world and no one can fully explain it that makes sense to me, then evolution by natural selection must not be true or must have problems with it that requires a minimum of some other “force” that helped bring it about. The evidence for evolution by natural selection has many lines of evidence—not sure I need to defend a well-established and widely accepted scientific theory! So, why should we first doubt this theory and what should we either add to it or why should we toss it? Biblical creationism is not a scientific theory nor is it even a wholly accepted theological position among many-many theologians. The overwhelming consensus among the scientific community is seriously one sided for good reason—but I need not provide any of those reasons.

Such comments like, “I still think it improbable though; while natural selection can do a lot if it has something to work with, actual progressive evolution relies on mutations more than evolutions like to emphasize. Not just one mutation for each change either..” by Sir Percival is a classic example of ‘I don’t understand how this could have worked in this fashion-therefore it couldn’t have or is highly improbable.” It is a logical fallacy—it matters not one whit if you think it is improbable. It matters more why you think ‘we’ or the scientific community ought to think it’s improbable. Plus, mutations are not the whole story-so I’m wholly uncertain why you would think about mutations as you do or why you think scientists don’t like relying on it in this way. I think one only needs to sit back and ask those to articulate their reasons in a way that would allow us to scrap current evolutionary science for some revised version or what have you.

One more thing here along these lines will show what I’m referring to.

Sir Percival wrote,

“The fossil record does not actually support evolution compared to creation, as it fits best with what the Flood would do: sort creatures according to density, speed, and intelligence. Fish fossils on mountains, fossilized trees, sometimes even upside down, going through several layers of sediment, and fossil graveyards where many species are jumbled together are all problems for evolution.”

Are you referring to fossil beds? There’s far more to fossil science (paleontology) than fossil beds! Fish fossils, fossilized trees going through several layers of sediments, and fossil beds are more arguments from incredulity. All this shows is how Sir Percival has a problem with the scientific explanation for these findings not that these findings CLREARLY represent sufficient proof for a mystical event. Actually, evolutionary science many times predicted these findings based on the theoretical details of fossil-evolutionary science. Creationism has done none of that nor could it. Besides, prior to seeing how we ought to reject this evolutionary analysis, we need some prerequisites: (1) empirical proof of the existence of and rational meaning of god; (2) how god brought about a worldwide flood, which is what the above is premised on. Otherwise, we could simply concoct any notion and argue that such and such created these conditions this way as opposed to that way, and (3) how well does this worldwide flood adequately ANSWER the scientific objections to it (and there are responses to such a supernatural explanation)? We’re not obliged to entertain this creationist’s idea until these prerequisites are adequately dealt with.

Thanks all,

Eric D.
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By Sir Percival
Looks like we have a loyal Dawkins fan here. I don't blame you; if I was an atheist I would be his fan too. The instance you mentioned as an argument from incredulity was actually an argument that evolution cannot proceed in small, single steps. There is an important distinction there.
You're also saying that if we can't scientifically test the supernatural, it doesn't exist. Actually, if it exists it can't be scientifically tested. It is, though, logical to hypothesize something based on what is a necessary cause of what is observed. The theory of evolution really does the same thing; take what exists and think of a way it could have come about. That's not the only evidence for the supernatural, by the way.
You say evolution is not just mutations? I know natural selection does all the organizing, but it can only select what is there. How can anything get there without mutations?
By Cronos988
Sir Percival wrote:So, we agree about burden of proof pretty much, it looks like. You're right, I favor biblical creation. The arguments you've listed against it are radioisotope dating, and the fossil record, right?
For the former, I've mentioned a few things already, and it's down partly to which scientists we trust.
It would be nice if we had a chart of what fossils have been found to consider. I've heard things here and there, but don't have a thorough knowledge of that. That punctuated equilibrium has become a popular theory suggests that the evidence is not that strong, though.
There are a lot more arguments I can think of against biblical creationism.
- Radiometric dating is not so much a thing of trust, unless you really, really want to trust the 1 out of 100 scientists who doubts it. The law of big numbers really places heavy emphasis on the dating being correct.

- Adding to that are issues with the speed of light: Unless you want to doubt Einsteins relativity theory, our night sky would be pretty much black if the earth was only 6000 years old.

- There is no evidence in sediment for a big flood, and fossils, even if we ignore dating methods, are too widespread among different strata to be caused by one event.

- What about the Skeletons of early humanoids? How do they fit into the picture?
Sir Percival wrote: You're also saying that if we can't scientifically test the supernatural, it doesn't exist. Actually, if it exists it can't be scientifically tested. It is, though, logical to hypothesize something based on what is a necessary cause of what is observed. The theory of evolution really does the same thing; take what exists and think of a way it could have come about. That's not the only evidence for the supernatural, by the way.
I actually agree with Edelker, if it cannot be scientifically tested, it does not exist. Note that "scientifically" means that it yields a testable hypothesis. Since any possible effect is theoretically testable, something that is not scientifically testable consequently has no effect. And what has no effect does not exist. That includes past, current and future effects of course.

Biblical creationism is testable because it would have had at least past effects. However, none of the effects you woulld expect is visible. For example, one would expect that you wouldn't find a lot of fossils, there would be no oil or gas in the soil, and you would expect that the lower layers of the earth are rather homogenous, as they were created and not formed. For example, you would not expect a small line with a very high amount of metals that do not commonly occur on earth all around the globe at approximately the same depth (I am referring to the "K-T-Line", which is commonly believed to be the remainder of the Chixclub impact 65 million years ago).
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By Sir Percival
For example, one would expect that you wouldn't find a lot of fossils, there would be no oil or gas in the soil, and you would expect that the lower layers of the earth are rather homogenous
This is ignoring the Flood, which is part of the Biblical creation model. There are advanced theories about how it worked that explain all these things. I don't know the details, but there are real scientists who work on these theories, for instance with Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis.

If supernatural beings exist, in one sense the theory may be testable, in another not. If they don't appear to researchers, they may have reasons. However, one can examine all the witnesses of supernatural things, and see if some of those witnesses were trustworthy. Of course many aren't, but if even a few are, that is evidence of the same sort that we study history by.
By edelker
Hello Percival (hope you’ve been well),

Percival wrote,

“The instance you mentioned as an argument from incredulity was actually an argument that evolution cannot proceed in small, single steps. There is an important distinction there.”

Regardless, it is still a fallacious argument. Just because you do not or cannot believe in the probability of ‘how’ evolution works is not an argument against such a process of incrementalization. This process is how we observe evolution work, and it is a quite understandable and a rational explanation. Positing such things as ‘god’ creating a flood for the evils of humankind or “moving” evolution along is far from a clear or a clearly rational explanation.

Percival wrote,

“You're also saying that if we can't scientifically test the supernatural, it doesn't exist. Actually, if it exists it can't be scientifically tested “

I’m not saying this. I’m saying that if you wish for to us to consider a scientific alternative to an established science, you must provide reasons beyond mere hypothetical guess work that counts as (1) empirical proof of the existence of and rational meaning of god; (2) how god brought about a worldwide flood, which is what the above is premised on. Otherwise, we could simply concoct any notion and argue that such and such created these conditions this way as opposed to that way, and (3) how well does this worldwide flood adequately ANSWER the scientific objections to it (and there are responses to such a supernatural explanation)? We’re not obliged to entertain this creationist’s idea until these prerequisites are adequately dealt with.

Creatively imagining strange alternatives to evolutionary science as counting as an explanation doesn’t ACTUALLY count as a scientific explanation. If all you wish us to do is have us put on our creative caps and think about such alternatives without the empirical or rational requisites to reach whatever our minds lead us to, then that’s fine but it’s not science!

Sir Percival wrote,

“It is, though, logical to hypothesize something based on what is a necessary cause of what is observed. The theory of evolution really does the same thing; take what exists and think of a way it could have come about. That's not the only evidence for the supernatural, by the way.”

Nope! It is a logical process to hypothesize anything along some causal lines any which way to generate possible alternatives to an observable phenomenon (like fossils or gene variation would in this case). However, we have no reason to do this with evolutionary science. You’re falsely assuming that the work hasn’t been done. The works been done! Why should we, well within a scientific context, consider your hypotheses of strange and hardly definable supernatural forces having had some sort of relevant causal connection here over established scientific theory? That’s the issue. In science you must define your terms and make observations (which you can’t do with god…let alone god spontaneously creating things from nothing), structure hypotheses, and then test them. If they bear out over time, and tested properly over and over again, then such hypotheses may reach the noble label of “theory.” No such thing has been done here! Evolutionary science has been used to predict how certain diseases will work, finding certain fossil types in certain geological strata, and has catalogued numerous changes within animal biological types and social orders. Genetic science further confirms what evolution theory had posited etc. etc. Creationism has no ability to do this because it isn’t science! It’s religious belief! If so, show it!

Sir Percival wrote,

“You say evolution is not just mutations? I know natural selection does all the organizing, but it can only select what is there. How can anything get there without mutations?”

Perhaps you are referring to abiogenesis here? I would like to think that you wouldn’t be making such a simple error like this. How the genetic material emerged has nothing to do with evolutionary science. I think you may be asking how such diversity can, or what have you, emerge at all and how it can be selectively organized in the way that it is.

If this is so, then it reveals a huge gap in your understanding of the theory itself. In any population you have genetic mutations build up over time. These mutations are copying errors in the genetic recombination that occurs as a result of sexual reproduction, obviously. Other gene combinations result from mutations that occur as a carryover from the genetic material recombination of the parent genes. It is in sexual reproduction that these gene combinations become realized! Most of them have no phenotypic impact. Some have negative impact. However, this genetic diversity builds up over time resulting in phenotypic diversity (some members of the population are taller, shorter, furrier, larger noses, shorter ears, and so on). When the environment changes, then those members who happen to have certain phenotypes that are better suited to the new environmental factors (and they may be ever slightly so better adapted) will be more likely to pass their genes along to the next generation. These slight changes may have huge impacts. Eventually, these gene combinations moves along changing (usually slightly) the physical make up of future generations over time, obviously. The environment can be the social environment, physical, or anything that alters the behavior and survival tactics of a particular population or populations. The selector is clearly the environment and this was expounded first by Charles Darwin in ‘Origin of Species’ and has been studied thoroughly since. Why you would ask this question a hundred plus years after it had been posited reveals that you may not understand the theory of evolution by natural selection. In fact, this is the only reason for asking the above question. This will become a monotonous discussion if we must first teach the basic elements of the theory under consideration.

Thanks for the discussion,

Eric D.
By Cronos988
Sir Percival wrote: This is ignoring the Flood, which is part of the Biblical creation model. There are advanced theories about how it worked that explain all these things. I don't know the details, but there are real scientists who work on these theories, for instance with Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis.
And I can explain gravity by intelligent falling and friction with little devils holding everything in place.

The Problem is this: If I see a bullet hole in a wall, that does not mean that a bullet has been fired. Indeed, someone could have created the wall in such a way that the bullet-hole was already there, looking perfectly like a bullet-hole. However, the much simpler and therefore preferable theory is that someone fired a bullet at that wall.
Sir Percival wrote: If supernatural beings exist, in one sense the theory may be testable, in another not. If they don't appear to researchers, they may have reasons. However, one can examine all the witnesses of supernatural things, and see if some of those witnesses were trustworthy. Of course many aren't, but if even a few are, that is evidence of the same sort that we study history by.
Which leaves the problem that a supernatural being that does not interact with us in any observable way is, by definition, non existing. I can well presume the presence of spiritual beings that are non-observable and influence us in some mystical and equally non-observable way. But whether they are there or not makes 0 difference for anything or anyone, therefore they do not exist.
By Gregorygregg1
[quote="Algol"]Ever hear of the 'irreducible complexity' theory? It states that an apparatus cannot not exist and function if the sum of its whole is not fully met. Evolution doesn't define how something complex, such as an eye, can exist without first existing as a complete organ. This isn't to say that an eye can't develop a lens, pupil, and interact with a retina through evolution. Rather, it contest whether a light sensitive spot which recieves notable stimulus by an animal can evolve into being. How did the sense of sight begin in the first place if it wasn't created by an intellegent design of some sort?
Hi, Consider this possibility,
Light sensitivity is a quality of many single celled animals...animals without central nervous systems. They react to light without interpretation. Those that consistently react in a certain way survive and reproduce more frequently. The first multicelled organisms did not have central nervous systems either, but they did have light sensitivity. The evolution of the eye occurred simultaneously with the evolution of the other organs, including the central nervous system. The organism is not the sum of it's parts, it is one.
As for intelligent creation, yes.
Life is the organizing force.
It is the opposite of entropy.
just as thought is the opposite of belief.
By Belinda
just as thought is the opposite of belief.
I'm an enlightenment person too :D .

But thought was, before the scientific enlightenment, generally very much the same as belief.Everything was a symbol or a sign of everything else,all within the total culture of beliefs.We can see this symbolism culture in later years in the Cargo Cults.
Location: UK
By edelker
Hello all,

Gregorygregg1 wrote,

“Ever hear of the 'irreducible complexity' theory? It states that an apparatus cannot not exist and function if the sum of its whole is not fully met. Evolution doesn't define how something complex, such as an eye, can exist without first existing as a complete organ. This isn't to say that an eye can't develop a lens, pupil, and interact with a retina through evolution. Rather, it contest whether a light sensitive spot which recieves notable stimulus by an animal can evolve into being.”

Obviously, an eye can. It has been demonstrated just how an eye can come about through incremental evolutionary processes. In fact, each stage of eye evolution has representatives in the biological world. Irreducible Complexity ASSUMES the very thing that needs to be proved: that certain organisms cannot evolve without their other functional parts coexisting. Behe’s bacteria flagellum was supposed to be an example of this. However, other forms of bacteria were in fact found containing only parts of the proteins making up the “motor” of the organism. Instead of the organism moving about with a whip-like tale, it used this motor to squirt water out-pushing itself along. What Behe utterly missed here is that by assuming that such complex combinations can only manifest themselves in a certain restricted manner, he, without argument, denied that evolution can often co-opt one function and convert it into another function over time and in incremental ways. He arbitrarily restricted how evolution can work and how complexity in biological systems must function. Clearly, he smuggled into his science a metaphysical assumption that has little, if any, place in science.

Thanks all for the discussion,

Eric D.
By Basichelp
Last word to Dawkins I think!

"The creationist...simply postulates an already existing being of prodigious intelligence and complexity. If we are going to allow ourselves the luxury of postulating organized complexity without offering an explanation, we might as well make a job of it and simply postulate the existence of life as we know it!"
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By Oisif
Sir Percival wrote:Picture the Flood
Flood? What flood?
By Wooden shoe
O, you remember it don't you? the one that happened when the sun was stil going around the earth, and the earth was flat :lol:

Postulating an energy entity infinite in every way, creating a finite universe, is postulating an obsurdityb
Location: Dryden ON Canada
By Wooden shoe
Oh you know, the one that happened when the sun was still orbiting around the earth and the earth was flat :lol:

Can an energy entity, infinite in every way, create a finite universe?
Can infinity have conception of the finite?
Can the finite exist within the infinity?
Or to put it in other words, can perfection create imperfection and still be perfection?
Location: Dryden ON Canada
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By Sir Percival
Don't you see that those are totally different situations? Life as we know it could not have always existed. An infinite being could.

@wooden shoe
Can a pie have slices and still be a whole pie?
Can you have too much power to be able to do anything?
Can one who knows everything know anything?
In other words, if the whole exists, can a part also exist?

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