Thank you for your reply.
Mo_reese wrote: ↑August 28th, 2024, 3:51 pm
I am far from an expert on Germany during WW II but I believe [...] few knew about the death camps which were not on German soil.
Do you have a source for that claim/belief?
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑August 28th, 2024, 9:07 am
The majority of German citizens would have voted to continue with the labor camps and killing of Jews, for the same reason they voted Hitler into power in the first place.
Mo_reese wrote: ↑August 28th, 2024, 3:51 pm
most Germans knew about the concentration camps
Indeed. Nonetheless, my point was more speculative than that fact: I believe, if they had been asked to vote specifically on the issue, the majority of Germans would have voted to continue with the labor camps. Forcing Jewish citizens to do labor (i.e. what I could consider to be the violent enslavement of Jews) was a popular well-liked initiative among the Germans at that time. I'd say it was received more eagerly and happily than the enslavement of black people was in the USA. The average German was just as supportive of the slavery of Jews in Nazi Germany as the average USA citizen was supportive in the enslavement of blacks in American in the 1700s and 1800s.
Interestingly, during WWII times, the term "concentration camp" was a pleasant euphemism, to increase the popularity even further by giving it a pleasant-sounding name. I guess the propagandists figured that everyday people wouldn't like the sound of something like "death-ridden slavery prison".
Of course, we had concentration camps here in the USA too, and, just like the Germans with theirs, the majority of Americans eagerly supported them.
It's not cheap for big violent governments to do their horrendous violence without the support of the majority, so throughout all of human history the horrible violent atrocities committed by any given government were almost always done with the majority support of that government's citizens.
In fact, by no coincidence, the more violent and tyranny the government, the more close unanimous the support of the citizens for that government. Perhaps the surest symptom of tyranny is patriotism. The more violent and tyrannical the government, the more fervently patriotic the citizenry.
Here is a quote from the book,
Hitler's Death Camps: The Sanity of Madness:
Konnilyn G. Feig (well-respected Holocaust author) wrote:Hitler exterminated the Jews of Europe. But he did not do so alone. The task was so enormous, complex, time-consuming, and mentally and economically demanding that it took the best efforts of millions of Germans... All spheres of life in Germany actively participated: Businessmen, policemen, bankers, doctors, lawyers, soldiers, railroad and factory workers, chemists, pharmacists, foremen, production managers, economists, manufacturers, jewelers, diplomats, civil servants, propagandists, film makers and film stars, professors, teachers, politicians, mayors, party members, construction experts, art dealers, architects, landlords, janitors, truck drivers, clerks, industrialists, scientists, generals, and even shopkeepers—all were essential cogs in the machinery that accomplished the final solution.
We know they would not only vote for it but do more than just vote for it because they did do more than just for it: They not only saw the Jewish slaves working in the streets; They helped make the slavery happen and continue to happen with their own hands, literally. It takes a lot more than just SS guards to run that kind of operation with that kind of scale. The average German citizen didn't just see it with their eyes; they helped it happen with their hands, literally.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.