OP's post (by Meleagar » September 8th, 2010, 6:57 am)
A blast from the past but a very good post and very good reflections.
A scientist's world view's can definitely have a way of limiting and/or misdirecting their capability to be effective in their craft.
There is seemingly no point in holding a grudge with the direction almost everything in the Universe points.
Ultimately, in trying to disprove God, some may actually come to Prove God
Science is funny like that I guess.
The something from nothing concept is definitely comedy Gold and has absolutely no support by any scientific findings ever.
You have to tip your hat to the fellows who carry this torch.
Prominent scientists believing in Magic.... Who would have thought.
Infinite just 'is'. It has no beginning or end.
Finite constructs have beginnings and ends. A beginning has a cause.
Space and time are linked and our most prominent theories reflect on their beginning. Everything within that 'frame' is relative past that point.
Something that exists infinitely beyond this creation (frame) has no cause per-say at it has no beginning point or end point. Even if it could, What does it reference as to where/when it began? It's infinite.
The universe having a beginning is supported by 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics.
From high energy particles, to increasing structures/matter, and on over to heat death.
Pure science, logic, set theory, physics, and mathematics.
Beyond that is nonsensical 'magic' which scientist especially prominent ones are supposed to be beyond.
Now, one can get into very deep metaphysical thinking/discussions which can guide brilliant scientific findings as to the characteristics of this 'frame', 'function', and purpose but beyond this frame is no-man's land and non-man's thinking.
If I had the capability to go into a corner of space and set in motion a spinning top for no other purpose than because I wanted to for kicks, I would perfectly be within my right to do so.
If you were to come along and question this 'creation' of mine and I responded : I simply did it because I could.. I wanted to reflect on my ability to be able to do so ...
I would have provided a perfectly truthful and sound explanation.
Not to say that this is the answer for our frame but it helps one frame this discussion.
Science, philosophy of science, and inquiry are indeed beautiful.
It's sad that people engage in pointless hand-waving and beliefs in magic even when their own findings disavow it.