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lifegazer wrote:Every signal has to equate to a definitive instruction: heads must be heads; hearts must be hearts; eyes must be eyes; etc..No it does not, there are mutations often. There is no rule that says an "eye code of dna" can't be the code for the heart as well, it just hasn't happened, as far as we know. Further more when scientists analyze dna they analyze segments not the entire thing. dna loops back on it self, if we were to look at a living whole, with no real beginning or end. The "egg" is VERY far from being a closed system.
PrivateVoid wrote:[analogies only help to understand some] of their behavior in terms of what we know in our everyday world (just like when analogies are used to explain quantum mechanics which is very unintuitive).
PrivateVoid wrote:Your toes don't "think" and they are not "you", they're just flesh. Each individual part knows nothing nor cares or worries about tomorrow. They are [mechanical]. That's why there's a brain so it can direct the other parts. Now how the brain works and what creates the "ME" is called the "hard problem".and not be contradicting your self? ➘
The 'system' works because each individual cell knows of it self!please clarify the use of the phrase "knows of itself". Of course each cell "knows" what it needs to do but it is not "aware" as in conscious (at least that's what I think). It "knows" as in that's how it's constructed and the processes that happen in the cell are an outcome of that construction and its surroundings.
PrivateVoid wrote:It "knows" as in that's how it's constructed and the processes that happen in the cell are an outcome of that construction and its surroundings.In the above you have basically said that things are the sum of their parts. going back on what you said here...
it's not just 23000 "bits" and it's the whole system together that makes a person and not one set of genes.Here you basically say that things are more than the sum of their parts.
PrivateVoid wrote:Of course each cell "knows" what it needs to do but it is not "aware" as in conscious (at least that's what I think).This depends how one defines, and then identifies, consciousness.
PrivateVoid wrote:Do you mean the "mechanical" analogy I used lead to an "invalid" conclusion that the brain is a machine? If it's a contradiction only because you think the brain is "not a machine", ok.Yes... If it's not a contradiction it's only because you think that the brain is a machine. The reason that the brain is too hard to understand is because there is infinite potential in it, unlike a machine.
The chances of this universe computing this aperiodic, complex, meaningful post from the big bang to now by random interference and natural law would be 75^350, which exceeds the computational capacity not only of this universe, but of trillions of universes like this oneBut the universe did not get to the stage of your post in one gi-normous computation. The universe got to your post in countless mini-computations. Consequent upon the result of each mini-computation the conditions for the subsequent computation were built.This how natural selection happens.
Belinda wrote:You don't understand the nature of the problem. It has been estimated that ther have only been 10^120 accumulated quantum events in the entire history of the universe. An accumulation of mini-events would still require trillions of universes to accommodate the production of one lengthy post here.
But the universe did not get to the stage of your post in one gi-normous computation. The universe got to your post in countless mini-computations. Consequent upon the result of each mini-computation the conditions for the subsequent computation were built.This how natural selection happens.
Kolmogorov complexity of a string is the length of the shortest program on a reference Universal Turing Machine or UTM (a sort of generalized computer) that will produce that string. It depends on two things: (1) the contents of the string, and (2) the reference computer, neither of which relate to the probability of the string’s occurrence. There is an infinite number of UTMs to choose from. Given an arbitrary finite string, we can find a UTM on which the Kolmogorov complexity of the string is arbitrarily low or arbitrarily high. Nature has no preference for one UTM over another.You further haven't shown that stuff in the universe, especially stuff about organisms, is really complex specified information. E.g. virtually each protein in the body would still work if hundreds of amino acids have been modified or exchanged for other amino acids.
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