Re: Science vs. the Philosophy of science
Posted: November 13th, 2009, 8:57 pm
Nick_A wrote:Nick_A, It's obvious you haven't learned a thing about what you're supposed to pursue to be happy. (Psst - where can I get one of those machines?)Dewey wrote:Well if philosophy is the pursuit of happiness, would the perfect masturbation machine be the ultimate union of philosophy and science?
Science is about the structure of reality; philosophy is about the pursuit of happiness, the ultimate end. The former does not, and cannot, tell us what we ought to do in order to pursue happiness. Such “oughts” as it proposes are just hypothetical; that is, they are not categorical imperatives. They only tell us what to do as a means to an end, but they cannot tell us what that end should be.
If the above theory is sound (It’s based on quick and short study by yours truly.), we should confine our discussions of the philosophy of science to questions of how to employ the means derived through science so as to best achieve the ends determined through philosophy.