However simply wiping away morality as some by-product of religion, or as some semantic miscommunication, grossly neglects great traditions that eventually must make a judgment call. Perhaps this "article" is just for people who don't at all think about values and morality and claim that their judgments are right all the time. If one were to depend solely on valueless statements and descriptors to communicate codes of conduct, that would be the opposite of clarity altogether. The reason I think this is unclear on all levels is because secularism and moral relativism by nature do not clarify judgments made by others. Essentially it's like having an onion in the court room, and as the trial commences and questions asked, the onion unpeels to an empty center.
If this is purely a semantic issue and clarity, which is clearer in this example?
1. An umpire calls "Out!" The replay shows three strikes.
2. Or: the umpire stands before the microphone and says: "Well, the first pitch was slightly low. The first swing missed. The second pitch, the ball had a slight curve, along with the wind, and the speed seemed swift, therefore the ball is a strike, and that means, in the score so far the ball has passed over the plate twice. This means two strikes. In the game of baseball, upon three times the ball passes the home plate, without having been hit as a foul, it is what is known as 'Out'. Finally the ball has passed three times and therefore the batter missed, is out, and must go back to his bench and wait."
While I understand the article's point that in many cases people are unthinking of their words in general and use vague statements such as: "Morality comes from religion".
Those ancient societies truly were misinformed and simpletons, unlike today's world where we know so much more about things like amorality. They just saw a sun and said--Gawd. There's a tree--that must be a Gawd.
This "Clarity of Amorality" is negligent of major and minor cultural exchanges and assumes that any time the words, good, bad, evil, right, wrong, have no definition whatsoever and that a more secular or legal way of saying things is somehow better, which is biased and misleading. The only clear thing I think about it is that the title is an oxymoron.