Lagayscienza wrote: ↑October 22nd, 2023, 8:54 pm
I don't think I'm conflating anything. Christian apologists are the ones who conflate atheism with many of the very evils that Christianity is itself guilty of. The pogroms in Europe, The Catholic Church's supported Hitler, the enslavement of Africans, the conquest and destruction of whole civilizations in the Americas and elsewhere are just a few of many examples of evils justified (in part) by religion.
Society as a whole is unable to differentiate, this leads to group identities and group aggressions. If there is anything that we should be able to learn from the Enlightenment then it should be discernment, but it seems to have produced another prejudice. If you went through those points, you would discover how multifactorial they are, and especially with slavery, how people were enslaved in Africa prior to their being shipped elsewhere, and there was a large Christian opposition, led by the Quakers, that finally led to abolishment. I am as critical as anyone about church history, but the points I made above are historically proven.
The problem is the authoritarian/libertarian divide, and our cultures were, until relatively recently, very authoritarian – in consequence, religions were too. It is only after the French revolution and the Industrial revolution that conditions for the poorest became so prevalent that people protested against it and socialist and communist ideologies grew, culminating in Russia and China, but also in Germany after WWI, when Communists tried to call out the Republic, but were beaten back by the Social Democrats, who used the power of the state to contain them. In the end, as we know, the authoritarian Nazis gained power.
If you look at Britain and the way they administered their colonies, you see authoritarianism, which was something that the American colonies resented and led to independence. The Irish fought for independence, which southern Ireland achieved, and after the war many colonies were given independence, because authoritarian administration caused uprisings and became too difficult and too expensive after having fought a war against Nazi Germany. Socialist parties throughout Europe were on the rise and liberal policies made our culture more and more “progressive.”
However, the Europeans and Americans built the West on the backs of previous colonies, and what we see now is how increasing liberties have caused a decadence that has been the downfall of empires in the past. Our western culture is falling apart, and in defiance of all the assurances of “progressives,” authoritarian parties and politicians are on the rise. These usually lead with “conservative” policies, with which religious people agree with, and seek to prevent a complete decay of values. So you can see how intertwined the whole development is, and I value my liberty as well, but if society falls apart, that will go too.
Lagayscienza wrote: ↑October 22nd, 2023, 8:54 pm
And it's not just Christianity. Muslim terrorism and the ongoing disaster in the Middle East are as much about religion as it is about living space.
The notion that the roots of the Golden Rule are to be found in Christian teaching is false. The Golden Rule is merely our evolved sentiment of fair play put into words. It has been around as long as humanity and long before Judaism and Christianity was ever invented.
You are very smart, but not wise. Of course, the golden rule is widespread, but how much influence does Confucianism, Taoism, Hinduism, or wherever else it is found, have on Western society? Christianity promoted that teaching, and it was a key ingredient to social reform, even if the church wasn’t leading the change. When churches preach neighbourly love each Sunday, it isn’t surprising if it sticks somewhere – regardless of the behaviour of the priest or the pope.
As far as I am concerned, the struggle of the Arab countries is like what went on here. They too have the authoritarian/libertarian divide in their societies, but the authoritarians win, not least because they argue that the West is trying to take away their lifestyle and culture. It is an existential struggle against what they see as a perversion, and what the West exports through the internet seems to suggest that they are right. Their struggle for example against pornography and sexualisation of society leads to women wearing the Burqa and Hijab, despite in the past it had gone out of fashion. Western women who wear these clothes have often converted for similar reasons.
Your over-simplification of the situation is part of the West’s problems, and the inability to differentiate and empathise with people who do not agree with our libertarian attitudes causes the conflicts. I worked with Muslim staff for quite a while, and it was our mutual respect for each other that made it work. Because I behaved in a way that my Muslim deputy respected, he and the rest of the staff showed the best behaviour I have ever seen. Admittedly, we were an organisation that gave elderly care, and so it was relatively easy, but speaking to Muslim staff, they said that their husbands had difficulties with managers in industry who were prejudiced or “dishonourable” in their behaviour.